Jean Grey

The building was incredibly big, bigger than what he had initially thought, of course he knew its exact measurements but it is sometimes difficult to grasp how big something is if one doesn't see it in person. 

"With your ability, I am sure you already know about here but welcome to the Xavier's Institute for the Gifted" Hank said with a hint of pride in his voice. 

Even if he wanted to rid himself of his mutation, his true thoughts and his current tone suggested that he was proud to be an X-man. 

"Somehow I thought it was smaller" David said as finally turned away from the windows. 

As he said so, the jet slowly descended to the ground. The basketball court opened up letting the jet descend further underground. 

"Oh and… "

"I know, this part is a secret," David said, cutting Hank short. 

"I am glad you understand," Hank replied. 

"Follow me" Charles said as he walked out of the jet. 

Looking at the spring in the man's step, David could only smile. He didn't know if the deal had favored him or Charles. 

"You know I thought there would be more people here" David suddenly said as Charles turned to him, smiled and then focused on his journey

"There will be eventually, it is the goal of this entire endeavor, for now though, you are the second student and fourth mutant in the house" Charles replied 

"I see, then there is hope" David replied as they entered an elevator of some kind.

It led to the upper levels of the building effectively taking them out of the underground level that was the main X-Men base. 

"Yes, though truthfully I have yet to actually work out the fine print for this school yet so I don't know how to take care of your own situation as of now… "

"6,3,3" David suddenly said cutting the man short 


"In Africa, that is the number of years one spends in school, six years of nursery and primary education, three years of Junior High and Three years of senior high… I think it beats the one year system you initially thought of" 

"Isn't that excessive?... I mean most Mutants are smarter than the average human" 

"True but they also have much more to learn: Normal education, Mutant Biology, foreign relations, combat and escapology" David said nonchalantly as he counted on his fingers 

"What would they need most of that for?" 

"You are the one creating a team of Mutants to show the world that we can co-exist, what do you think?" 

"Charles?!" a new powerful thought rang out throughout the entire building 

"Jean?" Charles called out in response as they approached a staircase 

Looking at the top of the entire thing, David saw a young girl who looked to be roughly the same age as he was. No, she was older and she radiated just as much power and potential as he did. 

She was the power source for ideas to manifest and he swarm in those ideas. 

"What are you doing awake?" Xavier asked 

"I heard some noises so I came to check it out" 

"You know that's why White people die first in horror movies" David suddenly said making the two turn to him 

"What? It's not like you both haven't see a horror movie or two, we have no sense of fear" David continued defending himself 

"Okay that's enough, anyway David, this is Jean Grey, my first student and Jean, this is David Stone… He's.. Like you?" Xavier said