Prologue 2: Announcement

 Seraph let out a sigh and glared at Morgan.

'Why are you thinking about killing her?'

'WHAT!?!! I'm not!!!'

'Well... I am, sooooo, you are!'

"When you lucid dream alone the only restriction is your imagination because you are the only one controlling it. But in the Dream World, you're not alone, so you can't just because omnipotent as you affect other people as well. As long as your thoughts only affect you and your surroundings, you're good", explained Seraph.

"So why do I die when someone hits with a powerful attack?"

"That's because of you're subconsciousness, it automatically thinks that such an attack will kill you, so it does..."

"But why doesn't that work on you?"

"That's a secret..."


 Half an hour later, all of them were side by side watching the stream of the countdown on Kai's phone. Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One... There was a black screen for a moment and then a man figure appeared. Tall, muscular, with long silver hair and blue eyes. Zephyr was just as the last time Seraph saw him. His smile was bright and his gaze filled one's self with appreciation. He started speaking and his voice was just as dazzling as his appearance.

"Hello, Dreamers, if you're seeing this, that means I'm dead."

 There was a loud silence. Three pairs of eyes turned to Seraph who felt his head spinning.

'what? B-but how?'

"I know you must be confused, but to tell you the truth, I've been ill for a year now. That's why I recorded this video to tell you that I appreciate your love for my game and to announce the start of the biggest event you have ever seen. Somewhere in The Dream World, I've hidden a treasure, a big treasure, and I've spread a total of 15 Clues around the various regions. Go find them and solve their mysteries and the treasure shall be yours. May the best Dreamer win and don't forget... Sleep Well and Dream High!!!"

 And that was it, the stream ended with a sentence that read: "2012 will be the end of us all..."

"What the hell!?!?!", screamed Morgan. 

"What does that mean?", said Kai. "No... it can't be...", whispered Seraph. 

'Oh... but it can... Well, this day was coming anyway. Why are you so shocked? I thought we were empty, emotionless, and selfish. What happened to all that?'

'Shut up, I'm not in the mood to your plays. Just go back to the back of my mind and be quiet.'

'And miss out on my chance to see you breaking apart like the fool you are? No... no, thank you! Also, I want to see what dump decision you will make this time.'


 Seraph's head was a total mess. A lot happened in a short amount of time. The thought of his only family, albeit not blood-related, dying couldn't find a way to his mind. He felt empty, lost... and about to go crazy. His brother was the only anchor that held the sane part of his mind from drifting away in the limitless sea of madness, but that anchor was suddenly destroyed, and he felt his consciousness being torn apart and the voices in his head getting louder and louder. Seraphim was on the verge of losing himself if not for Kai's voice that pulled him out of the anarchy of his mind.

"Seraph... Seraph... Seraphim!"


"Are you alright?"

"No... I mean, yes. Ahhhh... My head hurts. It's just too much to comprehend all of a sudden."

He took a deep breath, focused, and tried to think straight, but it was no easy task.

'Ok... Let's assess the situation. What do I know? My brother is supposedly dead. He said he was ill but he didn't look like he was. He said he left a treasure and a total of 15 Clues to help us find it."2012 will be the end of us all..."But we're in 2148? How does not make any sense?'

 Seraph shook his head in frustration and looked at his friends. It was then that he realized that he was almost tricked... by his mind no less. Apart from Zephyr, he had his friends with him. They also were a part of his family and he could tell from their gazes that they felt the same way toward him.

"Um... Seraph are you ok?", asked Lucy.

"Yes... I'm fine... He almost had me..."

"What do you mean?", Kai with visible curiosity.

"I mean that I almost got played... Zephyr isn't dead."

"Who told you that??", Kai curiously.

"No one... I just know because he's my brother. He wasn't ill and he also loved these kinds of pranks. I bet when the treasure is found, he will return magically from death to congratulate the winner."

"So to him, you have to find the treasure?", Morgan.


"But how we don't even know where to find the First Clue!!"

"He already told us where to find it in the sentence."

"Ok... but we are in 2148... So how does that make any sense?!?! There isn't even a single living soul from that time!!", Kai.

"That's why it's called a mystery... have to solve step by step to understand them, not the other way around. It's hard sometimes but never impossible. It's gonna be a long journey. So I ask you guys... Will you help me?"

"O-Of course!", blushed Lucy.

"Hell yeah!!", Morgan.

"let's go find your brother...", Kai.

"So it's decided... Let's become the rulers of the Dream World... together."

All of them put their hands on top of each other and said at the same moment:

"Sleep Well and Dream High!!!"

'Hoho... I wonder how this will turn out.'