Chapter 9&10

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄

By Rosy Johnson




Karan walked into the house only to be greeted with moans and whimpers, instantly, her body heated with needs. She felt her n**ples harden, her lips quivering, and her underwear soaked with wetness.

"No, not again," she ran into her room at a great speed.

Getting inside she began rampaging through her drawer, then to her makeup stand, and then her bed stand, searching for something only she could identify.

"Where is it?" She knelt and crawled under the bed but didn't see anything, so she went to her closet, scattering her clothes all over her room but still didn't find anything.

She ran into her bathroom and there it was, her pill bottle standing next to her bathtub. She ran to it.

She could feel her hands threatening to grab her br**st and squeeze them, her wetness calling onto her to just finger herself, she was losing control.

After gulping down the pill she deep herself in her bathroom, letting the cold water drop on her skin.

Even though she badly wanted to close her eyes and take a nap, she restrained herself knowing that once she did that, she would definitely end up f**king herself with her s*x toy and she didn't want that today.

She's actually an addict, a s*x addict with a high s*x drive. She never gets satisfaction no matter who f**ks her. She'd tried getting a boyfriend, but he couldn't meet up to her needs. She tried nightstand and still couldn't meet her needs.

She has a great Zeel for s*x and can't control herself whenever it comes. Only pills can calm her down. But then, she was never like that in the past, someone turned her into this, somebody! And she's living in the same house with the course of her problem.

After a few minutes, she sighed and stepped out of her bathtub

"I will just come back after a little while," she mumbled to herself, already dressed and ready to go out.

She sat on the bench at the park staring up at the stars in the sky

"Hello," a male voice said, and she looked up to see a stranger standing in front of her.

She ignored him.

"Looks like someone broke your heart, come with me and I will amend it," he said, reaching for her but she knocked off his hand with a hard glare.

"Never touch me again,"

"Ha, playing hard to get, huh?" The guy grabbed her hand forcefully, but she wiggled free from his hold, slapping him hard across the face.

His face darkened as rage built walls inside him.

"You b*tch!!" he spats, raising his hand to slap her and she quickly closed her eyes.

To her shock nothing happened, slowly she opened her eyes only to see Gavin holding tightly onto the guy's wrist, he looked as though he could kill at this very moment.

"Only we touch our woman when she doesn't want us to," Gavin said and tightened his hold around the guy's wrist.

Garret gently tapped his shoulder and he let go of the guy who ran away instantly.

"You, okay?" Garret asked with concern.

"Are you both stalking me?" she asked instead

Garret shook his head negatively

"A thank you would have been better," Gavin said, and she looked at him.

"No, we weren't, we just came here to have fun, mind joining us?" Garret asked but she shook her head negatively, then stood up.

"No, and thank you, will get going now," she replied, saying the last part while staring at Gavin.

They stood and watched as she left, and Garret turned to his brother.

"Bravo, you just sent her away..."

"I was just..."

"Oh, keep it to yourself, you always spoil things," Garret began walking away.

"I just reminded her..."

"Thank you or no thank you, what matters is that we get close to her that's it, okay? What we want Is to share one woman and she's the perfect option but if you keep scaring her away then there will be no one for us, get that?" Garret scolded, sharply turning to his brother.




Calista has been staring into space since she got back from the library, she just couldn't believe that there was someone out there who could actually block all her attacks, he was good, too good for her and she hated it.

No one has ever beaten her in combat, she was trained by her father who's a commander with four stars in the marine.

She got out of bed, dressed in a blue jersey before walking outside. Mr. Felix was working out in front of their house when she joined him.

"Look who we have here," he said

"Someone bêát me, Daddy," she picked up two wooden training sticks, throwing one at him and he caught it.

"That's not possible," he said as he positioned himself.

"I know right, that can't be true," Mike joined them.

"He was too good, why did he block all my attacks," she charged towards him at great speed.

Mr. Felix stood calmly, blocking her attacks with ease.

Calista thrust and lunged with her stick, but her father parried each strike with a cool smile on his face

"You do not fight with anger, I keep telling you that," Mr. Felix said

Calista's face was growing red with frustration as she struggled to land a single hit

"Come on, Dad! Fight me!' she cried, swinging her stick wildly.

