Chapter 23&24

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄

By Rosy Johnson



"Don't ever let anybody kiss you again, cos this lip is now mine," he smashed his lips on hers.

As their lips met, a jolt of electricity seemed to shoot through their bodies. Every nerve ending felt alive and on fire, and the sensation was almost too much to bear. It was as if they had been transported to another world, where nothing else mattered except for the feeling of their lips pressed together.

They could feel each other's breath, their hearts beating in their chests, and the connection between them seemed almost tangible. Time seemed to stand still as they savored the moment, lost in the intensity of the moment.

The kiss was slow and gentle at first, their lips barely touching. But as the moment deepened, the kiss became more passionate.

Tristan's heart pounding against his chest. He knew she could feel it too. The sensation was almost overwhelming, as if all the energy in the universe was pouring into in through their kiss. Tristan's hands found their way to her waist, and hers to his shoulders. He could feel her breath on his cheek, and it was like a warm breeze on a summer's day.

Calista could feel the heat of Tristan's skin, the softness of his hair. she could smell the perfume he was wearing, and it felt as if everything else had faded away. It was just the two of them, together in that moment making her wonder if he felt the same. Never in a million years could she imagine herself kissing a guy. Her fear had gone far away and all she could think of was the taste of his lips.

Tristan thrust his tongue halfway through her throat and she moaned, that made his body heat up more and his little man fighting to get out. All things to his pants which restrained it.

With their bodies pressed closer together she could feel his erection. Their hands found each other, and they held on tight. It was as if they were afraid that if they let go, the moment would end. But they didn't want it to end. They wanted to stay like this forever, lost in each other.

As their lips parted, they looked into each other's eyes. Their lips reddish and swollen, and in that moment, they knew that everything had changed. This was more than just a kiss. This was the beginning of something new, something special.

Tristan and Calista's eyes stayed locked on each other, as if they were the only two people in the world. Tristan's hand found Calista's cheek, and he brushed a strand of hair away from her face. She smiled up at him, and he felt his heart melt. He leaned in for another kiss, and this time, it was even more passionate than the last. They held each other close, their bodies pressed together.

"Firecracker," she moaned into the kiss.

"Kitten, I can't get enough," Tristan whispered. "I want all of you," he disengages from his kiss, staring into her eyes and in that moment, he knew that he had found something he never wanted to let go of.

"Kitten, I want to cherish you more than Gold," he caressed her lips so tenderly making her Shiever.

She gulped emptness.

"We should go, it's almost dismissal," he took her hand. Leading her out of the class but she stopped, and he looked at her.

"Can we stay for a little longer?" she asked, making a puppy face.

Tristan smiled as he lifted her up, placing her on the desk before bending in front.

"You want to eat me?" he asked, and she frowned.

"Oh please!" she rolled her eyes and he chuckled.

"I'm too handsome admit it,"

"urch," she rolled her eyes again and he laughed. Then hugged her tightly.



"I don't think this is a good idea," Peter said to Brimsley who is pacing around the disciplinary room.

He totally ignored him.

"I mean, you both just shared a kiss, nothing special..."

"We have a story, i can feel it," Brimsley stopped pacing back and forth and looked at Peter.

"Just cos you share a mistake kiss with her doesn't mean anything," Peter pointed out.

"First i didn't like her guts, second, i trailed her, then third her first kiss was also mine. Can't you see the handwriting on the wall?" Brimsley asked and Peter looked around.

"All I can see is empty wall..."

"There is a connection between us, i just have to prove it silly!" Brimsley said frustratedly.

He knows what he felt, it was real. His heart can't lie to him, and he was certain that there is a connection between him and Calista, he just has to make her see it so Peter could also believe it.

"You're just being delusional," Peter jumped down from the desk, he can't seem to understand what his friend is trying to get himself into, but he will be right here when it will all play out.



Students could be seen pouring out of the school, somewhere in group while some were alone. Justine was walking out with his friends when Tristan and Lucian blocked their path.

"Will be right back," Justin said to his friends as he followed Tristan to a corner.

They both looked around, making sure no one was watching before Tristan began.

"Let's end it," he suddenly said to Justin's dismal.

