Chapter 11&12

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄

By Rosy Johnson




Brimsley walked into the room only to see Ethan's mom seated with her legs crossed, she had a black shade and a scarf around her head.

"Is he the one?" she asked

"Yeah, he's our disciplinary president," The Chancellor replied in a low tone.

The woman turned to Brimsley who was still silent.

"I heard you accused my son of being a rapist, if I may ask, do you see him raping this girl?" she asked, staring him directly in the eye without blinking.

"No, but I'm sure he did It cos he even said I was lucky I didn't have a sister..."

"I never said that, why are you so good at lying against me?" Ethan barked from his mother's side.

The woman touched his hand, urging him to keep calm while she handle's the whole situation and he did.

"Did you see him? That was the question and it's a yes or no," Ethan's mother said again.

"No," Brimsley lowered his head.

"Did the victim identify him?" she asked again

"The victim is still unconscious," a teacher said instantly.

Ethan's mother looked at the teacher before shifting his gaze to Brimsley.

"Does that mean you accused him just cos you want to ruin his reputation?" she asked and Brimsley kept quiet.

"Ma'am I can assure you that there has been a misunderstanding," the chancellor chipped in.

"Misunderstanding? Do you know that this could ruin his future, false accusations," she spats now looking at the chancellor

"I might not have seen him, but someone does, and she's on her way here to prove it," Brimsley suddenly said.

Everyone looked at him while Ethan grinned.

Just then, the door opened, and Calista stepped in. She glared from the chancellor to Brimsley then at Ethan and his mother before shifting her gaze to the teachers.

"I was told to be here," she said as politely as possible.

Ethan's moms stared at her with a dangerous glare she recognized pretty well, it's the same as the one Brimsley always gives her and she's familiar with it.

"Is it true that you saw my son Ethan Manchester abusing a female student in the restroom?" Ethan's mother asked

Calista was silent as the tension in the room built a tower.

Did he call her here just cos of this?

Brimsley never takes his eyes off her. Her silence was beginning to frighten him, and he didn't like it

"Calista Felix, did you or did you not see Ethan Manchester, harassing a student in the female restroom?" he asked, and she looked at him.

He was hoping and wishing she would just open up and speak but to his dismal...

"I did not," she replied, and his eyes widened.

"Calista," he called shocked to the core.

Did she just deny it? She just gave him out like that.

"Then what did you see?" Ethan's mother asked and stood, she walked over to Calista who was silent.

By now her gaze was on Ethan and he's busy smirking at her.

"I walked in there and pee just like every other person, besides I wasn't a student at this school then and have no idea how things work around here," she replied before turning to the chancellor.

"May I please go now?" she asked calmly, and the woman nodded.

"Yes, you may leave,"

"Calista!" Brimsley didn't know when her name left his mouth as he stared still in shock.

"Your Disciplinary president is trying so hard to accuse my son of a crime he didn't commit, I will disregard it this time but if it repeats itself again then it won't be funny. However, he has to apologize to my son if not I'm suing this school, and trust me, my husband is the chief judge," she said while slowly taking a few steps over to Brimsley.

Ethan stuck both hands in his trouser pocket as he stood behind his mother.

"What are you waiting for?" she asked and Brimsley looked behind her at Ethan.

He gritted his teeth tightly.

"You wanna punch me?" she asked, raising her eyebrows at him. He was silent so she turned to the chancellor.

"I want him disqualified and he has 10 days to apologize to my son before I change my mind," she walked out.




In front of the classroom was the teacher.

"So, anyone to solve this math problem?" she asked, staring from one student to another.

Everyone was silent.

"Okay, Brimsley," she called out and he looked at her.

Brimsley shifted his gaze to Calista before standing up.

"Calista, how about you solve it? You seem to have paid attention throughout the teaching," he knowingly said.

She looked at him surprised, like... why the f**k does he have to call her?

"That's right, Calista come out here please," the teacher said.