"You're lacking discipline and letting your emotions cloud you," he replied deflecting another strike "Channel your anger to your hand, turn it into an energy," he added

Suddenly, she stopped her wild wings and stood perfectly still. Her father cocked his head to the side, curious at this change in her behavior.

She studied him, her eyes focused and intent. Then she attacked, her stick moving at lightning speed, catching her father off guard.

He barely managed to block her strike and he took a step back in surprise.

"Now that's more like it," he said, a proud smile on his face "You fight with determination, will, not anger, let your rage be on your fist cos with that, each strike can break a wall, you're learning, and you will get better as time goes on,"

She grinned.

"I'm up next," Mike shouted picking up his own wooden sick

"Dad, defeat us," Calista said as they began walking around in a cycle.

"Michelle come on, we are challenging Dad to a fight," Mike called out to Michelle who was just walking out.

She frowned, making a face.

"Oh, please! Beautiful girls don't do such a thing, I'm too pretty for that," she rolled her eyes, crossing her legs as she watched them.




"Tristan, Tristan who the f**k is Whitney?" Tiffany, his stepsister barged into his room.

Surprisingly he was already dressed for school.

He looked at her then at the phone in her hand, was she going through his phone? Why? It's an easy way to have hypertension?

"Who are all these girls you're f**king?" She asked but he ignored her, taking his phone from her instead

"How the f**k did you even get this?" he grumbled.

"Tristan, answer me!!" she yelled, stomping her feet against the floor.

He paused just when he was about to walk past her then looked at her.

"Go through my phone at your own risk, I told you that..."

"You said you loved me! You said I was the only one, you said you would forsake every other person for my sake, you said so Tristan," she cried, tears pouring down her cheeks

"I said, I said, I said, yes, I said! And I also said that I'm singular, okay," he walked past her irritated.

Tiffany ran after him instantly, he was about to go down the stairs when she grabbed his shirt, making him stop on his track.

"Tristan, I love you..."

"You love my d**k not me, and for the record, everyone loves my d**k," he replied and looked at his stepmother with a smirk on his face.

He winked at her mother as he walked out completely.

"You're dressed already, that's new," Lucian said surprised as Tristan joined him in the already waiting car.

"What happened?" he asked curiously, and Tristan looked out through the window.

"I have plans," he replied



"No, please stop..."

"I don't want to,"

"Okay, I will do whatever you want,"

"Yes, please don't hurt me,"

"Please... ahhhh!!"

"That hurts, okay, I won't talk again,"

"Please!!" A girl's scream could be heard coming from the restroom.

Outside the restroom were two of Ethan's boys as they guided the door. Meanwhile, another girl with glasses was coming that way when she heard the sounds. Slowly she moved back, taking off instantly.

Brimsley was in the disciplinary room when she barged in, both hands placed on her knees as she breathed through her mouth.

"Why run in like that? Have you no manner?" Peter asked immediately after she ran in.

"I... I heard..... I heard someone's screams from the restroom," she stuttered and gulped down emptiness.

Brimsley jumped up instantly.

"You said what?" Peter asked.

"I think someone is being råped again," she replied

Before she could finish, Brimsley took off Shoving past teachers and students as he ran, he jumped five steps while going down the stairs, running as though he was running a marathon.

Getting to the restroom he found the door closed but with a single kick. He breaks down the restroom door.

His eyes widened and rage surged through him, nothing, absolutely nothing could have prepared him for what lay before him.

The girl and Peter ran in and she clasped her hand over her mouth at the sight in front of them, eyes widening.

Brimsley clenched his fist as all his veins stood up, what's the need of being a disciplinary president if he can't discipline whoever is behind this?

Laying on the floor was a girl totally naked with her uniform torn to shred, she has bruises all over her neck, br**st, and face. It's as though she was struggling. Her thighs had bruises on them and in-between her legs were blood stains.

She was unconscious.

"Who did this?" Peter asked

Two teachers came in and they quickly covered her up, taking her away. Her face was also covered as they didn't want people to know the victim just to avoid rumors.

"Who did that?" Peter asked again, now staring at the girl at called them.

"I don't know, I didn't see them, I only heard voices," she quickly said defensively.

"Who else if not Ethan, bring me the new girl," Brimsley walked out.


