Chapter 41&42

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄



"What's going on??" Gianna asked from where she was watching.

"Is it what I'm thinking?" Karan asked beside her.

"I tried to warn him but he won't listen," Peter uttered, not taking his eyes off them.

"I didn't see this coming," Lucian mumbled.

"Chill, okay? Relax?" Brimsley said with a knowing chuckle.

Calista slowly touched Tristan's arms and he looked at her, the look In her eyes was pleading so Tristan pushed Brimsley backward, grabbing Calista's arm as he led her out of the place.

Brimsley chuckled, watching their back.

"Soon, just soon enough I will expose you," he mumbled and Peter joined him.

Tristan pulled Calista into an empty class, leaning against the door. He took the milkshake from her and dropped it on the desk before pulling her into a hug.


"Don't ever let him touch you okay? You're mine and I am yours and we belong together," he cut her off, hugging her tightly.

Calista relaxed on his chest, his jasmine fragrance hitting her nostrils. She loved his scent.

"I have a match today, will you come to watch me play?"



Ms Bronte sat in front of her dressing mirror, staring at herself. She glanced at the pill bottle in her hand and then glanced down at her flat tummy.

Gently running her hand up and down her belly.

She dropped the bottle and stood, waking out of the room but she met Simon In the living room.

"Packing out already?" He asked

He's currently watching about surgery.

"My apartment is under...."

"You've been saying that like forever now, it's under construction, renovation blah! blah! blah! can't you just pity me? I need to f**k my wife on the couch now that we don't have any kids yet," he said all in one word.

"Go f**k yourself," Ms Bronte left.



Mr. Felix just finished checking Michelle and Mike's bedroom so he's currently in Calista's room.

he truly didn't know what to do with them.

He stood there staring at the well-decorated room that he didn't know when tears slid down his cheeks.

It has always been him, caring for them since they were babies only for his ex-wife to blurt that they weren't his...

He felt a cold hand wrap around him from behind and he knew who it was without turning to look at the Person.

"It's gonna be okay?" Ms Bronte's voice came from behind.

He released her hand, turning around to look at her, he didn't bother to bury his worries as his eyes lay open. Showing his pain and agony.

"Oh baby," she hugged him. "You're gonna make me cry," she mumbled tearfully.

He chuckled, running his hand up and down her hair.

"Nah, don't do that,"

"Then stop thinking too much, they are still yours," she said staring up at his face.

"I never saw this day coming, and to say that my... My..." He paused, not knowing how to tell the woman in front of him that he was infertile.

She reached for his beard, running smoothing hands over it, stepping on his toe while pulling his head down, and then she pecked his lips.

"They are still yours, family is not always about blood. They still see you the same and nothing has changed, you can adopt them or become their legal guardian, I'm sure they love you too much and won't want to leave you," she explained.

Mr Felix stared at her for a long minute and then sighed.

they left the room and went downstairs so he sat on the couch while she stood before him.

"You need to eat someone, what do you want me to make? Or do you cook something already?" She asked

He shook his head

"Never mind, I don't have appetite..."

"Baby-love, you need to eat something," she persuaded, settling down next to him.

"But I don't have appetite,"

"Oh, maybe you need to eat me first," she stood and went to the door, locking it.

Coming back, she began stripping off her clothes in a seductive way, making sure he got a glimpse of her from every corner.

When she got close and stood in front of him, he pulled her to his lap, Cupping her brêâsts instantly. he pressed and squeezed and she whimpered.

Ms Bronte shifted back a little, her knees folded on the couch, she undid his belt and bit her lower lips as if to suppress the hunger in her eyes.

"I missed your touch," he said softly and she looked at him.

"I missed touching you," she smiled.

She let go of his trousers and then shifted upward, entrapping his lips in a hot passionate kiss. Their tongue battled with each other as they suck and lick, he nibbled on her lower lips and she moaned.

She disengages from the kiss and cycles her hands around his neck.

"You said something about adoption??"

"Yes, but let's go through the legal guardian process first, if whoever their parents are comes, I have connections with judges who can delay the case until when Micheal and Michelle are old enough to make their own decisions. it's just a suggestion though!"

"I will put that into consideration..." He ran his hand through her opening and she shivered, he thrilled downward before coming back up again, making sure to caress her clît.

"Ohhhh," she cried out breathlessly, her body tense and her breathing coming rapidly.

"I'm sorry, for everything I did and say to you. Do you think you can forgive me and we can move on," he asked, sliding a finger into her wetness.

Ms. Bronte felt her body tense with panic and desire, but if she let him f**k her, he might find out that she was having a baby, and then what??

"Nah, I already have three kids, I don't need another one," Mr. Felix's words came rushing into her head.

