
Many disgusted him, many of them made him feel aroused by he was only nine years old, such things don't last. The lady would do incredible things in her lifetime and David was up to see it all take place.

"You must be our little wonder kid" She said as she helped him out of the car

"Thank you, Miss Darkhölme" David replied as he got out of her arms.

He may enjoy it but he would never agree to hurt his pride as a grown man just to enjoy such momentary goodness. Her carrying him was a shame.

"Your welcome and don't worry, you'll be safe with us" She said with a smile

"Uh… okay" David replied

It was best to let her think what she wanted, he was not safe with them in fact he was even in more danger than before. That was a known fact but it was the price he had to pay for making himself recognizable by Cerebro.

He made himself appear as a mutant when he clearly wasn't one, all for the purpose of attracting Charles to him and now that his duty with Charles was done…  it was time to pay for it.

After they came down from the car, the three just began staring at each other like a deer at a headlamp. Their situation was an understandable one but the fact that their lives revolved around her was just astonishing.

"Good day Charles" Raven said

"How are you doing, Raven, it's been such a long time" Charles asked

"Yes, you even started walking" Raven noted awkwardly.

It was strange and honestly, David didn't like it at all but what could he do, it was disrespectful to suddenly speak here so David simply turned to the vexed Hank.

"That's enough, let's go" Hank said as though sensing his thoughts

"Okay I mean, let's go" Charles replied awkwardly before turning to the huge jet behind them

It was cloaked but he could clearly see it. It was just there, since it was turned off thermal sensor wouldn't be able to detect it but any random magnet in the area would be able to do the job.

After the awkward exchange between the two, they all finally got into the jet. David's smile said it all.

It was true that his omniscience allowed him to know everything in fact it wouldn't be wrong to say that he also experienced the things he knew as if he were both them, or using it.

Meaning that when he is given information about a thing, it doesn't just come as information. He also experiences being that thing in person.

This meant that he had experienced flying with the jet before but he had also experienced being the jet as it flew through the air, so he couldn't exactly say that this was his first time being in such a machine.

However being in it with his own body and his own senses was a whole new experience. It was amazing.

After a while, the jet finally arrived at its destination. Winchester County, New York. The Xavier Mansion now turned school.