Chapter 19&20

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄

By Rosy Johnson




Everyone was already in the car when Calista joined.

"Sorry, I'm late," she said to no one in particular as she opened the front seat, hopping in, but her father stopped her.

"Seat at the back," he said, his tone was firm but serious, leaving no room for argument.

She looked at him, she just doesn't want to think of that young woman in their house let along sleeping over. Hell, no she didn't, or did she?

"Sorry, guys, I'm readying now. Let's go!" Ms. Bronte said, her face filled with smiles.

Calista shifted away and Ms. Bronte looked at her, for some reason she wanted to talk to the girl, but her cold face wouldn't let her.

"Hi," she waved a hand, staring at Calista whose expression was blank. "You wanna go in or..... should I" she asked, gesturing at the front seat.

"She will seat at the back," Mr. Felix said almost immediately

"I will use my bike," Calista replied.

Mike looked at her through the back seat before staring at their father, he knew the man was trying to get the heart of the lady and he so wish his sister could understand but... Guess their mother put a lot of fear and mistrust in her.

"Very well, just make sure you get to school," Mr. Felix said turning on the engine.

Ms. Bronte just stared silently at Calista, even though she tried making small talks with her yesterday , the girl was like stone. She didn't say anything, it was as though she was avoiding her or hiding something, and she didn't like it.

She understands if Calista didn't approve her, I mean she was 24 dating a 47 year old man with three kids. It was way out of it like her friend said but she just seems to like the man and didn't care what other people said, it was her decision.

"If she's having a problem I can..."

"Don't worry about her, she's too twisted," Michelle shouted from the back. "Trying to understand her will only confuse you more," she added before focusing her attention on her phone again.



Lucian walked into this brother's bedroom only to see just one girl laying there with him, his rushed into the bathroom but didn't see anyone.

By the time he got back Tristan was still sleeping so, he went over and smacked his thighs

"WTF, that hurts," Tristan jerked up instantly

"Morning," the b*tch by his side yawned as she stretched herself, he pushed her off his bed and she fall with a thud.

"Put clothes on and get out," he said rudely

"Who is Calista?" she suddenly asked while picking up her dress on the floor.

Lucian's eyes widened and so did Tristan's

"What... w... what do you mean?" he stuttered, his eyes still widening.

He hadn't called her name in his sleep, had he? No there is no way he did and this b*tche didn't go through his phone, or did she?

"You were calling her name in your sleep and was even smiling..."

"He did," Lucian cut in shocked

"Yes, he was like..."

"Get the f**K out of here!!" Tristan yelled.

She scurried out of the room instantly and Lucian settled down beside him, he looked at his brother then picked up his phone, but Lucian took it from him.

"What is it with you and that girl? That guy Justin from the junior came looking for you the other day, he said you guys have a deal or something. Don't tell me you're playing that girl? Or are you?" Lucian asked serious but Tristan was silent

"Listen, you better leave her to me if you don't want her, I mean she's hot and you and I knows too well that's not your regular type so..."

"Give me my damn phone!" Tristan snatched his phone from his brother

Just then, a message popped in and he clicked open

CALISTA: Hey, left for you already? If no, then I was wondering if you could pick me up.

CALISTA: Let me know if you're coming.

CALISTA: Can't keep waiting, it's 7: 23

"F**K," Tristan shouted after reading the text.

She'd sent the text around 7:00 and now it's 23 minutes past 7. he quickly dialed her number.

"Firecracker," Calista's voice came from the receiver side.

"You're still at home?" he asked, getting out of bed.

"Was about riding off with my bike, thought you already left," she replied.

"Don't go anywhere, I'm on my way. Good thing your house is not far from mine," he replied and ended the call.

Lucian watched as he rushed into the bathroom, and it wasn't long before he came out.


"Get out of my room and stop being nosey, you hear me?" He shunned cutting his brother off.

Upon saying that last part, his mind went to Calista, she'd said that to him when he took her book. Trisan didn't know when his right hand went to his heart, and he felt his heartbeat.


