Smiling Shadow

 Seraph let out a sigh and closed the book he was reading.

'Just why did he choose such an ancient civilization to put in the first Clue?'

'So you stopped playing smart huh? That's surprisingly smart of you!'

'Wait... That's a good one...'

'I know, right?'

'... Is that what you wanted me to say?'

'Damn you!!'

'Damn you more!!!'

 Anyway, it was getting late and Seraph had to meet up with the group.

'Right... I have to deal with the stalker also...'

 With that being said, he went to his room, put on the Dream Helmet, and laid down. Before long, he was asleep.

 Seraph first saw nothing but emptiness. he closed his eyes and his clothes changed. He was now wearing a Wing Chun robe for it didn't restrict his movements. A small white mask with beautiful black patterns covered his eyes. Even his hair changed. It became brown, a bit longer, and curly. Then he heard the familiar tender voice of the Dream Host say:

[Dreamer... Choose your dream!]

"Safe Zone N18."

 Suddenly, there was a bright light and Seraph was transported into a large energy dome. He searched with his eyes for his friends. They were some distance away from him. Kai was now wearing a Shinobi Shozuko with a mask that covered half of his face, and his hair was longer. Lucy was wearing a witch robe and hat, both black. Her hair became pitch black. Finally, Morgan was... Morgan. She didn't change one bit. 


"Trickster!", shouted Lucy.

"Hello there, bastard", Morgan.

"Just when will you listen and stop logging in with your real appearance? It could be very dangerous!", Seraph.

"I also told her that, just now... But you know how she is", Kai.

"Oh please stop nagging! Last time I checked, both of you are not my parents. Anyway, what are we going to do? Are we going straight to the forest or are we going to wait for Smiling Shadow?"

Before anyone could answer Morgan's question there was a scream:


'Here we go again...'

"Looks like you got your answer, Morgan", Kai.

 All of them turned to the source of the voice and there were a lot of whispers around them:

"Hey... Is that Smiling Shadow?"

"Oh my God, it is! What is he doing here?"

"Did he just say: ?? Is he here too?"

"OMG, YES!!!!! He's there with Silent and Dark Witch!!!"

"Wait... Who's that girl next to them?"

 While Morgan was getting frustrated because no one recognized her, Seraph turned to look at Smiling Shadow who was wearing a grey Shaolin suit. He was glaring at Seraphim with killing intent so strong that some of the Dreamers present took a step or two back involuntarily.

"Trickster! Battle me!"


"I won't let you run away this t-... Wait... What did you say??"

"I said I will fight you again... But under one condition..."

A mad smile appeared on Smiling Shadow's face as he said:

"What is it?"

"Forest of Oblivion. How did you enter it?"

"That's it? Hehe... I thought you wanted me to stop challenging you if I lost... not that this will happen anyway. Not today."

"Yeah, right... That's what you said last time... and the time before that... and the time before that..."

"Shut up Nameless! No one talked to you... And you Trickster, if you win, I will tell you how to get to the center of the Forest."

"And if I lose?"

"You become my underling."

"Ahhh... Fine. Let's get this over with, I have a mystery to solve."

 With that, Seraph turned out and started walking toward the edge of the dome, and behind him was Smiling Shadow.

"Did you hear that??? They're having a rematch!!!"

"I can't believe that I'm about to witness the top 2 Dreamers in the world fighting each other!!!"

"Hurry, let's go before they start!"

"Oh hell no, I'm staying... I barely managed to handle even the pressure one of them was exerting. Both of them and I'll pass out!"

 Once Trickster and Smiling Shadow got out of the dome, they faced each other and Seraph said:

"Anytime you like..."

 Just as he finished that sentence Smiling Shadow disappeared and left behind him a smiling afterimage. He was moving so fast that one could only see shadows of him for a moment before disappeared again. And all of those shadows had one thing in common... it was that mad smile that planted fear and dread deep within one's soul to the point that you couldn't even move your fingers. It was clear who this person got his Dream Name. On the other hand, Seraph was just standing there with his eyes closed.

"Look at that speed!!!"

"How is that even possible?"

"Yeah, how can his mentality be this strong?"

 Indeed, Smiling Shadow's speed was a great feat. It is true that in the Dream World, someone can do anything he wants, but that, of course, isn't without a cost... and that cost is the mental fatigue that follows performing the act. The more complex your thoughts are, the more tiring it is to exert them and maintain them for a long amount of time. So yeah, that speed was astonishing. But to Seraph, it was nothing but a mere spectacle.

'Really?? Again with the speed show? What are you... the Flash?'

"What's wrong Trickster? Why aren't you moving? Are you afraid?"

 Suddenly a huge explosion happened where Seraph was standing. Debris flew in every direction and people started coughing.

"What happened??"

"Who won???"

 Once the dust started clearing, a figure could be seen standing in the middle of the hole created by the explosion and it was Smiling Shadow who was on the ground in front of it.

"Im-Impossible... I'm pretty sure I hit you... How? What trick did you use? ANSWER ME TRICKSTER!!!!"

"Gosh! Why are you shouting? I'm right next to you! And I didn't use any tricks... you could say that this is my 'ability'... It has nothing to do with tricks. Anyway, I believe we had an agreement... So tell now how did managed to get to the center of The Forest of Oblivion."