Nine Years

"Doing that will come back to bite me in the ass later, a guardian it is then" David muttered as he telekinetically folded his clothes into the bag.

It had been Nine whole years since he was reborn and not a lot had happened in his life. His mother didn't abandon him as he had predicted.

However she was a bit distant in the beginning but that was to be expected but she eventually came around. Due to his tattoos, he didn't bother trying to hide any of his powers.

Rather, as soon as he began to walk. He began training in them such as telepathy and telekinesis. The telepathy allowed him to forego a lot of nonsense that most mothers had to learn instinctually.

And weirdly due to his nature as a Motherbox, he lived his first few months fully as a baby. There was no advanced walking or talking or somehow managing to control your bowels.

It was as though he was trapped in the body of a baby. He couldn't even accelerate the aging since it would come back to bit him in the ass later.

Omniscience may seem like a good thing when you have it but it was one of the worst superpowers to ever have. His first other ability manifested when he returned from the hospital and that was telepathy.

But that only allowed him to convey messages to whoever he wanted not read their minds and such. The second ability which was flight or levitation when he began to walk.

Truthfully it nearly made it that he didn't learn to walk but it was there to protect him should he fall over and when he became one years old, he was free to manifest any superpower that wasn't too physical.

In this time, his family slowly came to the realization that no matter how they hid the tattoos, he would never be a normal child. The Omniscience kicked in full swing then

Basically from birth till now, David had yet to see another child but he knew every child within the area, their names, secrets and all. He couldn't go to school neither could they ever hire a babysitter for him. It was too much of a risk.

As of now, it was finally time to leave the cocoon that was the family and become a butterfly. Not only because he was required to go but also because he wanted to go.

David spent his time gathering the few things he had in the house. It wasn't much to begin with since he wasn't exactly a normal child.

He had toys but they weren't the ones, his family had bought, he had created them each one by himself when he became able to.