Chapter 37&38

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄





Brimsley is seen making his order in front of the canteen.

"Noodles with veggies and herbs," he said, showing show her the most charming smile he could put on his face as of that moment.

She smiled sheepishly.

He took his order and walked back to an empty table, settling down on it. As he unclipped his bottle water, drinking from it.

"You're here, I went to the Disciplinary room but you weren't there," Tiffany said as she dropped her tray on the table, pulling out the chair opposite him she settled down on it.

Brimsley glared silently at her. She didn't have any buries on her neck and he could have checked her arms but with their long sleeve school uniforms, he wasn't able to get a glimpse

"My wounds have been treated,"Tiffany said as if reading his mind.

He shifted his gaze to her face and then forced a weak smile.

"I can see that," he mumbled

The table was silent as they began eating, five minutes went by and Tiffany decided to breath the awkward silence.

"You still have a thing for her?" she asked

Brimsley raised his head and their eyes met so he looked away.

"After all the things she did to me you still feel a thing for that monster?" she asked, voice raising.

"It's not that we can control our feelings, I mean… I feel what I feel and even though I was there when it all happened that night, it still doesn't change a thing," he looked at her "Maybe she couldn't control her anger…." he paused, memories of what happened that night came rushing into his head.

He was there, standing like an idiot while Tristan controlled her. It was as though his feet was too heavy to move cos he just watched without uttering a single word. His mind went back to when she kicked him to the door and his grip on the fork he's holding tightened.

He let another person calm her down just cos he was too scared to get close.

"Brimsley, you'll get yourself injured," Tiffany said softly, tapping hand.

He blinked twice then looked at her, putting on that charming smile that always makes girls crazy about him.

"Where you scared?" he asked


"That night when she was choking you, where you scared?" he asked again.

He watched as her expression changed but she didn't say a word, instead she stood and carried her tray, but he held her hand, pulling her back to her chair.

"You were scared weren't you?"

"I'm not scared of her!" she suddenly yelled.

Others in the canteen turned to look in their direction, Tiffany took in a deep breath then exhaled.

"Have a good afternoon," she left

Brimsley watched her leave, relaxing back on the chair his hand on his jaw.



Gavin is seen standing while Garrett pack their bag pack, they were the only once in the classroom and they're preparing to go have lunch.

"Hey," A familiar voice said from behind and both brother's turned to see Karan standing on the door with bright smile on her lips.

She strode the few steps towards them, stopping just little inches from Gavin and that made his heart flutter.

"I want you guys to take me out tonight, what do you think?" she said, staring from one person to another.

Both brothers exchanged glances.

"Like a date?" Garret asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, A date,"

Gavin's jaw dropped but he quickly composed himself.

He needed to get his character in check, wait! She said a date… does that mean she accepted them?

"mm.." he coughed as though something was on his throat.

"Where would you like to go? Do you have a special place in mind or anything?" Gavin asked and she looked at him.

"Surprise me," she winked at him, turning to leave but Garret held her hand.

Karan looked at him with warmth in her eyes, she freed his hold on her and began walking over to the door.

"Pick me up at seven," she added and exit the room.

Gavin and Garret exchanged glances and jumped up at the same time.


"Guys, are you…"

"Sorry Justin, we wont' be hanging out with you today," Garret cut Justin off.

He's just walking into the class so he stopped as they ran past him.

"We are going on a date tonight and we need to get ready, sorry buddy," Gavin added excitedly

"What's wrong with them?" Justin mumbled to himself, confused.

Just then Tristan walked into the class but he didn't go in fully, he just stopped by the door, leaning on it.

"Why do you wish to see me," he asked

He didn't know why Justin wanted to see him he'd called him the other day and said something emergency came up.

He's not one to worry but he didn't get a goodnight sleep throughout the weekend.

"So, Gianna's birthday is on Tuesday and Michelle is currently grounded which means she won't attend, so I want you to talk Calista into bringing her along," Justin said

Tristan frowned instantly, was this why he called him on Saturday? He'd thought something serous happened but this.… he began walking away, totally ignoring him.

"Hey," Justin ran after him but with a swift move Tristan grabbed his neck, slamming his back against the wall near them.

"Now listen to me! Our deal was to keep her busy not get into her family business, take care of your own shit yourself and don't ever bother me again," he rasped, letting go of Justin who fall with a thud.