Gianna walked out of her room already dressed for school, descending the stairs, she saw her mother setting the table for breakfast.

"Honey, I made your favorite," the woman said happily.

"Mom, I'm late. sorry," she replied and that made her mother frown.

"It's barely 7," she pouted like a kid

Gianna walked closer, resting a comforting hand on her mother's shoulder.

"Will eat tomorrow..."

"Just try a little, I made it all myself, I didn't let the maids do it,"

"Mom, I can't, I'm sorry," she kissed her mother on the chick before heading towards the door.

"Your father came back last night," her mother said, and Gianna turned around. Her eyes wide and sparkling.

"Daddy!!!" she dropped her backpack, racing upstairs with speed.

She pushed her parents bedroom door open and there he was, her father sleeping on the king-size bed.

"Baby, don't wake him...." Before her mother could finish Gianna jumped on the bed, shaking the man violently that he woke up

"Daddy! Daddy!!! Daddy!!! Daddy!!!!"

"Look who we have here," Mr. Elliot said and sat up.

She hugged him tightly, making them fall back on the bed.

"That's still my husband young lady," Mrs. Elliot said, and Mr. Elliot bust out laughing.

"I missed you daddy," Gianna hugged him again. "What took you so long to come back?" she asked

"I missed you more Diamond, but I will make it up on your birthday, it's next week, right?" Mr. Elliot asked, and his wife nodded.

"Yes," Gianna screamed happily

"You're finally 18 and will become the face of NEW ERA, the youngest CEO..."

"Dad, I'm late for school, we will talk about it when I get back and you will also meet up with all the things you missed, okay?" Gianna said as she got off the bed.

"Alright Diamond, don't get your hands burnt, your fingerprints are needed," Her mother said

"Sure Mommy," she walked out of the room.

"Can't believe that my father wants to make her chairlady at 18,"

"She's the best fit for it," Mr. Elliot said and slowly lay down on the bed.

Minutes after his wife left the room, he took his phone. Making a quick phone call.

"Have you found her?" he asked impatiently.


"What do you mean you can't find her? That child most not live. The day I have been waiting for is finally here and I can't have anyone ruin it, find that child and eliminate her," he roared into the phone.

"Have sent my men all over, don't worry too much about it,"

"You better do," he replied

"What about Lucy?" the person at the other end asked

"She's still my wife for now and it's her company, once we get what we have been waiting for, she's out my life,"



Calista is seen standing in front of their building while waiting for Tristan, she checked the time and at that moment her phone buzzed, she quickly slides green

"Firecracker it's close to 8," she complained.

"I'm close to you, just turn around you'll see the black bike coming your way," Tristan replied.

Calista turned around only to see him parked by the corner, his phone still in his ear. She bashed her lashes as she stared at him. Slowly she began walking towards him, but she hadn't taken 10 steps when a black van pulled over beside her and two guys jumped out.

Before she could react, a sack was put over her head and she began to feel lightheaded. The world started to spin, and she tried to fight back but it was no use. Her vision started to fade as she was dragged into the Van and the door slammed shut behind her.

Her phone dropped in the process.

"Calista!!!" Tristan stepped on the pedal, his eyes so wide and red with fury, he didn't know what drove him, but there was no way he was letting them get away with her.

Breaking all the traffic rules, Tristan went after them. Speeding at the highest speed. The Van took a turn and Tristan followed.

He drove to the front of the Van, and they packed. Four guys jumped out instantly, weapon in hand. Staring into the van, his heart pounded as he saw Calista lying motionless on the seat.

Tristan launched himself at the nearest man, knocking him back, he punched the second guy on his belly before another guy punched his belly too. He twisted that guy, knocking him to the ground.

Two guys launched at him at once but he quickly blocked his face with both hands as they punched him.