She gently rose to her feet, and everyone was staring at her. Her gaze met with Brimsley he maintained a straight face, so she looked at Ethan who chuckled.

"I don't know it," she replied.

"To the principal's office now!" the teacher ordered instantly

She looked at Brimsley again before walking out of the class.



Tristan tossed the book in his hand back and forth, he'd read it ten times and everything she loves happens to be his favorites.


He closed the book contemplating what he'd been reading since the day.

"Why is she so emotional when it comes to her mother and why does she have to like the things I like?" he asked himself.

"Wussap?" Lucian walked into the class. "I saw that girl at the principal's office and with the look of things, I don't think it will end well for her," he said

Tristan looked at him silently.

"What is it with you and her? You never pick interest in her kind so why the sudden change?" Lucian asked curiously.

Justin had given him the book to read about Calista after getting it from Michelle.

Tristan stood up and gently tapped his shoulder.

"Don't think about it, it's no Biggy, just business," he walked out of the class.



By the time Tristan got there Calista was already leaving with Gianna who was waiting for her by the door.

He made to go after her but stopped himself.

Meanwhile, Calista walked into the canteen with Gianna who led her to a table where two girls she didn't know were seated. She looked from one person to another before shifting her gaze to Gianna.

"So, I figured out you didn't do well in math that's why I called Tiffany, she's the best in maths. And here is Karan, the best in science. I called them so they can help you become better," Gianna explained.

"I'm sorry Anna, but I don't think I can tutor her," Tiffany said.

"Why not?" Gianna asked making a sad face.

"Cos I will be too busy studying," she replied

"I will tutor her, so when should we start?" Karan asked casually.

"Whenever you please," Calista replied, and she nodded.

"This evening, will it be okay with you?" Karan asked and she nodded.


"Very well," Karan nodded

"Sorry, guys but I have to go," Tiffany walked away without looking back.



"Dad, there's a party at my friend's house and I was invited," Michelle said, descending the stairs.

Mr. Felix who's read a newspaper in the living room, glared at her.

"Is your sister going?" he asked, and she shrugged.

"I dunno,"

"You're not going if she's not going," he replied and continued reading his newspaper.

"Dad, please don't do me like this," she whimpered, as though she wanted to break down.

"It's not a debate," he replied, not taking his gaze off the newspaper.

Michelle clenched her fist tightly as she ascended the stairs, straight up to her sister's bedroom.

"Calista, why can't you just be like a normal person," she barged in

Calista who was laying on her bed with her laptop while face timing with Karan and Gianna looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Can't you just go out? Can't you just get a boyfriend so that my life won't be tied around yours? Can't you just go out there and have fun?" she asked all in one

Calista ignored her. She climbed the bed, grabbing onto Calista's arm.

"Please, just this night, do it for me. please Calista go out with me," she pleaded

"I don't wanna go out..."

"Please, if you truly love me like you said just do this one thing for me, go out with me please,"

Calista looked at her hand and then at Michelle who was sobbing.

"This party is where teenagers get pregnant..."

"No one is getting pregnant, okay? It's just for fun and for once I wish my life weren't tied around yours," Michelle began walking out of her room.

It wasn't long before she heard a knock, without the person waiting for a response, her doorknob twisted, and Calista's came into view.

"You don't want us to be late, or do you?" Calista asked already dressed.

In the next minutes, they both descended the stairs

"Michelle, I told you, you're not going anywhere..."

"Dad, I'm going," Calista cut him off and he quickly took the newspaper off his face, he glanced at them one after another then...

"No!! She's gonna get pregnant," he shouted frightened.

"Dad, no one is getting pregnant," Calista replied.

"Oh, I have always been afraid of this day, but I didn't know it would come so quickly..."

"Dad stop it!!" Michelle yelled at him.

"My daughter is gonna get pregnant at sixteen, oh my gwad," he was still shouting when the girls walked out of the house.