"My bûtt, Damn it!" he groaned, his right hand cupping his âss.

"That son of a bîtch," he rumbled

Meanwhile, Tristan haven't left the junior block when he came across Brimsley. Without sparing him a glance he began walking away but Brimsley caught his wrist and that made him stop and both men began staring at each other.

"Why do I have this feeling that there is something you're hiding?" Brimsley said but it came as a question.

Tristan was silent.

"And to say that I keep seeing you with Justin, the other day you even took money from him and I overhead Calista's name. Wait… don't tell me you made a deal with Justin in her name, do you?" he asked.

With full force, Tristan yanked his hand free and Brimsley staggered back as he began walking away.

"I know you two aren't dating," Brimsley said out loud and Tristan slowed his pace but didn't turn to look at him.

"I just want you to know that I will find out what you're hiding from her and I will let her know what it is and I will also try to win her heart just don't let your guard down cos you have got a competitor," Brimsley said with a warning tone.

He walked past Tristan who stood there, unable to move as many thoughts flew through his mind.

Does Brimsley know that he was getting paid to date Calista? Has he been stalking him? How much does he know?



Peter jumped down the desk immedialy the front door opened and Brimsley strode in.

"Hey, I haven't heard from Ashely since then, did you give her the letter?" he asked desparately.

Brimsley shook his head negatively.


"What do you mean 'No?" he asked.

Obviously furious but Brimsley ignored him.

"I told you I poured my heart, soul, body and everything, something else came in mind when I was writing that…" He was still saying when Brimsley reached for his backpack which is on the chair next to him. Peter paused, watching as Brimsley bought out the letter from his bag and began walking away.

"Where? Where are you going?" Peter jumped down the desk and followed him instantly.

"To give her your letter of course," he turned abruptly.

The look on his face wasn't bright and Peter could tell that something was bothering him, he didn't want to think of Brimsley still carrying Calista in mind so he brush off the thought.

"Here, I got some candy, add it up," Peter passed the pack of candies to Brimsley who rolled his eyes.

He hadn't taken up to five steps when the front door opened and Ashley entered. Her eyes glimmered as she saw the candy with him then she ran forward and took it from him.

"Are they for me?" she asked, tiring up one candy and taking a bite.

Her eyes went closed and she took another bite.

"Hmmm," she hummed.

"And this too," Brimsley hand over the letter to her.

Her cheeks heat up instantly.

"You shouldn't have done that, you would have just told me, are you that shy to confess your feeling to me in person?" she asked, she read through the fist page giggling to herself.

"It's not from me," Brimsley suddenly replied

She glanced at him then looked around, as though she's not seeing Peter, she looked at him again.

"From who?"

"Peter," Brimsley pointed at him.

Ashley hit the candy pack on the floor, stepping on it.

"Those are expensive," Peter mumbled sadly

She picked up one pack, throwing it at him before charging to him.

"How dare you???"

Peter took to his heel, running round the big table at the center while shouting and calling Brimsley for help. Brimsley simply ignored and and walked out.



Gianna and Karan walked out of the Library and the whole time Gianna has been talking but Karan only fixed her eyes on her phone, giggling.

"Do you think she will come to school tomorrw? Or should we go to her house and know if everything is alright?" Gianna suddenly stopped on her track, staring at karan.

She'd tried calling Calista but couldn't get her, she was so worried.

"hmm… did you say something?" Karan asked, her phone buzzed again and she glanced at it smiling.

"Give me that! Who the h*ll are you chatting?" Gianna snatched the phone from her.

"Hey, give that back, I need to reply," Karan made to take it from her but Gianna shifted back.

Karan was on Whatsapp and she seem to be chatting someone… no, not someone her Mom.

"So, cos you're chatting you mother you can't listen to me," Gianna asked, she has been talking since but Karan won't even listen.

"urgh… it's not my mom but yours and I'm sorry, her message always comes in quick," Karan said and Gianna frowned. "she was just asking me if I wanted lunch…. oh, there she is," Karan began walking towards the limo that just drove into the school.

Gianna remained standing as she stroll through the chat with heavy heat.

MOM-L: Baby girl, they are still working on your results but I got the pill, you want me to bring them to you?"

KARAN: No, don't worry too much.

MOM-L: If you say so, but I'm not bothered, I just like what I'm doing. By the way don't eat lunch, I made something you will like.