He didn't need another child and yet she was pregnant, she would have gotten rid of it if her sister hadn't switched her pills with vitamins.

Suddenly, she held his hand and he looked at her shocked, she pulled his hand off her and got down from his lap then rushed to her dresses, picking them up.

"What happened?"

"Nothing will make you something to eat," she went into the kitchen.



"Brimsley, what in the world is wrong with you? Are you in some kind of competition with Tristan or what? What was all that about?" Peter said.

Brimsley who's just walking in totally ignored him. He sat on his desk, flipping through the books kept for him to review.

"Have you forgotten that Tristan is a Casanova...."

"Screw it," he suddenly Slammed the book close.

Peter flinched back.

"What is it with you? Can't I feel what I feel again? He's not dating but using her, I just need to prove it. Have seen him with Justin a couple of times and I can tell something about her is going on between them. I just need to find out what It is and exposed him so do me the favor of shutting your damn mouth," He rasped.

Picking you the current books he was reviewing, he walked out of the room.



"Guys, there is a match today between the red team and the white team," Karan said, walking into the class.

The chair next to Calista was opened so she sat there.

Gianna rolled her eyes and hissed.

"By the way, why were you absent yesterday?" Karan asked.

"Just got some issues at hand," Calista replied, the thought made her stomach twitch but she forced a smile to her lips.

Karan smiled back at her. She looked over at Gianna who was silent, she had been since the day.

"Gianna, are you coming? Oh, I forgot that you don't have a boyfriend but come anyway...."

"And who said I don't have a boyfriend?" Gianna snapped

Everyone gasped at her outburst but she didn't seem to care.

"You do?" Calista asked also surprised.

"How come we never saw him?" Karan asked

"That's because you're day blind and oh, there he is," Gianna pointed at Lucian who just came into the class.

Seeing many eyes on him, Lucian paused confused and before he could make out what was happening, Gianna grabbed his face, smashing her lips on his.

Everyone gasped.

🗣️ Is she eating his face?

🗣️ Looks like that.

🗣️ Poor boy, he got his face eaten.

Hearing all the comments, Lucian broke the kiss and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the class.

"You see now that I have a boyfriend," Gianna shouted while staring back at Karan till Lucian completely pulled her out.

"What's going on?" Ashley asked and Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"Dunno, dun care,"

"Is she in?" Betty asked and sat on the desk

Molly hurried forward.

"What's the plan now?" Molly asked, staring at Calista and Karan before returning her gaze to Ashley.

"I think Gianna is no longer on their side," Ashley mumbled

Betty's face beamed with excitement.

"I have an idea,"

"You do?" Molly asked and she smiled.

"Trust me, it will work,"

Meanwhile, Lucian's grip around Gianna's wrist was iron-tight and she could swear, it hurt. He didn't even care till he pulled her to the back of the school building.

"What was that?" He demanded, voice firm and serious.

Gianna gulped emptiness and kept quiet.

"Start talking!" He shifted closer and she moved backwards

"Why would you take advantage of me in such manner? Have you lost your damn mind?" He rasped

"I'm sorry,"

"You're sorry? Seriously, you're sorry?" He ran his hand through his hair in disbelief. Staring at her one last time he began walking away.

Gianna leaned on the wall, Karan was driving her insane, and right now she's regretting ever bringing her Into her home.



Mr Elliott is seen seated before his lawyer, the documents he took laying on the desk as his lawyer reviewed them one after another.

"Sir, did you go through these papers before signing them?" His lawyer asked.

"Yeah, it says up there that it's the company documents and this one is the house documents...."

"Sir, what you sign is an agreement that you'll be spending 18 years behind bars for fraud," His lawyer cut him off and Mr Elliot's eyes widened.

"W... What... What did you just say?"

"This one," his lawyer picked up the other documents and then flipped to the first page, he shook his head sympathetically as he flipped to the next pages.

"Sir, this document you signed is a divorce paper, not company ownership," His lawyer explained and dropped that one.

Mr. Elliot's eyes widened, nearly falling out of their sockets.

"D... divorce?" He stammered, his voice barely audible, and at this rate, he feared he might lose his mind.

"But it says here that it's company ownership?" He Pointed at the top of the documents.

"Yes, but it's fake, this one attached to it that you signed over here... The last document is the real one. I suppose your wife did it that way so that before you could get to the last you will be too tired to read it and just sign," his lawyer replied.

The air-conditioning in the room was now producing heat cos he's whole body was covered with sweat, his eyes reddish.

He looked like life had been drained from him.

"And this one is for kidnapping...."

"What? What kidnapping?" He glanced at his lawyer.

