Two versus one

My purple flames dancing around my fists, faced off against Ava and the captain, my mind calculating every possible outcome.

"Two against one, then," I said, my voice steady despite the odds. "Let's see if you can keep up."

Ava responded with a smirk, her hands weaving intricate patterns as she summoned a wall of ice to shield herself. The captain, his eyes filled with battle-lust, circled me, looking for an opening.

I launched myself at the captain first, my flames leaving a trail of scorched stone. I feinted left, then struck hard and true, my fist connecting with the captain's jaw. He stumbled back, the impact resonating through the hall.

"Not so fast," Ava taunted, sending a barrage of ice spikes towards me.

With a twirl, my flames intensified, melting the spikes into harmless steam before they could find their mark. I pressed on, relentless, my energy a whirlwind of fire and fury.