Chapter 39&40

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄



"Broke up! Baby! Daddy!" A familiar voice sounded by the door, and they all turned to see Calista with wide eyes, jaw dropped with her gaze fixed on Ms Bronte.

Ms Bronte's guts twisted at the look on Calista's face, she'd betrayed the girl, but she hadn't done it intentional. Some things weren't meant to be and sometimes you just have to let go!

She took a step forward.


"I knew that you were gonna leave anyway and break my heart and now you have done what I feared the most," Calista wipe a tear drop from her eyes and sniffed.

"Mike, Michelle, let's get out of here!" she said, walking away even before Ms Bronte could utter a word

Sky and her husband exchanged glances before staring silently at Bronte.


"Where are we going now?" Michelle asked, staring into the restaurant, she took the helmet Calista pointed at her and wore it then looked at her brother who was already done with his.

"Calista! Calista!" They heard Tristan's voice and Calista who was about to speed off looked in his direction.

"Kitten," Tristan called spreading his arms and she ran to him, like a little girl seeking her mother's guidance. The only difference was that she wasn't seeking her mother's guidance.. yerk! That b*tch, she could go to h*ll for all they care.

What she really wanted at this moment was someone to look at her, tell her that everything was gonna be okay! Tell her that their father won't hate them, tell her that they weren't gonna leave their dad no matter what and that they were family. She just wanted someone… somebody, anybody!

"Are they dating" Mike asked his twin, not taking his gaze off them.

They way he wrapped his hand protectively around her, savoring her. The way she let herself go, free as though she wanted him to carry all her worries. she actually leaned on him… she'd never leaned on anyone cos of her detest for men that aren't their father.

"Are they?" Mike looked at his twin this time around.

"He's being paid to date her," that was just at the tip of Michelle's lips to say but she didn't voice it out, it will ruin things. She'd accepted when Justine came up with the plan but she hadn't know that her sister will fall so deeply in to.

She needs to stop this, she have read many novels and watched movies and it seriously didn't end well.

"I have no idea," she said, taking a little too long to reply which wasn't necessary.

Mike glared at her.

They were too busy watching Tristan and Calista that they didn't notice the black G-wagon that pulled into the drive way, Mr Felix alighted from the car with a worried look on his face.

"There you are," he asked, staring from Mike to Michelle before glaring at the bags with them.

Mr Felix cupped Mike's face, checking him out before turning Michelle around.

"Are you guys okay?" he asked

Both twins exchanged glances and then nodded.

He looked towards Tristan and Calista and she quickly came over to him, taking little steps as if contemplating whether to back off or just go to him.

"Are you alright? Is anyone hurt?" he asked after pulling them together.

"We are fine Daddy," Calista replied

"Dad, are they gonna take us away?" Michelle asked curiously.

Before he could answer Mike threw another question at him.

"Dad, do you hate us know?"

Mr Felix could feel the pain in his heart but he managed to pulled himself together, looking down at them then he spoke.

"I don't care who the sperm donor was, we are family and family don't abandon each other," he replied.

Their face lit up.

"I love you dad, I promise," Mike hugged him tearfully.

"Me too, Daddy," Michelle hugged him also and he looked at Calista who was silent.

"You're already know the answer, you're my role model. We will stick together and fight them all, right daddy?"

"Right!" Ms Bronte replied

They all turned to see her smiling at them, she stared at Calista a little too long before shifting her gaze to Mr. Felix.

"Bronte, thank you. I really appreciate you informing me, I don't know what I could have done if I got home and didn't see them. How can I ever repay you?" he said softly.

She waved a hand over her hand.

"It's nothing…."

"Are you coming with us?" Calista knowingly asked, staring at her unblinking.

Ms Bronte stared her

Was this girl daring her to turn down the offer? Or was she simply testing to see if she truly broke it off with her father?

A part of her wanted to decline the offer, go back inside and help her sister with her restaurant but another part of her wanted to be with the man at this moment of his life.

"Okay," she replied simply.

Tristan stood there forgotten, the family was so entangled together that they didn't notice him and he like it, he was Lucky the man didn't pay attention to him cos if not what would he have said? That he was gonna break his daughters heart soon?

He can't imagine how Calista will feel when she finds out.