KARAN: Reallly? 😳 Can I see? 🥹

The next was pictures of spanish salad so, she scroll up.

MOM-L: You like it?

KARAN: I love it, looks yummy 😋

MOM-L: 😄

MOM-: How are your nights?


MOM-L: Now you're making me feel like a teenager, where should I hid too 🙈


KARAN: they are taking me out tonight at 7

MOM-L: Hmm, sounds like someone will have a whole lot of fun. Honey be careful with them and don't push too hard or too slow.

KARAN: Roger that 👌🏾

MOM-L: I'm at the school gate

KARAN: So soon? don't tell me you where already coming when you first tested. 👀

MOM-L: Guilty, your honor. 👩🏾‍⚖️


KARAN: I'm starving, you're the best. ☺️

MON-L: You're so cute and sweet and I love you.🥰

Gianna clenched her fist after reading, so tight that the book in her left hand felt the rage inside her.

she unlucked her phone but there was no call, no texts, not even the 'how are you messages her mother always sent her everyday.

"Baby!!" Mrs Elliots waved at her but Gianna ran out of sight.


>9:21 PM~~ Mr FELIX HOUSE<

"Hurry up, Michelle!" Calista shouted from the living room.

"I'm coming," Michelle's voice came from her room.

Mike was awkwardly silent beside her so Calista reached for him, he shifted closer to her and she pulled him into a hug.

He was taller though.

"It's gonna be okay," she mumbled gently stroking his hair.

"W…. what if… dad don't want us anymore?" he looked down at her fighting back tears.

"He... I dunno," Calista sniffed.

"He's out late cos he's avoiding us right? He doesn't want to come home and see us, right?" All the tears he was holding back came rolling down his cheeks.

"Shhh! Don't think too much, I will take care of you two, okay," she cut him off, wiping his tears with her thumb.

"I'm ready," Michelle said and they both disengage from the hug, staring at her.

She was wearing a blue jersey with a jeans trousers, carrying a mini bag with her.

"You said I should take what I can carry, and I can carry all this," Michelle weigh the bag.

They got outside and climbed her bike then she speed off. Meanwhile, Tristan was coming to their place when he saw them so he reverse and followed suit.

They decided to leave the house since their father haven't come back after the court discovering.

Calsita's bike came to a halt in front of the restaurant and they alighted from it.

The court didn't say if they were related or not and she was happy they didn't review that information cos it was better she didn't know.

"Your step kids are here," Sky said upon seeing them.

Ms Bronte actually showed her their pic.

Ms Bronte walked out of the kitchen, she took off her apron, with a confused expression on their faces as she walked towards them.

"What happened?" she looked from the bags with them to their dressing style, with one look at them one could tell that they were running away.

Mike is actually the one that told Calista where to find her.

Calista sniffed

"come over here," she led them to an empty booth

Simon served them water but Mike requested for chips so he went to get it.

"What happened? Is your dad sick? Did something happened to him? Does he know that you all are here…"

"He's not our dad," Michelle blurted out.

Ms Bronte's eyes widened with confusion.

Sky gasped and quickly covered her mouth, pretending as though she didn't hear her, she dropped the chips Mike requested for on the table in front of them.

"Can I get Macaroni?" Michelle asked and she smiled at her.

"Of course beautiful," Sky replied

"What do you mean? What's going on?" Ms Bronte asked

Calista began narrating what happened in court and when she was done done Ms Bronte had tears in her eyes.

she felt pity for them and their father. The man had said they were his future and given them his all. How could a woman be so heartless and evil.

"Can we stay here till I get a Job and apply to be their legal guidane?" Calista asked, her eye pleading.

"I will be right back," Ms Bronte walked to the back kitchen with Sky thrilling behind her.

"have they come to stay?" Simon asked

"You finally built a healthy relationship…."

"No, they are here because they fear their father might not want them," she cut Sky off.

Simon and his wife exchanged glances.


"Yeah, I'm calling their father," Ms Bronte said, going through her phone with a worried look on her phone.

"You are?" Sky asked unbelievably

"You still have his number? I thought you two broke up on," Simon reminderd.

"Yeah, but he's still my baby daddy," Ms Bronte replied and place her phone on her ear

"Broke up! Baby! Daddy!!" Another voice came through the door and they all froze

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