Chapter 21&22

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄

By Rosy Johnson



Tristan stood there, unable to breathe, it was as though his lungs shut down as he stared at the sight before him. Calista on the ground with Brimsley on top of her, their lips glued together.

Tristan took a last glance at them before walking away.

"F**k it," he pressed his chest tightly, trying to ease the pain he felt but it was still there.

"I was the one that brought her to school, I fought the bad guys but he gets a kiss," he barging inside the male restroom.

Tristan stood before the mirror and all he could see was Brimsley's face, then his lips on Calista's. His pulse rise and before he could help himself, he was already trashing the garbage can.

"I brought her to school,"

"I fought the bad guys," he mumbled to himself, trashing the can into pieces. his leg was hurting but he didn't stop.

His heart was raising and Falling, his lips trembling as he imagine Brimsley's lips while trashing the garbage can.

"I even brought her a Milkshake and was going to give it to her but that unholy cow gained a kiss," he bellows, suddenly, he stopped and looked at himself in the mirror.

"What was he doing? Since when did he care about who kiss who?" He asked himself.

"Dude, you're going crazy," Lucian said from the door.

Turns out he followed his brother.

Tristan looked at him without uttering a word.

"Oh, Mine. You're bleeding," Lucian rushed to him, but Tristan shoved him out of the way as he stormed past.

"You need to get your wound treated," Lucian shouted as he hurried after him.

Tristan totally ignored him as he walked away, his blood dripping on the floor as he walks.


Calista was still below Brimsley whose eyes were wide, apparently the lady had taken his first kiss. Suddenly, she pushed him so hard that he fell off and she quickly got to her feet. Before Brimsley could utter a word, Calista slapped him hard across the face.

"How dare you steal my first kiss," she rasped.

Brimsley's eyes widened, it was her first kiss? It was his first also. Wait a minute... does that mean they have a story together? Brimsley's lips curve into a smile.

"I'm sorry, but I was pushed," he said softly but she shot him a glare.

"Let's go," Gianna held Calista's hand, taking her out of the scene.



Minutes after the teacher left the class, Ethan and two of his boys walked in. Justin, Gavin, and Garrett exchanged glances.

Students began to murmur amongst themselves.

Ethan walked straight to Mike's seat and slammed his hand on his desk, taking the book Mike was reading from him.

"Hey, text is today and I need to study," Mike said, standing to his feet as he reached for the book but Ethan slapped him

The whole class gasped.

"I heard that you mess with my boys," Ethan grabbed his collar.

Mike looked at his collar and then at Ethan.

"Let go of me," he said, his voice was calm, but his tone was dangerous.

🗣️What's going on

🗣️Will they fight?

🗣️What did he do

🗣️He didn't pay tax yesterday I guess that's why they came for him

🗣️Seems he doesn't know who Ethan's parents are

🗣️Who are his parents?

Mike could hear the murmuring, but he ignored it.

"Come here, you bastard," Ethan pulled him out of his chair and Mike chuckled.

"I'm warning you..." he was still saying when one of Ethan's boys slapped him hard across the face.

Meanwhile, Michelle was walking in when she saw the scene, she quickly ran over to her twin.

"Let him go," she shouted but Ethan shoved her, so hard that she fell to the ground.

Mike pushed Ethan, knocking his back against the big board and the students gasped.

"My Dad said, you treat women with respect. Don't ever raise your hand on any woman again," Mike said in a warning, pointing his index finger at Ethan before walking over to Michelle.

He was just about to touch her when Michelle screamed…

"Mike, watch out!!"

A desk landed on his back, knocking Mike to his knees.

A teacher was coming that way when he saw them but went back.

Filled with rage, Mike turned around grabbing the desk next to him.

"Dad said, if they hit you one hit them twice," he bashed the desk at Ethan who caught it, pulling it out of Mike's grab.

Both men position themselves and before you could know it, fight started.

At first, it looked like Mike had the upper hand but as time went on Ethan began dealing with him. Punching and kicking. By the time he rose to his feet his hand was covered with blood stains with Mike lying defeated on the floor.

"Your Tax," Ethan yelled.

One of his boys searched Mike's trouser pocket, seeing that he didn't have any money, they turned to Ethan.

"He got no cash,"

Ethan chuckled with a nod, still maintaining the sinister smile on his face

He turned to Michelle

"You, his sister?" he asked.