But it's just a deal right, it was just business and she shouldn't take it to heart.

He parked at the lot, walking into the mansion. He didn't bother to check for everyone as he went straight up to his room.

Lucian was coming out of his own rooms when he saw him so he followe.

"I don't know what it is what you and that Justin guy...."

"Not now!!" Tristan slammed his door instantly.

His door open and he sat up, thinking it's Lucian.

"I told you not now...." He paused when he saw it was his step mom.



"Where are you going?" he asked his wife

She's all dressed as if going somewhere.

She totally ignored him, picking up the small handbag beside his suitcase she held the door handle but he stopped her from opening it by placing a hand on the door.

"Are you high?" she asked, one eye brows arched at him.

"Where are you going or I will divorce you?" he threatened

She laughed at his threat, taking a step closer to him, so close that they could feel each others breath.

"Chief Judge Moon, you know you started this so don't get on my nerves," she pushed him out of the way, and stormed off.




"Is Lucy home?" A familiar voice asked, thrilling behind Mr Elliot as they walked into the mansion.

"Nah, she went to see her father against next tomorrow," Mr Elliot replied

The servant greeted with their heads down but the woman totally ignored them, Mr Elliot maintained his straight face.

He led her to their bedroom and opened the door, ushering her to go in first and she smiled at his gentle gesture.

"Where did she keep it?" she asked, walking over to the dressing table and began rampaging through it, searching for something only the two of them knows.

"In the safe, I saw it there once," Mr Elliot said as he knelt before the iron save. Putting the codes. The save opened and he smirked.

The woman he came with walked over and grabbed his neck, kissing him fiercely.

"I knew you were gonna do it, she will be left with nothing after being framed and her nude is all over the internet, you're such a genius for recording it and she was just an idiot not to suspect," she laughed

"We don't have much time, let's leave before she gets back," Mr Elliot said, rushing his words.

She helped him pack all the money and documents of both the house and the company and few others.

"So much for a husband and a mistress," they both heard her voice from the door and froze.

Looking up Lucy was staring at them with arms crossed, Jonathan standing behind her.

"Lucy sweetheart," the words escaped Mr Elliots lips before he could help himself, he glanced at Jonathan than back at his wife who just caught him off guard.

He was just two days to claim the company and he can't let anything or anyone ruin it.


"So it's true?" Lucy asked, staring at the woman beside her husband.

She badly wanted to jumped on the two of them and tear them apart but Jonathan won't stop touching her arm from time to time, whispering a calming words into her ears and damn… she hated all of them.

"My family lawyer, Mrs Moon and my husband in my house, stealing from me…"

"Don't make it sound like this place is just yours alone, it's also my house?" Mr Elliot cut her off and she scoffed.

"We are just taking what is rightfully ours, okay? And just so you know, Elliot never married you cos he loved you but cos of the money coming in," she laughed sarcastically.

Lucy felt a sting of pain in her heart but she forced herself to to stay calm.

"She's right! I never loved you just like my darling has said, you were just my money bank. I only touched you once and the rest was done by your driver, Jonathan. You wanna know what he said? Haha! This stupid fool got addicted, I wanted him to do it once but he couldn't stop so he came up with the plan of doing it all the time, that what I wanted anyway so I complied," he relied with a sinister grin on his face. Showing how much he loves the tears in her eyes and how satisfying it was to watch.

"Pack your things and leave my house this minute…"

"We are married sweetheart, until we are divorced you can't give such order and I don't plan on divorcing you soon," he pushed pushed past her, walking out of the room to the long hallway and Lucy staggered to the door.

"Ma'am, you're okay?" Jonathan rushed to hold her but she retreated her hand even before he could touch her.

That made his heart bleed.

She just sat there sobbing, totally ignoring him.



Karan has been with the twin all through the night and she could swear, it was fun. They ate like she wanted and they made sure she tasted every meal they had. They took her to the amusement park and played different types of games before going to the coming home.

"Are you done?" Gavin asked walking into the kitchen, he peeped at the freshly baked cookies. It's flavour hitting his nostrils and he was so tempered to pick one up but before he could reach for it Karan slapped his hand away.

