A jolt of raw energy. A programmer's mind, accustomed to the elegant logic of code, explodes into a whirlwind of unfamiliar sensations. He awakens, not in his chair bathed in monitor light, but in a body far from home. This is Abel, a man of limited of talent, yearning to become the most powerful. But fate, it seems, has a different script in mind.
The programmer, trapped within Abel, discovers a strange anomaly – his coding knowledge translates into a bizarre form of magic. With a whispered command, he can craft enchanted items with unimaginable properties. A simple pebble becomes a conduit for potent spells, rivaling the most powerful incantations. He can even weave lines of code to breathe life into beings of unparalleled intelligence, defying the very fabric of this magical realm.
However, this newfound power comes at a cost. The world bristles with dangers, both natural and man-made. Abel, now burdened with the programmer's knowledge and a yearning for a life he can never reclaim, must navigate this treacherous landscape. Can a man of logic survive in a world fueled by Qi? Will Abel, wielding his unorthodox magic, unravel the mysteries of his transmigration and carve his own destiny?
[my first book btw]
What's this? Programmer? Isn't this world set in ancient china since this is cultivation? Why it sounded like Norse mythology with the mix of Greek mythology?
All i can say is this novel is great. Nice concept as mentioned below. And looking at the update... It seems unstable,. But nevertheless good start! Al
Diamond in a rough, hope that my prediction will be right this time. Tho programmer? How will the author connect that? Hope that this will turnnout great. So far the author did not dissapoint me
Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story, Nice Story
i like the concept but from what i see the updates where a bit unstable. i think that this is the author first book becausae of the dialogue were a bit clunky