(The next day)

Ryu is seen walking along the sidewalk in the early afternoon and the streets of the city was as busy than ever.

People around going to work or to their destination, while Ryu who was dressed in blue jacket, black trousers and pure white sneakers doesn't know where his going.

His looking at the card, trying hard to find out the location of the meeting place. The address on the card wasn't really helping his case and he couldn't help but feel paranoid.

"This is already feeling like the dumbest idea I've ever come up with"

"it's not even a good idea to for me to be out" Ryu said inwardly taking a turn through park avenue street.

"I was attacked by some weaklings yesterday, who knows if they'll try to come back "

" or that guy might even be one if them"

"But he did say y there was lots of money involved " Ryu murmured to himself as he kept on going straight while staring at the card.

He turned again to his left, and was now confused and had no idea where he was going.

"If I continue like this I'm gonna get lost"Ryu said to himself,

"Maybe I should just ask someone"

Ryu said and ahead of him he saw a man in suite making a call.

"he looks like a responsible person to ask direction from"

Ryu said to himself as he approached the man.

"Excuse me"

Ryu said getting the man's attention who was on a call.

"Do you mind if I ask you for directions " Ryu asked, as he showed the man the card, the ma took a peek at the card assive being interested.

"Im going to this direction so I was hoping you could... "

The man suddenly cuts in.

"Young man you can see I'm on the phone"

"Sorry "

Ryu said as he walked past the man when something intense across the street go his attention.

(Across the street)

A little girl was holding the hand of a young lady who is looking around Claire Ryu's sister age. The little girl had a teddy bear in her hand which she used to keep herself busy as she raised it above the ground, trying to make it seem like it was walking.

The little girl accidentally out of foolishness threw her teddy bear and it landed in the middle of the street. The little girl seeing her teddy bear began to pull her hand away from the young lady.

The lady was shocked by the sudden struggle of the girl and freed her hand and the little girl ran to the street to get her teddy while there was an incoming red car.


Ryu seeing this had his eyes widened in shock as he dipped the card into his pocket and in less than a second he vanished.

The little girl stood with her teddy bear as she stared at the incoming vehicle with a shocked look on her face.

In that split second, like time itself froze. Ryu appeared suddenly behind the little girl, going down on one knee and wrapping his hands around her and pulling her to himself.

As he tried to lag out he couldn't and just jumped out of the car way, and time went back to normal.


A large sound erupted out of nowhere and beside the young lady, Ryu is seen holding the little girls in his hands. Not just that, behind him on the wall of the building he struck was different cracks going through the wall.

So many people gathered to see what happened as Ryu brought a lot of attention to himself.

The young lady turned her head to her right and was shocked to see her little sister in a strangers hands.

Ryu on the other hand was in agonizing pain,


He moaned as leaned forward to place the little girl on the ground. The young lady ran to the little girl going on her knees and hugging her tightly,

"Are you okay"

"Are you hurt"

She asked checking her body without hesitation and seeing no scratch or injury anywhere.

"I'm so glad your okay" She said hugging her again.

"My teddy" was all the little girl could say after coming out of the shock.

"Don't worry I'll get you a new one" The lady said,

Ryu watched all these take place, though he was still in pain.He couldn't help but smile at the little girl naiveness.

"you mean this one" Ryu said getting both girls attention he raised the teddy bear that was in his hands. The little girl face bloomed with joy,

"My teddy" She yelled as she pulled it from Ryu's hand.

"Kerra show some respect " The young lady said, scolding the little girl.

"I'm sorry" The little girl said with a cute expression on her face puting her lips.

"Now what do you say to the nice young man" The young lady told the girl.

"Oh there's no need for tha...."Ryu words were cut short as the little girl Kerra hugged him, she was basically hugging his legs but its still the samething.

"Thank you" She said, Ryu was taken back by the sudden action of the little girl. He just pat her head and smiled,

"Just try to be more careful"

Ryu said as she let go of his leg.

The young lady stepped forward to face him,

"Thank you very much" She said,

"Its okay...ugh" Ryu's groaned as he stretched a little.

"Are you hurt " She asked looking really worried as she looked at him very well checking for injuries.

"No just don't worry" He said,

"Or is there anything I can help you with" Ryu hearing her last question smiled inwardly as he dipped his hand into his pocket, bringing out the uniquely coloured card.

"Do you know the way to this location" He asked showing her the card.

The young lady bent over lightly to take a good look at the card,

"Ex corp?" The lady said, getting Ryu confused.

Noticing his silence and inability to answer the question the lady asked another.

"Do you work there perhaps?" She asked Ryu,who on the other hand was confused didn't know how to answer this questions.

He couldn't just say that a creepy guy in an alley gave it to him for them to meet.

Seeing he was unable to answer the second question, she asked another. To Ryu it was assive he was literally being interrogated about something he knew nothing of.

"Its your face day" She asked and Ryu immediately snapped out of his confusion.

"Yes" Was his response,

Then the lady turned to her side and raised her hand up, pointing to something. Ryu followed the direction of where her hand was pointing to significantly a really tall building which was far from thier present location.

"So that's it" Ryu's asked,

"Yes"She responded and dropped her hand.

From a far Ryu could see the building had a large symbol (EX/P) at the top side.

"It shouldn't be hard hard to miss" She said, then turned to him.

"Thanks again" She said as she held unto the little girl who had been quiet listening to their conversation. And they began to leave,

Ryu looked up to see the building one last time,

"This is going to be a long walk" Ryu said as he continued to walk to his destination.

"Ugghh" He groaned as he turned and began his walk to his destination.

Memories of that event flowed through his aching head as he walked.

"I now have much more respect for Raiden" He said to himself as he raised his hand to touch the back of his head.

"I used lag to get to the girl fast enough but I couldn't use lag again"Ryu said,

"And Raiden who used it 3 times in a row that's actually really impressive"

He said smiling to himself.

As he walked it was then he noticed the stares and gazes of the people around. His save has attracted a lot of attention to him, which he was not ready to deal with. Then someone from the crowd brought out a phone to take a picture of him, before the picture to be taken he vanished.