"Get your filthy hands off the damn cookies, if you want one make it," she said with a frown. She was staring at him but he was pointing at something else behind her and when she turned. Garret's hands was packed with cookies

"You damn criminal!!" she grabbed a sauce pan, going after him and Gavin used that opportunity to pack some cookies into his trouser pocket. He was about to put the last one into his mouth when a flying slippers hit his head and he looked up to see her coming his way.

"Gavin run!!" he told himself, taking off and she ran after him.

They ran into the living room and Garret who got away from her earlier stood up immediately he saw her, putting the last cookie in his mouth and munching on it. While trying to get away too.

She looks just like Indian mothers with her sauce pan. They began running round the living room until she was exhausted and fell on the couch. Breathing through her mouth.

"I will kîll you both, just wait till I regain my strength," she mumbled, placing the sauce pan by her side.

From behind, Gavin secrete took the pan and when she limped forward for it, Garret jumped over, joining her. The look on her face was mean and serious so he giggled.

"here, I kept some for you," he took out four cookies from his trouser pocket, Gavin sat on her other side, taking out his own cookies too.

She looked from one person to another. she'd thought they finished it all but. … she bashed her lashes, glaring from one man to another.

She watched as they rested their heads on her shoulders and she couldn't help but be fascinated about them. Gavin has the vibe of alpha male, dominate and controlling. One to manhandle woman in bed with his possessiveness while Garret was the kind of Romance, touching and caressing and also protective but calm.

The fire coming from the kitchen made them jerked their head up.

"The gas!!!"



Ms Bronte parked at the lot and Calista alighted from the car walking off instantly. Mike waved at her while Michelle smiled at her. She wasn't really worried about those two, her main concern was Calista the girl that has trusted her and she ended up breaking her heart.

She needed to gain her trust and love again even if it means starting over. Her mind ran to their conversation this morning.


"Did you get f**K my dad?" Calista asked, walking into the bedroom and Ms Bronte's eyes brows twitched.


"Why did you agree to come and you even slept over after you two broke up? Is it cos of the baby? Does he know? Should I let everyone…"

"No... no please, don't tell anyone, not even your dad please," she ran down the bed pleading with her eyes

Calista was silent for a little while

"why? Does it belong to another…."

"No, have only slept with your Dad after breaking up with my ex five years ago," Ms Bronte caught her off.

She ran a hand through her hair in frustration and then let out a sigh.

"I will tell him myself but I just don't think now is the right time…."

"Why did you two break up? Was it because of me?"


"Then why? I finally get to see him happy again but you just left us, Why? Why did you make me love you if you were gonna leave anyways?"


Ms Bronte sighed and went down the car only to see Tiffany. She smiled lightly at her before asking…

"How do you do?" Ms Bronte asked and Tiffany blinked twice.

"Why do you still care? I know you already find out about the picture I edited and posted, do you love her that much to take the blame and fall for it?" she asked

Ms Bronte was silent.

"I remember when you used to look at me the way you look at her now. You always makes me read, giving me extra school works and making me carry your books, I thought you loved and cared about me for making me study hard.. no! You do but when she came she stole you away from me, why did you let her?" Tiffany asked, blinking back the tears that threatens to fall.

"You will be late for class," Ms Bronte went into her car and drove off.

Tiffany stood on her sport, watching her till her car disappeared out of sight, her heart twisted with resentment and full of jealousy. As if to make the matters worst, Calista was coming from the chancellors office and Tristan was with her

She clenched her fist, so tight her knuckles hurts.

Tristan gave Calista the milkshake he bought and she smiled at him.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

"Cal, I bought you milkshake, that one has expired and you can check the date," Brimsley jogged towards them.

Seeing the two hotties hovering over one girl, the students around stopped to watch.

"Hey, what the f**k," Tristan glared at Brimsley

"What do you mean what the f**k? you're giving her an expired juice, you want her to dîè? I just saved you from committing a crime so be thankful," Brimsley replied, defensively then roll his eyes.

Calista checked the expiring date and Brimsley was right, the one Tristan had given her expired last month.

"Firecracker, he's right…."

"firecracker! What a unique nickname for a person like him, anyways, what's mine? what will you call me? Lollipop? or moonlight? Your candy bear? Or…."

"You wanna die??" Tristan gripped his collar and they lock eyes.

"What's going on??"

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