Ethan and his friends were walking towards their class when Brimsley suddenly attacked Ethan, grabbing his shirt and slamming his back against the wall behind them.

The students around gasped.

"What did you do to her?" Brimsley's voice was coated with rage

Ethan looked at him like a joke.

"Did to who?" he asked

"Don't try to play smart with me, what the f**k did you do to her? Huh?" Brimsley roared.

By now students are watching.

Ethan looked at his shirt before staring Brimsley straight in the eyes

"If you don't let go of me this minute, I will consider this as assault and I'm calling my lawyer..."

"I just wanna know why. Why can't you get a f**king girlfriend? Why are you hurting innocent girls and putting them through trauma? Why?" Brimsley roared cutting him off

Ethan scoffed.

"You're lucky you don't have a sister," he replied and Brimsley raised his fist to his face, but Peter held his wrist from behind. Pulling him away.

"Let go!!" he bellowed, trying to free himself so he could disfigure Ethan's face but Peter didn't let him.

He held tight, Pulling him away.

Ethan smirked before taking out his phone, he made a quick phone call before turning to Peter and Brimsley, and without saying a word, he walked away.


The news of the rape spread like wide fire, everyone in the school is talking about it. It's currently the latest news on the school blog.

"Can't believe Ethan did that to her?" Gianna mumbled and then looked up at Calista

They are currently returning from the library.

"Thank you for saving me, if it weren't for you, I would have ended up like her," she said

Calista looked at her, she didn't want to ask but for some reason, she wanted to know why she didn't say anything about her attackers.

"Why didn't you arrest them for attempted råpe?" she asked, and Gianna swiftly stared at her face

"Did I not tell you that his father is a chief judge, his mom a lawyer, and his uncle a cop?" she said more like a question.


"Last semester, two girls encountered the same thing, but it didn't end well for them," she replied, and Calista looked at her as if she wanted to ask a question but withheld herself.

"They were both transferred students, the first girl's parents arrested him for râpê and two days later, the girl 'Miranda' died of a mysterious heart failure, the evidence went missing and the case was dismissed. The same thing happened to the second girl," she explained simply.

Calista was silent

"You're Calista Felix," A guy walked up to them and asked, she nodded.

"Your Attention is needed in the disciplinary room," the guy replied and walked away instantly.

"Why is Tristan coming our way and ginning, wait... he's smiling at you, the Casanova is smiling at you," Gianna exclaimed.

"Hey," Tristan stopped right in front of her, he didn't even look at Gianna as he focused all his attention on her.

She looked at him, without saying a word then made to walk past by his side, but he pulled her back.

"I know we didn't start in a good part, I was a jerk the few times that we have met but gimme a chance to make it up to you, maybe we can get to know each other. Let's have lunch together what do you think," he asked with a charming smile, showing off his cute dimples.

The same smiles that ladies find hard to resist.

She was silent as she made to walk past again but he pulled her back.

"Come on, I'm trying to be polite maybe we can become friends, I'm quite popular, and being around me means you'll become the most popular girl at school, I'm Tristan Jackson Luke," he said proudly.

Without saying a word Calista turned her phone screen to him and his eyes widened.

Was she searching for him online? Unbelievable!

"You're quite popular yet Google doesn't know that you exist, you're a wannabe! Get out of my face, Mr Popular!" she shoved him out of the way, walking past with Gianna grinning behind her.

"Dammmmmmmmmmmmmn!!! Emotional Damage, Ego wounded," Lucian laughed sarcastically.

"She's not only strong but with a big mouth," Tristan mumbled staring at her back.

Calista walked past Tiffany who was watching by the corner.

"Seems like she's not only after what's mean," Ashley said, standing next to Tiffany.

"He offered a friendship, never seen him do that," Ashley added

Without saying a word, Tiffany left her side. She smiled and followed her.

"We can join forces and kick her back to where she belongs," Ashley suggested and that made Tiffany stop and look back at her.

"Count me out of your bushsh!t," she walked away.

"That brat," Ashley spat as she continues standing there.

Molly and Betty join her instantly.

"Is it done?" She asked and they both nodded.

Then she smirked,

"Let's see if she won't be kicked out of this school," Ashley smirked dangerously.

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵


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