His heart pounding, Gianna was his Only hope, if all fall he wished and pray that Gianna don't get discovered, how will he be rich if the woman find out about her? Her birthday is just two days ahead.

"Kidnapping her child 18 years ago and you're going to jail for that too...."

"No, not yet! It can't be. Lucy, I will kill you!!!" Mr. Elliott



The baseball court is filled to the top with students who are cheering the team they support.

Calista strode in with Karan, settling at the back since that was where they could find open space.

She glanced by her side and her gaze met with Gianna who quickly looked away. Making her wonder if she was okay.

"What's wrong with her?" Calista asked, staring at Karan.

"No idea, though I figured she wants me to leave their place," Karan replied calmly. Suddenly she felt her whole body tense, her heart beat slowly increasing.

"You're staying at their place?" Calista asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, for a couple of days but I...." She shifted uncomfortably "a couple of days back," she rushed her words.

Calista gave her that confused look

"Are you alright?"

"Yes.... Argh! No! I mean, of course," she flashes a smile "I will be right back," she ran out of the court.

Calista shrugged, minutes after Karan left Gianna joined her but she didn't sit on the spot Karan left.

"Are you two fighting or something?" She asked, staring at Gianna who rested her head on her shoulder.

"Let's just enjoy the match, don't talk too much. Tristan had been staring at you all through and his team is losing cos he can't focus," She said and that made Calista to glare at him.

He winked at her immediately their eyes met, then limped forward and did a tumble in mid-air, throwing the ball in the net.

His teem cheered, chanting his name.

🗣️ Tristan!!?

🗣️ Tristan!!

"You like that baby? I'm Tristan Jackson!" He said proudly. Knowingly blowing her kisses.

Brimsley rolled his eyes.

As the whistle blew, signaling the start of another game.

The ball was thrown into play and the teams charged at each other. Tristan and Brimsley locked eyes, a fierce rivalry burning between them, But it was more than just a game, there was also a girl at stake and Brimsley was ready to make her his at all cost.

Calista's eyes flitted back and forth between the two boys, her heart racing.

Suddenly, Tristan went up for a layup, his arms outstretched as he launched the ball toward the basket, But as he came down, his foot slipped on a banana peel, sending him crashing to the ground.

A collective gasp went up from the crowd as Tristan landed hard, hurting his ankle.

The game came to a halt as Tristan lay motionless on the court, the sound of his pained breathing the only sound in the silent arena.

Brimsley stood frozen in place, a look of horror on his face.

"Firecracker!!" Calista pushed through the crowds.

"Firecracker, what happened? Are you alright?" She asked worriedly, squatting to his level. She lifted his head to her lap.

He smiled at her.

"Just slipped on a banana peel, don't worry too much cos I will be just fine," he winked at her.

Tristan was taken away by two player in a stretcher while Brimsley just stood there, wondering what just happened.

"They are taking him to the clinic, come, I will show you!" Gianna said, putting a hand on Calista's shoulder.

"Are you two dating?" She asked but Calista was far gone to answer.


Karan has emptied her backpack yet there is no pill in there, her pûssy ached with needs, threatening to have her shove her hand down there and finger herself even though it means bruising herself till she bleeds so far she will quench this aching feeling in her pûssy.

That moment a guy walked into the class and she launched at him, gripping him by his collar, she pushed him back till his back landed on in the board.

She kissed him forcefully, caressing her hand all over his body. He disengage from her kiss when she made to shove his hand and under her pants


"F**k me! Please!"



"Tristan, I heard you were injured. But how did a banana peel end up in the baseball court?" Justin asked.

A nurse was wrapped Tristan leg with a white bandage, Tristan didn't want it but the nurse assured him it's the only way to get his ankle joint back together.

"What do you want Justin, don't act like you care about me, ain't gay," he replied rudely.

Justin chuckled.

"Fine, you got me. Listen, about the deal...."

"I told you don't ever bring it to me again, you paid me to date Calista and I did! You said I needed to f**k her and I did! You said I should keep her busy and I did all that, we did business and I stayed on my line so stay on yours and stop bothering me, you can f**k her sister all you want but....." His voice thrilled off at the sound of broken bottle.

Tristan glanced behind Justin who also looked back only to see Calista and Gianna staring at them.

Gianna's hands covering her mouth.

On the ground was broken bottles of peanut butter, scattered candies and milkshake.

"I was a game?" She said more like a question. Her expression unreadable, making it hard for them to read her mind. But deep down she was shaking, her legs barely holding her weight as he awaits his response.

"Kitten," He rushed out of the bed, but winched immediately his injured leg touched the ground.

"It was just business, nothing serious, don't take it to heart...."

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