CHAPTER 20: Strange men ii


The man stopped in his tracks confused as fear was gripping him as he turned to his left, and his right. Not seeing his target, his fear was starting to get the best of him as he turned to his left to his right looking around the alley for Ryu.

He shivered in fright as he suddenly felt a kind of presence behind.

"His behind you!!!" The last man yelled,

And at that moment, the man was shocked by what he heard as he turned his head over his shoulder, to see a dark figure with blue pupils shinning in its eyes. On instinct he twisted the dagger and turned around, raising the dagger towards Ryu's throat.

The man was shocked as the figure vanished once again, he turned around looking at his surrounding again not seeing him.

Sweat began to form n his forehead, he was shaking in fear as he looked around him for the last time.

He sensed something behind him, and immediately turned around and drew his dagger towards it.



Blood sprayed all over the floor of the alley. Then a sound like metal dropped to the floor and then a thump was heard assive something or a body fell to the ground.

The last man smiled, as their work here was done. Even though he did not see what happened, he was sure that his comrade had finished the job.

He moved closer straining his eyes through the dark and just as he gained vision on them. His eyes widened in disbelief,

"It cant be" The man muttered to himself.

Ryu is seen standing before the man who was on the ground motionless with blood oozing out of his hand, and his cursed weapon by his side.

"How" The man muttered to himself,

"Don't worry" He heard Ryu's dull voice,

"He'll live"

(What happened)

Ryu appeared behind the guy, and as the guy turned to use the dagger on him. Ryu used the cursed weapon with him and slashed the guys arm and blood sprayed all over the floor as he dropped his weapon liberating that sonorous sound. Before the guy could react Ryu struck the handle of the cursed weapon on the guy neck, knocking him to the ground unconscious before he could scream.

Honestly Ryu isn't sure if the guy would live, and he was not even sure whether he had ruptured any fatal organs in the guys hand.

Ryu then dropped the curse weapon in his hand, and it gave a sonorous sound like metal hitting metal as it struck the ground.

The man was standing in shock, Ryu raised his leg over the unconscious guy before him. As he took steps towards the last man,

"And then there were one" He said in a dark, evil tone in his voice. Kinda like a cartoon threat.

Fear englofed the man as he moved backwards away from him,

"Good" Ryu said inwardly,

"As long as he keeps moving back like this, he'll run away and ill go free as a bird"

Ryu said in his mind.

But then, the man stopped. Ryu saw this and was confused as he stopped as well.

"No kid gonna threaten me" The man said to himself and Ryu heard.


Ryu sigh,

"Didn't he say that before" Ryu's said confused as he stared at the man with a dull expression.

"Not when I have this"

The man said raising his curse weapon from before which almost took off Ryu's head.

"Somethings wrong with this guy"

He said inwardly as he stared at his attacker.

Ryu then took a deep breath and gave a devilish smile as he stared at the man. The around him became heavy and the man was immediately frightened by the smile and then he heard Ryu's voice.

"Is that so" Ryu's said in a threatening tone as his raised his both hands to his sides leaving his chest wide open.

"Give me your best shot"

Ryu said with a dull tone in his voice taunting the guy to attack him.

The guy stared at Ryu with fear seeing his wide devilish smile frightened him to the bone.

"I can win"

"As long as I have this"

The man said inwardly as he raised his curse weapon.

Suddenly a burst of curse energy surged from the weapon, and the man ran towards Ryu.

"I can still win after all his still a kid" where the thought going through the mans mind as he ran towards Ryu.

Ryu stared at him as he came towards him and his eyes began to glow light blue in colour. As the man got to him, he jumped with his both hands on the knife about to use it to stab Ryu.

And like assive time froze between them,just like the way the boxes from selena stopped in mid air. The man was frozen the same way in mid air, infront of Ryu.

He was shocked as he struggled and struggled to get down.

"Your struggle is futile" The man heard Ryu's dull voice and was frightened.

"Who sent you" Ryu asked,

The man opened his mouth to respond.

"A......." Ryu cuts in before the guy could talk,

"You know what I don't even want to know" Ryu said and he sighs.

"It always the same boring statement where the bad guy will start saying things like I'll never tell or you wont get away with this" Ryu said,

"Don't you get tired?" Ryu asked with a calm dull tone in his voice.

"I......." Ryu cuts in again,

"Don't answer that" Ryu said with exhaustion clearly visible in his voice.

"But....." He paused as the air around him became heavy.

"You sure got alot of nerves to attack a kid" Ryu said in a dull tone,

"Maybe this wil teach you a lesson"

Ryu said and turned his gaze to the alley wall on his right. The man eye widened as he followed the same movement and struck the alley wall with force.


Ryu sighs as he waited for any sign of movement, after standing for a few moments with no sigh of movement. He continues his walk through to get home, as Ryu was walking forward he then notices other shadowy figures from behind.

"What now?"

He asked himself as he turned around, and was surprised to see six men who seemed to be studying and accessing the alley fro some reason.

Ryu looked closer and could see that one handcuffed his attacker while 4 were inspecting the curse weapon and putting them into briefcases.

"Ok im loosing my mind" Ryu said to himself,

"Who are these guys?" He asked himself.

"Are they some sort of secret police force"

"And where did they come from"

Different questions flowed through Ryu's mind as he stood, perplexed confused and unaware of the situation going on. Then suddenly of the men began to approach him, as he approached. Ryu was looking intently at his face and suddenly recognized the guy.

"Your that guy from my school" Ryu said with a dull intimidating tone in his voice.

"Hmm" The man smiled.

"You've got keen eyes kid" The man said and Ryu went quiet.