"Don't do it"

He reckoned that only he and a very specific few could sense them and even lesser amount of people could interact with them.

"That should take care of anything I don't see" David said as he finally relaxed in wait of tomorrow.

Meanwhile in a hotel room in the city, a certain group of people could be seen sitting round a small table.

"I don't know, Charles…  his omniscience... is he truly... His Omniscient makes him an even greater threat than magneto to us" Hank said

"That is why we are going to take him in and ensure that he isn't one" Charles replied

"What about him? "

"Magneto will not be a problem however, I want you to help me remove everything about his mutant nature from every file you can access, he is too great of an asset to let fall into the wrong hands, even Erik understands that" Charles replied

"Let me get this straight, Erik turned a blind eye to such a powerful mutant"

"I don't think it's about him being a powerful mutant, it's about control… his excess knowledge means that he will be a very hard one to control and adding his abilities to the mix, he will be an exceptionally hard person to control"

"So basically he's another Jean? "

"Possibly" Charles replied

"Anyway let's get some sleep, I kinda want to meet this boy now" Hank said before he stood up.

"Hank, don't ask him to do it"

"What, he can make you walk but he shouldn't help me too"

"You know what I mean Hank? " Charles replied

"I don't care what you mean, just go to sleep, Charles"

Charles sat looking at his friend as he walked into one of the rooms to sleep. He understood his dilemma.

It was one that he had been facing since he was young. He had faced it with Marko, with Raven and now Hank.

"Come to think of it, Raven will probably love to meet him" Charles said as she chuckled before finding his way to his own room.

The next day,

The entire family could be seen standing before the house. It was finally time and the family didn't exactly know how to feel.

They all understood why he had to go but none is ever happy to see their son go.

"Take care... Make sure to come back every once in a while" Sharon shouted as the boy carried his bag towards the car.

"That's for sure, mom" David replied

"Also what the hell do you want me to do with Pixie.. Imma sell her" His grandpa shouted

"Who's Pixie? " grandma asked

"It's some damn horse, he bought when he was three"

"You bought a three year old, a horse"

"Try saying no to that" His grandpa said as the knowing group chuckled while his wife berated him for such a stupid decision.

While the two argued, David got into the car after waving his mother goodbye. This was a big step for him, he currently didn't have any major goals but this was the beginning of everything he would accomplish in the future.

As they waited, Charles went up to the family. He understood their perspective in such a situation. He had seen such in the minds of the many parents who had agreed to send their children to the school.