"Mike!!!" he yelled again

With great speed, Mike came running down the stairs.


"Your sister is gonna get pregnant at sixteen and you're in your room? Do you know what happens when she gets pregnant? Her life will be over!! MIKE!"

"Dad, I'm not the one getting her pregnant..."

The doorbell rang, Mr. Felix walked over to the door and opened it only to see the hot teacher standing there.

"Oh, hello sir, beautiful evening. are you by chance Mr. Felix," she greeted politely.

He looked at himself.

"Just call me Felix, and yes I am, how may I help you?" he said offering a handshake.

She smiled again.

"I'm Mike's teacher and he broke my car windshield," she replied, and Mr. Felix looked back inside.

Mike muttered a sorry with a guilty look on his face.

"I apologize for that, mind coming inside let me address this issue?" he asked

She looked at her wristwatch

"I'm afraid I won't..."

"Ms. Bronte, it's you," Mike shouted from inside and she looked over the man standing in front of her only to see Mike behind him.

"Why did you break my windshield?" she asked

He ruffles his hair

"Come inside place, I beg you," Mr Felix offered his hand, expecting her to take it but she didn't "Have some coffee while I address this issue, I can assure you that everything will be fixed," he added and shifted out of the way.

"Yes, I'm coming right away, No, please don't leave I will be right there," Mike shouted on the phone.

He's currently making a fake phone call.

"Where are you going?" Ms. Bronte asked making her way into the house.

"I will be right back, give me five minutes," Mike replied as he rushed out of the house, not without winking at his father.



"Hey, you having fun?" Tristan asked from behind.

He walked over and stood beside Calista who was watching Michelle dance with Justin.

"I'm trying trying to be friends, I know I f**ked up but we can start over," he said but she ignored him.

"You need a drink?" He asked but she ignored him again.

"I will be right back," he quickly left her side.

It wasn't long before he returned with a strawberry cocktail.

"Here, try it. I bet you'll like it," He said while giving it to her.

For a second she was taken aback, how did he know that she loved strawberry? She waved the thought aside.

"No, thank you...."

"Come on, just try," he persuaded and she looked at him.

Without another word she began walking away so, he swiftly pulled her back and she looked at him, he withdrew his hand, raising it in the air in surrender.

"Don't leave because of me, I will leave instead," he said like a gentleman.

She watched him walk out and then signed turning her gaze to where Michelle and Justin were dancing Only to discover that they were gone

"F**k..." She made to go in search of them but two guys blocked her way.

"Look who we have here," One said

"New bea," the second one added and they laughed.

Slowly she moved back, she didn't want any trouble. She just wanted to find her sister before she does something stupid.

"Where do you think you're going?" Another voice asked from behind and she turned to see four guys.

Looking front six guys have already joined the two in front of her, making them twelve in total.

She maintained her ground, her eyes moving back and forth as she scanned them. Monitoring her environment and taking note of things.

"Bring her," One of them.

"No, she's ours," Ethan and his boys joined the cycle.

"We want her and you want her too, let's work together then," One of the boys said

Ethan held his jaw as if considering it.

Meanwhile, Calista was calm, just staring at them.

"Very well," Ethan nodded, "Bring her!" He Ordered

Two of his boys rushed forward and Calista was ready for action when someone jumped to their, knocking one of the guys down at once.

"Touch her, I Dare You!" Tristan said and grabbed hold of her hand.

She tried to wiggle free but he held her tightly.

"What are you doing?" She asked, looking down at her hand before staring up at his face.

"Shhhh, keep quiet! I got this," He winked at her.

Ethan laughed like a maniac

"You wanna do this the wrong way?" The leader of the first guys crew asked.

"You don't wanna get involved, trust me. it won't be funny, so move or it will get dirty," Ethan said in a warning tone.

Tristan smirked dangerously then licked his lips while holding firmly onto Calista's wrist.


TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵

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