"I am, and next time use the phrase "Are you his pretty sister?" add some respect," Michelle said rudely.

Ethan scoffed.

One of his boys made to walk over to her but he grabbed the guy by his arm, stopping him. His gaze was still fixed on Michelle.

"Let's go,"



Mrs. Elliot yawned from the back seat. she'd wanted to go see Gianna at school today but she's weirdly feeling sleepy.

"Jonathan, turn around, take me home," she said

Her driver stared at her from the rearview mirror.

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied.

In the next few minutes, Mrs. Elliot is seen by her bedroom door, and Jonathan is right behind her. Suddenly, she paused and looked at him.

"Jonathan," she called.

"Yes, Ma'am,"

"You've worked me for so long without taking a day off, how about you take the day off today, go meet your family, and come back tomorrow? You have family, right?" she asked while gently leaning on her door.

"You're my family," that was just at the tip of his mouth to say but he didn't say it.

"I'm honored to drive you wherever you want Ma'am," he replied, gently lowering his head.

She looked at him, and without saying another word, she pushed through the door and went in. Jonathan stood on her doorstep for a few minutes before walking away.


Mrs. Elliot's bedroom door opened, and someone walked in, the person tiptoed to her bedside, ever so gentle.

She was under the covers so the person gently moved the duvet lower to her belly, taking out a Syringe that was already loaded. the person wipes her neck with a clean napkin before bringing the Syringe to her neck. Just when the Syringe was about to make contact with her skin another hand grabbed the arm of the person, flunging him across the room.

The sound made the sleeping woman turn to her side, they both froze and after a few minutes, Jonathan spoke up.

"What the f**k you think you're doing sir?" Jonathan stood by her bedside as if protecting her.

Without saying a word, Mr. Elliot walked over and grabbed his collar, pulling him outside with him. He dragged Jonathan into another room and then locked the door.

"What were you doing in my bedroom?" he asked, making an angry face.

"What were you doing with an injection," Jonathan asked boldly

Mr. Elliot smirked.

"You think you've got nervous, huh? I can get you fired right now..."

"You can't cos you didn't hire me," Jonathan cut him off

With a swift move, Mr. Elliot pushed him against the wall.

"Have you forgotten this is my house?" he roared.

"With all due respect sir, get your hand off me and tell me what you were trying to inject into your sleeping wife's neck or I'm walking through that door to wake my boss up and I'm telling her everything I know," Jonathan replied, his tone was rough, leaving no room for argument.

Mr. Elliot laughed sarcastically while moving back from Jonathan.

"You wanna tell her? Go on, I dare you. Tell her let's see who will end up behind bars, hope you'll tell her everything and I mean all of it," Mr. Elliot said, seeing the look of fear in Jonathan's eyes he smiled.

"Think about it," he walked out completely



"I can't believe only a few did well in this text, y'all are just a shame," Ms. Bronte said, as she walked from seat to seat, sharing the text results among students.

"Gianna, you should focus on Art, you did excellent there," she dropped the result on her desk.

Gianna smiled as she took it.

"I got an A," Gianna smiled happily.

"Brimsley, stop staring at the new girl and work on your result, if you can't keep a good record you will lose your honor," she dropped the result on his desk and he took it.

He got an A+ so where is the other plus? F**K he hadn't focused. The kiss was still in his head and damn it. He wanted to do it again, kiss her for real this time.

Brimsley's heart pounded and he felt butterflies in his tummy just at the thought of that.

"Tiffany, you're my best student in Maths but it seems someone else beat you to it," Ms. Bronte dropped her own result on her desk and Tiffany took it.

"What are you saying? Tiffany is always the best and everyone knows it," Ashely said out loud


🗣️She's the best in maths

🗣️No one has ever bêâten her in maths

🗣️Are you saying someone from the dreamland beat her to it?

🗣️Funny, that can never happen.

The students began murmuring amongst themselves.

"Silence," Ms. Bronte said and the whole class became calm.

"Calista Felix, I don't know how you did it but keep it up," she dropped the text result on Calista's desk.

Calista took it and her eye widened at what she saw, she got an A+ with an extra 2Marks

"So, who's the best now if not Tiffany?" Betty asked

"Yeah, tell us," Molly added.

Ms. Bronte stared from one person to another, she could feel the hot gazes of students on her then she sighed, walking back to the front of the class.

"Calista Felix top Tiffany Jackson with two points in maths, satisfied now?" she said looking around

The students gasped in shock and Tiffany quickly checked her results.