Suddenly, he regained power, delivering a strong punch to the first guys face while using his left hand to punch the other guy. The one on the ground gripped his leg so he bent over, punching him endlessly. Another guy launched at him, but he rolled over to the side, another person was there. Tristan dodged the guy's punches, pushing him off and then he grabbed the one behind him by his collar, sending punches to his face.

One by one he took them down.

"Calista," he ran towards the van, scooping her into his hand before gently touching her cheeks.

"Kitten, you okay?" he asked and tapped her cheeks.

Calista blinked twice before slowly opening her eyes fully

"Tristan," she called, her voice barely a whispered

He pulled her into a hug, hugging her so tight that she felt she might suffocate if he keeps up.

"I can't breathe," she said forcing herself out of his strong hold. Tristan disengaged from the hug then cupped her face.

"Never you get in trouble again, do you hear me?" He scolded

"Hey, those guys came after me," she fired back.

"Why didn't you fight, I thought you were all strong and mighty? What if I wasn't coming? Huh? They could have taken you with them," he pointed out.

"Why are you making it look like my fault?" she shouted back, thinking back to her encounter with her father this morning and with the way he's blaming her, her eyes watered but she fought them back.

"Thank you for saving me," she alighted from the car.

Tristan ruffled his hair. He was so scared. So, f**king scared that his heart nearly jumped out of his chest when these stupid guys took her. bringing down his hand it went straight to his heart on its own and he caressed it gently. Suddenly, he ran after her, taking her hand from behind.


"What," she snapped and turned to him.

He looked over to his bike then back at her.

In the next minute they were both speeding down the highway with Calista's arms wrapped around him, the cool breeze brushing her hair backwards and he couldn't stop stealing glances from his shoulder.



Tristan pulled up at the lot and Calista got off, she made to walk away but he swiftly grabbed her hand and then she looked at him.

"There will be a match this afternoon, you coming to watch me play?" he asked, staring her in the eyes.

She was silent for a moment so he tapped her shoulder just the way he will do to a guy.

"Come on,"

She rolled her eyes, and he poked her cheeks.

"You look even prettier when you frown," he said, teasing her.

She shoved him out of the way hiding the small smile on her lips.

"I'm not coming, and those words don't work on me," she began walking away

"it's during lunch, be there," he shouted

"Already told you, I won't," she uttered.

"Will be waiting,"

Minutes after Calista left Tiffany came out of her hiding spot

"Tristan," she called, and he jumped back,

"WTF!" he yelled after seeing who it was. "don't ever sneak up on me like that?" he yelled seriously.

"I didn't mean to scare you..."

"You didn't scare me, I thought it was one of those boys... you know what? What do you want?" He placed both hands on his waist.

Tiffany moved closer. She cupped his face and he raised his brows.

"What is this?" He removed her right hand but She leaned in to kiss him.

Tristan pushed her off.

"Are you high?"

"Why can't you just look at me? What is it she had that I don't have?" she asked with tears in her eyes

"I told you, I'm singular," he bellowed.

"Then tell me you're just playing her, tell me she's business, tell me she meant nothing to you, and you didn't plan to f**k her..."

"What if I do?" He cut her off.


"Have told you hundred and a thousand times that I don't need you, stop bugging me and to say that you're my stepsister," he began walking away.

"Tristan, I love you and it won't end here," she said, tears rolling down her cheeks as she watched his back.

"My proposal is still on," Ashely said behind her

Meanwhile, the hallway was filled with students staring at Gianna's birthday card, no one knew who distributed it to the school, but it was everywhere.

"Cal," Gianna called immediately she sighted Calista

Calista who's also staring at one of the flyers looked at her, a smile on her face.


"Calista, we need to talk," Brimsley suddenly pushed through the students and grabbed her hand.

She looked at Gianna then at Brimsley. Before Calista could respond, someone shoved through the crowd, knocking Brimsley's feet off the floor and he leap forward, colliding with Calista as they both went down. With him on top of her, their lips glued together and that was exactly when Tristan walked into the cycle

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As E Dey Hot 🥵🥵