Getting Started

 There are two previous prologues. 


Seraph was sitting in front of his desk with his holographic screen on. He was on video chat with his friends.

"So what are we going to do about the First Clue? Seraph???", Kai.

"Oh... you mean the 2012 thing? Yeah, I also didn't understand shit!", Morgan.

"All of you know my brother to some degree, right? So you must know that he is a maniac about mysteries and legends... and with that being said, we just have to look for something mysterious that has a relation to 2012 and then we just have to look for it in the Dream World."

'Wow!!! Look at you going and stating the obvious. Say, there isn't something more hilarious than a fool pretending to be all-smart and all-knowing, right?'

 It was that simple. But that simplicity wasn't by no means easy. Just having to look into something older than one hundred years old, and maybe more ancient, was tiring. Not to mention that you have to filter everything you find to select the ones that are compatible with the regions of the Dream World. 

'Maybe it's not that simple after that.'

'You think?!?!?!'

"Um... Seraphim... Excuse me but I think I know what your brother means...", Lucy.

"You do?.. Enlighten us, sissy!"

"I remember one time we were at your place and your brother was reading an e-book about the Maya civilization and he said:"

"Wait... He said that????", Morgan.

"Yeah... That's Zephyr for you", chuckled Seraph, "Thank you, Lucy, you have a really strong memory... Not like some other girl."

"HA HA HA... very funny Seraph. But I don't have to remind you that there isn't any Maya structure anywhere, right?"

"You're wrong, there is", Kai. 

"Oh yeah?Where?"

"The Forest of Oblivion..."

"That's impossible. No one's ever managed to get to its center... Even if there is something, getting there is just out of the realm of possibility."

"Wrong again. There is someone who did cross it.", Seraph

"Are we talking about the same forest here?", Morgan.

 Morgan had every right not to believe what Seraphim had said. The Forest of Oblivion was one of the deadliest regions in the Dream World. It is a forest that messes with the flow of time. To make it simple, when you enter it, you lose all senses of direction and time making you forget when, from where, and even why you entered. Not only that, there is also an uncountable number of Dream Walkers that are as fast as light and whose only purpose is to rip you apart. So yeah, as Morgan had said, crossing is simply not possible. But then again, we're talking about dreaming here. So surely there is a way to cross this forest and get to its center... Right?

"Of course, we're talking about the same forest. There is only one Dreamer who managed to get to its center and he said that there is a whole civilization there. So he is our only hope to get there since he didn't share his method", Seraph.

"And who might this person be?", Morgan.

"The Demon of Speed, Smiling Shadow", Lucy. 

 Just mentioning that name was enough to make Morgan reconsider her previous statements. How could she not when a legend was put into the equation? Smiling Shadow had been the best PvP Dreamer before Seraph had beaten him in a 1v1 marking his first-ever loss. Since then he always stalked the group asking to battle Seraphim and take revenge.

'That damn stalker...'

'For the first time in your life, you find someone who wants you and you complain? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk... How foolish.'

"But that stalker only thinks about fighting Seraph and doesn't understand any language other than battle... How are we gonna make him help us?", Morgan.

"Looks like you're gonna have to fight him Seraph... You're the only one who beat h him after all", Kai.

"Yeah... looks like it."

 The Demon of Speed, as his name suggests, is the fastest person in the Dream World. On top of that, he's a martial artist. Combined with his speed, his attacks were impossible to dodge... Well, except for the Trickster, Seraph.

"Anyway, how did you defeat such a monster, Mr. Trickster", Kai.

"I told you not to call me that outside of the Dream World Mr. Silent."

"And I told you not to talk about Dream Names when I'm around! Gosh!!! Just when will I get mine?!"

Said Morgan with a crying expression that made the others burst out laughing.

 Dream Names are the names that identify every renowned figure in the Dream World such as Trickster, Silent, and Smiling Shadow... and of course, you can't just decide your own Dream Name, instead you have to earn it. That's why there are only so many Dreamer Names despite the large numbers of Dreamers. And Morgan was one of those unfortunate ones. She was the only one in the group that didn't have a Dream Name. Even her twin had one.

"Don't worry Sissy, you'll get one eventually."

"Oh, please don't pity me... Mrs Dark Witch."

"Ok, you three can keep chit-chatting about Dream Names. I'm going."

"Is it urgent?", Kai.

"Yes, I have a whole ass ancient civilization I have to study before I log on tonight."

"Ok... Have fun digging up history."

"HA HA! Very funny!"