Calista's eyes were still burgling out of their socket when Gianna hugged her.

"You did it," Gianna hugged her tightly

Calista was just silent, she'd studied, putting in a lot of sleepless nights for the past week but she never thought she could actually come at the top.

Tiffany glanced at her before walking out of the class.



Mr. Elliot and a woman were in the bar when the Doctor walked in.

"I found her, she was adopted from the orphanage I kept her by this woman, Laurence, they reside downtown," the doctor said, Passing a piece of paper to him.

Seems like an address was written on it.

Mr. Elliot and the woman exchanged glances before he took the paper. He stood up to leave and the woman did the same.

"If this information is wrong then you're dead," Mr. Elliot threatened.

They walked over to the car, and he stopped.

"You go home my love, I will get this fixed and as soon as our daughter gets the company, Lucy is out of my life completely," he said, pulling her closer to him by her waist.

She kissed him lightly.

"Did you give her the slow poison injection?" she asked.

"Nah," he shook his head negatively, he felt her trying to pull away, but he held her tight.

"Jonathan obstructed the operation, he's an obstacle that needs to be taken care of," he quickly said.

"The fool you paid to f**K her, and he got addicted?" the woman asked, and he nodded

She smiled dangerously.

"How stupid of Lucy not to know that the man who slept with her on her wedding night wasn't her husband but her driver, she's so dumb,"

"She was blinded by her stupid love, making her do everything I say without thinking. Besides I was there, remember? I would speak so she would think it was me but the only mistake she made was agreeing to be blindfolded. But don't worry, I will take care of him." Mr. Elliot explained as he kissed her again, this time longer and deeper than the first one.

They disengaged from the kiss, and she smiled.

"I will go meet Laurence, we can't have anything ruin the plan we have been waiting for, for years. Next week honey, our daughter will be the face of NEW ERA. The youngest Chairlady and CEO," Mr. Elliot laughed as he imagined his dreams coming true.

He got into his car and she walked over to hers, zooming out of the parking lot.


Karan's Mom was in the house when she heard the doorbell, thinking that it was Karan she ran over to the door and opened it only to be greeted by the scariest face she had ever seen.

"Where is she?"



"What do you mean y'all got beaten up, by who?" Ashely yelled into the phone.


"That bastard, I told you guys to shoot if there was any obstacle!" she spats, pacing around the classroom.

"He didn't give us the chance..."

"F**K Y'all, you're not getting paid," she ranted and ended the call.

Scrolling through her call log she dialed another number.

"Boss," a male voice came through the reviver.

"I have a job for you,"


Tiffany was seen in the field staring into space, she picked up a stone then threw it into the empty field as she made to pick another one, but Betty sat by her right side, Molly on her left then Ashley came in front of her.

She stared at them but remained silent.

"Heard you lost the title, she didn't only take your man but also your spot," Ashely said in a mockery tone.

"How can you let her?" Betty asked

"I heard you tutored her," Molly added.

"she's now in the spotlight, are you gonna let that slide?" Betty asked

"Just so you know, I saw her walking over to the men's locker room," Ashely added and that got Tiffany to look at her.

"Probably to steal your man," Ashely added

Tiffany dusted herself as she stood, walking away from them without saying a word.



Tristan was in class alone, others had already gone for the match but he didn't go, suddenly he looked up only to see Calista walking in then he frowned and turned to face the window.

The kissing scene was still playing on a loop in his head.

"How could you tell me to come watch you play basketball when you're not even playing," she said.

Getting closer she placed a hand on his shoulder, Tristan felt his whole body ignite under her touch and swiftly he took her hand off him.

"You should go," he said not looking at her.

She was silent, had he seen the kissing scene with Brimsley? Was he mad at her? But why will he be made since they weren't even dating or anything? No, he can't be mad cos of the kiss, or was he?

"You made me come here only for you to tell me to go, Firecracker!" she called and walked in front of him.

He didn't look her way so she cupped his face, which made him look her in the eyes. Tristan felt his heart skip beat but he willed himself to stay calm.... Damn! It was hard!

"Are you hurt? Aren't you playing baseball again?" she asked, taking in her lower lips, by the time she let it out it was wet and pink, temping as h*ll



"Don't ever let anybody kiss you again, cos this lip is now mine," he smashed his lips on hers.

TBC 😁😀😍💖