CHAPTER 22:Too much at stake


(Somewhere far away)

[in a tall skyscraper ]

The sky scraper was located in the middle of a large, massive city. A man in black suite, black hair holding a black briefcase as he walked into an elevator. Despite it being ventilated, the man was sweating profusely as uneasiness and fear showed on his face.

The elevator opened, and he hastily walked along a large hallway with a red kings size carpet on the floor. His uneasiness grew more as he turned to his left to another hallway.

At the end of the hallway was a door. He could clearly see it being guarded by 2 huge body guards, in matching black suits and glasses.

He gulped his saliva in fear and walked, slowly making his way to them. The body seeing his slow and sluggish movements did not alter a word and stood like statues.

As he reached them, he passed by them and stood in front of the door petrified with fear. Assive this very door will be the last he will open,

"The boss wants to see you" A thick dull voice was heard,

The man in suite froze in his tracks, he turned his head slightly to the right to see the body guard facing him.

He wore black glasses which made it impossible for the man in suite to read the body guard emotion.

The man was shakened by his words as his uneasiness grew and fear engolfed him completely. He raised his hand to click on the button to open the door, but assive aware of his presence it opened.

It was pitch black and looking scary Inside,the man was shaking with balls of sweat formed on his forehead sliding down to his face as he entered the room, and the door shut closed behind him.

The man was startled by the sudden sound of the door slamming shut.

He was shaking as he stood between the dark,

"How was it" A dark voice was heard,

Th startled him even more and his fear increased and so did his heart beat. He turned to his left, to the direction of where the voice came from. Through the darkness seeing a figure which seemed to be sitting on some kind of high throne,

"How was it" The dark voice asked,

"it...wa.. was.....a.... failure sir"0

The man starmmed.

The voice was heard again assive it exhaled deeply,


The man in suite quickly composed himself to reply the question.

"I underestimated the boy sir he was able to take out 3 of our men, sir "The man said,

"Curse users" The dark voice was heard again,

"No sir, I just thought that since the were expendable I should just use them" The man said.

"Have they returned " The dark voice was heard again, this time calmer than before.

"No.. Sir" He starmmed once again,

"were the curse weapon giving to them retrieved" The dark voice asked,

The question seemed to make shivers of fright go down their alone as he refused to answer.

"were the curse weapon retrieved " The voice was heard again, no longer calm, tired of repeating the question.

"No sir"

The man starmmed once again as he was sweating profusely.


Silence reigned between both of them until,

"you know how much I hate to loose my toys " The dark voice was finally heard calmer than before.

The man in suite exhaled in relief,

"I'm sorry sir",

"it won't happen again "

"I know it wouldn't " The dark voice was heard, it was calm yet threatening as the surround went silent.

"Stop breathing " The dark voice was heard breaking the silence.

The voice was head and immediately the man in suit drop the briefcase and raised his hands to hold this neck. He fell down to his knees gasping for air as he kept no struggling or struggling to breathe. The figure watched as this took place, no hint of emotion on his face as he watched his failure of an assistant die.

The assistant fell to the ground, dead with no movement were made from him and the room went silent.

(A few moments passed)

Then the door to the room opened and light shoned on the lifeless body of the man in suite.

One of the body guard came into the dark voice room,

"clean up this mess" The dark voice was heard

"Yes sir" the bodyguard response clear and emotionless as it bent down and raised the lifeless body on his shoulder.

As he turned around and about to leave,

"Give fugiro a call"

The body guard stopped in his tracks on hearing his boss order.

"Tell him I have a proposal"

The dark voice was heard once more, the body guard nodded and walked out of the room to dispose of the body.

"There's too much at stake"

"I'm not gonna let some kid destroy years of planning"

"Even if I have to kill him with my own 2 hands"

"That boy must die"g

Authour note:

This is the beginning of Volume 2 Ghost protocol and the new updates starts today,

Thank if you read this far I appreciate your support and don't forget to vote for my story if you like it.