"What?"Justin didn't want to believe what he was hearing.

Like the playboy was really ending a deal, it was none like him, it has never happened so why now?

"I said let's end it, your ten days is over, and I kept her busy like you said..."

"Man, you can't..."

"I just did," Tristan began walking away but before he could take three steps Justin held his shirt, pulling him back.

His eyes were filled with pleads as he took out $10 passing it to Tristan.

"Please, keep her busy till next week, I promise not to bother you again, just next week," he said desperately, and Tristan looked at the cash with him then up at his face.

"I just said..."

"I heard what you said and all I'm asking for is just next week, during Gianna's birthday, I need to get down with her sister and she agreed to let me but that can only happen next week. Come on man, have spent so much money on this girl and I haven't even had a kiss on the lips, you can't just back off now that she promised me the real deal," he pleased desperately

Tristan was silent for a moment, no man will say no to s*x, unless you're not well.... f**k well, s*x is good for the health and can cure any dieses.

"Next week you say," he eyed Justin.

"Yes, next week and it won't pass it, I wanna get a bite, help a brother..."

"I'm not your f**king brother and make that money $20,000 or forget it," Tristan said, even though his mind was screaming at him, trying to warn him about the mistake he was making Tristan paid deaf ears, it was just next week, he can as well make money from it.



After Gavin and Garrett came back from school, Gavin was on Karan's bedside reading a novel to her, Suddenly, he dropped the book and took her hand.

"When are you going to wake up? It's been a week plus," he said, kissing the back of her palm.

"Dinner is ready," Garrett said from the living room and Gavin made to drop Karan's hand, but she held him. He looked back at her surprised.

His mind was telling him to call his brother, but won't Garret call him crazy again? he stood still. Staring at their woman who had just squeezed his hand. His heart pounding as he said a little prayer, hoping and wishing she would just open her eyes, but nothing happened. Disappointed, he gently dropped her hand on the bed.

Gavin hadn't gotten to the door when he turned around, he didn't know why he did that, but his mind just told him to and when he did, he didn't know how to react to what he saw. Karan's eyes were wide open, and she was staring at him.

He stood there, also staring at her without making a move or calling his brother, it was as though he had been hypnotized.

"Gavin..." Garretts eyes widened immediately he walked in to see Karan fully awake, she wasn't wearing anything as her temperature was too high, so they had to take off her clothes.

"Where am I?" she asked and sat up, the duvet covering her fell to her lap and both brothers turned their back at her instantly.

Okay, it was better changing her clothes when she wasn't aware than watching her boobs stand proudly and pointing at them without them doing anything, and to say that they hadn't really thought of her reaction before stripping her naked. Damn. What must be going through her mind.

"Garrett," she called, her voice barely audible.

They didn't look at her, they felt movement and the next thing they now was a hand on Garret shoulder.

"Are you guys also dead? Is this the underworld? I thought I was gonna be lonely there too but turns out you are here with me in the underworld," she said hugging him.

Gavin remains standing, he'd been the one reading and giving her extra care, but Garrett gets all the good things.

No, he shouldn't think such of his brother...

"Emmm... I think you're naked," Garret said and that was when Karan disengages from her hug and looked at herself.

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" she screamed, jumping on the bed with the duvet going over her


Two brothers sat in the dining room with Gavin focused on his food, Garrett looked at him.

"What now? Don't tell me you still have doubt," he said

"I'm just thinking maybe I made a mistake when i said she was the one," Gavin said

"Instead of contemplating if she's the one or not, why not tell her and let the lady decide...."

"What if she doesn't want us..."

"Then we should try and convince her that she belongs to us, she just doesn't know it," Garret said, cutting him off.

"I belong to no one," Karan's voice came from the stairs, and they turned to see her standing there.

Had she been listening? Had she heard it all?

"What's going on," she asked descending the stairs, her eyes not leaving them.

First, she woke up and was still on earth instead of being in the underworld and now this. What exactly were they talking about?


"What's going on?" she cut Garret off

Gavin, who couldn't take it any longer, spoke up.

