CHAPTER 23: Only family I have left

CHAPTER 23: Only family I have left.

Ryu got to a shaby looking building, he entered and went up the stairs. He passed some doors which had a numbers on them, as he got to a certain door which had the numbers "09" on it.

"Home not so sweet home"

He said with a dull tone in his voice as he took out a key from his pocket and opened the door.

He entered looking around him seeing nothing but darkness but with only his eyes still glowing.

"kinda reminds me of when I hallucinating and floating in that dark space"

He said inwardly cracking a smile as moved his hand across the wall, looking for the light switch.

Suddenly the light turned on and revealing a young lady, definitely older than Ryu sitting on a chair with a dull look on her face.

Ryu seeing the lady on the chair made his smile to drop as he stood in place staring at her.


(Silence between them as both Ryu and the lady stared at eachother)

"you could have startled me"

Ryu said breaking the silence between him and his sister.

"Please sit"

She said, Ryu did as he was told and sat down on the black sofa directly opposite the chair his sister was seated on.

The lady had black hair, cute face, pink lips and with black pupils in her eye. She was dressed in black PJs with white small spots on it like design.

"So sis how was work " Ryu asked assive concerned but his tone was dull and cold.

"Where have you been" The lady asked with a serious tone in her voice.

"At school just taking care of a few things" Ryu replied,

"I hope you didn't get Into trouble " She asked him.

"well you could say that..... " Before Ryu was done his sister cuts in with anger.

"Do you still think there's money to start fixing your mess" She yelled,

"I don't know what has gotten Into you because you never come home this late and you didn't even call"

Instead of being remorse, Ryu signed and rolled his eyes to the side not minding her yelling at all.

"You know for a second there I thought we were actually bonding " He said with dull tone in his voice.

His words stunned his sister, they haven't bonded in a long time. Anytime she gathers money to take Ryu out to have a nice time he refuses.

It just feels like they are no longer the family they used to be,

Ryu seeing his sister silence continued

"For a second I actually thought we could have a casual brother and sister talk without the yelling "

Ryu said,

His sister noticing what he was trying to do quickly spoke out,

"Hey don't try to play smart with me"

"Wow!! " Ryu exclaimed with sacarsim,

"Despite us being siblings why is it that we are always at each others throats"

Ryu asked as he stared at his sister who went silent hearing his words, not wanting to answer the question.

"I'm tired and so are you so let's try this again" Ryu said, even though his usually cold, dull and unmoving on the outside. He has a soft spot for his sister,

"How was work? " Ryu asked once more and he suddenly noticed his sister body twitch on hearing his question again, he knew something was wrong.


Silence between them as Ryu waited patiently for her to spill what's going on, in his position his ready to beat the hell out of anyone who tries hurt her.

But his dull, heartless expression and behaviour prevents her from knowing how he truly feels about her.

silence reigned until....

"Ryu" She called his name with a low tone,

"What is it" He asked sensing she was about to brake down completely.

Tears slowly flowed down her cheeks from her eyes as she could keep it any longer.

"I lost my job"

Ryu was shocked but didn't let it show on his face as he stared at her. She raised her head up to look at his face, but still seeing the dullness in his eyes.

"His changed so much" Claire said inwardly,

She remembers when both of them used to be close back in the days before their parents passed. The bullying events got to them and their mom and dad had the boys punished. But that was the end of their relationship, and she started feeling like a failure. He became dull, stopped smiling, stopped playing around. It felt assive he lost everything that made him, him.He changed, he was no longer open and always wanted to be alone. He lacked that enthusiasm she liked and everytime she looked into his eyes when he was young, she could not recognize her own brother anymore. He hair colour began to change and when he was taken to the hospital, the doctor told them of his curse awakening that Ryu has already become a curse user.

After their parents died in an accident, Ryu only managed to save her life.

"it must have been a lot on him to watch them die" Clair's said inwardly as he stared at her younger brother.

"I don't have enough money to pay for rent and your school fee"

Claira said in tears, she raised her hands up to her face to cover her eyes as she cried.

Ryu stared at his elder sister as she cried in sorrow, but no emotion showed on his face.

He stared at her plainly for some time before he stood up and walked to her, sitting on the arm rest of the chair.

He gently moved his sister head to rest on his chest like a hug to comfort her despite his dull appearance. .

"It's okay"Ryu said in a dull tone with no sign of compassion.

"Everything will be fine" He said,

It seemed to work as his sister held onto him, burying her head into his chest as she cried some more.

"I'm sorry" She said,


Ryu said on his bed as he stared at the ceiling for a few minutes as he thinks.He has changed to Jean shot, and a soft, blue long sleeve shirt. He stared at the ceiling as the voice of his sister crying ringed in his ears over and over again.

He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out the silver coloured card. He raised it up as he stared at

it being decisive of his next course of action.

"I still can't help but to think this is a bad idea"

"But he did say there's lots of money involved " Ryu said,

"I can't bear to see her cry and be in sorrow, she's the only family I have left "

Ryu said still deciding

"I'll go first thing tomorrow "

He said putting the card back into his pocket and turned to the side to sleep when he suddenly remembered,

"Your technique is not infinity, it never was"

Ryu sighed, remembering the man's statement and closed his eyes to sleep.