"My brother and I want to settle for one woman, we are not going for dating, but we want a lifetime. I know what you are thinking but before you judge us just know that where we came from its normal even though it's not around here. In Bridgewater, my cousin Terrisa has two husbands," Gavin explained.

She stared from one person to another, what the h*ll do they mean by share one woman? Like threesome shît? wait....had that gone through her things?

"Is this some kind of threesome?" she asked

"You're our woman and we will do that if it's what you desire," Gavin replied

She looked at Garret expecting him to say something, but he said nothing. She let out a chuckle.

"This is unbelievable," she turned to go back upstairs but Gavin grasped her hand. Making her to stop on her track.

"I know it's hard for someone outside Bridgewater, but we hope you understand that you're the one for us, you belong to us and..."

"I belong to know one!!" she suddenly yelled, yanking his hand off her.

Garret walked over and held her other arm, she was practically trapped between the two hot bodies. Gavin felt her relax a little bit as the look of horror in her eyes cleared off.

"I can't do this,"



"Dad!! Dad, I got A+ in maths!" Calista screamed excitedly as she ran towards the kitchen.

She could hear voices as she approached but nothing could have prepared her for what she saw.

She'd expected to see just her father but, damn! That lady was here again, with an apron tied around her waist as if this was her house. Don't she have a house?

Well, her father also tied an apron like a chief.

"Hi," Ms. Bronte looked towards her direction

The smile on the face faded away instantly and she turned to leave

"You wanted to say something, honey?" Mr. Felix said

"Nevermind," she walked away, heading upstairs to her room.

Mr. Felix removed the apron, but Bronte touched his hand making him stop to look at her.

"I will go," she said softly

Calista was laying on her bed when she heard a soft knock on her door, she looked towards her door but didn't say a word. She knew her father's patten of knocking, Mike can only barge in then go back to knock while knocking is far from Michelle.

The knock came again and then she heard her door crack and Ms. Bronte's head popped in.

"May I?" she asked

Calista ignored her so she walked in, Ms. Bronte sat on the bed and Calista looked at her as if she didn't want her to be here... the truth is, she didn't want her here!

Ms. Bronte inhaled deeply then glanced at the book Calista was reading.

"I know you don't like me... I mean. I'm just 24 with a 47 years old man." she paused then looked at Calista "I really like your Dad and I'm jealous of you," she said, and Calista looked at her.

"He loves you so much, all of you! He said you guys are his future and he puts all of you first, but he has a special kind of love for you, the mommy of the house. I know you owe me nothing, but do you think you can hate me less..."

"I don't hate you, i just don't want you here," Calista cut her off with an eye roll.

Ms. Bronte was shocked at her out burst but she kept her calm.

"May I ask why?"

"Isn't it obvious that you won't last long? You want me to love you so you can leave and break my heart? And his also?" she replied nonchalantly.

Ms. Bronte opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, so she closed them back.

"I don't want you here, go now that it's still early so nobody will get hurt," Calista took her book, she won't down the bed, walking straight to the door and exit the room.



"Hey, where is your tax?" one of Ethan's boys asked Mike just as he was about walking over to the junior block.

Mike glanced at them but kept quiet, he'd skipped diner and breakfast cos he didn't want his father to see his bruises and he didn't have any money with him.

"I said where is your tax?" Another person asked, pushing him back.

"Don't touch me again," Mike said

Ethan's boys exchanged glances. he'd beaten the shît out of them, so they were a little bit scared of him.

"Are you dump or you're naturally stupid," Ethan shoved him from behind, so hard that he staggered forward, trying to maintain his posture but failed so he falls face flat.

The students around gasped out loud, but none came forward.

"Get your stupid ass up there and pay tax!?" Ethan spat, pulling him up by his uniform and from nowhere, a flying kick landed on Ethan's face, the impact knocked his face to the side and one of his molar teeth flew out.

It all happened so fast that all students and teachers stood steel like a statue, their mouth opened wide and eyes burgling out.

Staggered backward, the hand grabbed his arm, pulling him forward and punching his rib together with his neck and his thighs all at once and at a lightening speed, sending Ethan to his knees as blood oozed out from his mouth. Nose and ears, his eyes red as if he could cry blood...

"Your Tax,"