Chapter 43&44

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄




"It was just business, nothing serious, don't take it to heart," Tristan said, he reached for her but Brimsley knocked his hand away.

"I knew it, from the way you always act towards Justin, I knew there was something going on between you two," he spat.

Calista stood there staring at him, She felt like heart was was blade open, there was wetness gathering on her cheeks. She thought maybe all this was just an illusion created by her own mind but then, they were tears.

Slow tears of pain and anger, a fury so Potent it tasted like blood in the back of her throat, maybe it really was blood, maybe she was drowning in her own blood.

Their memories in the locker room before the match came rushing into her head.


"Don't miss my match, will be looking around for you and once I see you, I will make everyone jealous," Tristan said

He was changing into his spot wear and Calista leaned on the lockers waiting for him, arms crossed on her chest.

"I will come, trust me," she replied

"I Know you will," he closed his locker, picking up his helmet. "Let's go! "

"Tristan," she suddenly called and he looked at her.

He could see nervousness in her eyes, the way she cross and uncross her arms, picking on her nails and bitting her lower lips, it all gives him chills and makes him wants to claim her right here.

He ran his hand over her forehead before kissing her hair.

"What is it?" He asked

"I emm..." She stuttered, avoid his gaze.

"Kitten, look at me and tell me, don't be shy..."

"I'm not shy! It's just that I think I like you and I don't know what to do," she replied.

Before she could make out his next move Tristan scooped her into his arms and spun her around.

"Put me down! Firecracker!! Put me the damn it!" she laughed playfully, hitting his head.

"Ouch," he dropped her back to her feet.

"Was just so excited," he pouted, still rubbing his head.

"Don't do that again," she rolled her eyes.

"I will, you love me, it means we both can feel it," he pulled her closer by her waist, pressing his lips on her and her eyes went shut.

Tristan lifted her by her hip and she wrapped her legs around him, her back pressed against the locker and he press kisses all over her face.

He kissed her neck, sucking on the spot till he was sure to leave a hickey before kissing another spot, sending electric spark through her.

"Oh, firecracker, touch me," she whimpered.

"Of course," he slide his hand under her skirt, sliding into her undies but he didn't shove his fingers into her. He rub against her clît and she stiffened, holding him tightly.

"You like that? Kitten!" He asked in a whisper and she nodded.

"Yeah, more," her voice barely audible.

He claimed her lips in a hot kiss, sucking and nibbling on her upper and lower lips before sliding his tongue into her mouth, they cycle their tongues and he suck on her.

"Firecracker!!" She tightened her hold around his neck as she felt him thrust in a finger.

He began finger fûçking her while kissing so she won't cry out loud, she was only allowed to release whimpers that will suit his taste.

"I wanna be inside you," he mumbled.

"Here...." Her words were cut shut when he added another finger and increase his hand Pace.

She felt her body heat up, her legs began shaking around him, her breathing coming rapidly and she tried to disengage from the kiss so she could cry out but he suppressed her moans.

Her nails dig into his neck, her back arched with her head thrown backwards

"Oh, something is coming out of me," she moaned, trying she shift away but he held her tight.

"Give it to me, all of it!" He whispered.

"Oh..." He enclosed her lips, it was as though he had swallowed her joy, preventing her from crying out loud.

Her juice came rolling down his hands and he lowered himself to the floor, making sure she's sitted on his face as he began to lick her off, making sure to suck every drop of her juice till the very last.

"You okay?" He asked, getting to his feet and helping her up. Her knees gave out and she fell but he was fast to catch her, steadying her on her foot.

"You said you wanted to be inside me," She reminded.

He kissed her, but it was a shot kiss.

"I don't have enough time, but I will pick you up after school," he replied.

Calista has already finished putting on her underwear, she arrange her uniform them looked at him.

"Okay, so, how do I look?" She asked

"Always pretty," he smiled and held her hand, their fingers interlocked and they looked at each other then smiled.

They walked out and he stopped by the hallway.

"I love you, okay?" She withdrew her hand, waving at him as she began walking away.

"Okay," she heard him say then she giggled happily.


Calista stood there watching him. Tears cascading down her cheeks like a fountain water.

"I was only a game, nothing serious. oh Gwad!" She whimpered

a burst of pain encompassed every cell in her body and air flew out of her lungs, suspended there, she couldn't move away. her legs didn't work, It was as though she was frozen in place.

Gianna grabbed her arm from the side, but she couldn't feel, it felt like she was screaming but there was no sound, there was no nothing.

She'd thought she'd never make a good partner but here she was, used, betrayed and broken. She was just business, nothing serious.

Her knees came crumbling, before she could hit the ground Brimsley caught her in his arms.

"Cal," he called staring at her face with worry in his eyes.

"Calista!" He called again and Tristan came forward.

"She's my girlfriend, give her to me," he demanded but Brimsley glared hard at him.

"She's not your girlfriend but the girl you used for your own selfish Interest," he fired back, glaring hatefully at him.

"I said give her to me," Tristan rasped.

"Why not come get her??" Brimsley replied and Tristan stepped forward but the nurse in the clinic rushed to them.

"Do you both realize that she's unconscious?" She scolded, staring from one person to another.



"Please, just fûçk me, I'm begging you," Karan said desperately and the guy smirked.

"Of course I will," he spinning around, now pinning her to the board as his hands traveled through her body, but before he could touch her brêâst a hand pulled him away from her with so much Force he went crashing into the tables.

"Fûçk me, just do it, oh gwad! I can't keep up, I can't," Karan pleaded desperately. It was clear in her eyes that she didn't know what she was doing, being driven by desire she can't control.

"What should I do?" Garrett asked and looked back at his brother.

Karan was running her hand all over his body, kissing and caressing him, she reached for his trouser belt but Gavin hit her from behind and she went limp

Garrett was fast to catch her before she hit the ground.

"Why knock her out?" He asked, furiously.

They are supposed to treat their woman with respect so why the hêll will his brother hit their woman?

"She's out of her mind, you don't want to fûçk her and she will regret her actions once whatever it is that is blocking her view, cleared her eyes," Gavin said and Garrett looked at her.

"Hey, come here," Gavin ordered

The guy he flung to the desk came running to him.

"Nothing happened! You saw nothing and nothing happened to you, is that understood?" He asked, pulling him closer by his tie.

The guy nodded then Gavin released him.

"Get lost!"

The guy ran out through the door instantly, not even bothered to take whatever made him came back to class.

"Let's take her home and bath her, then look for her pills," Gavin said. He picked up her backpack as he began packing all her scattered stuffs in there.

"Good thing we are always watching, I would have gone mad if someone touched our woman," Garrett said jealousy and Gavin nod in support.

"I would have torn him apart, he let her kiss him," he made to walk out but Garrett pulled him back.

"Let him have just that one,"




"Lucy, are you still mad at me?" Jonathan asked.

Mrs Elliott dropped her coffee mug on the dining table to look at him. She didn't say a single word, just staring at him.

"I will take your silence as yes," he said calmly but she didn't respond.

"Now that we are done with Elliott, can I stick around till we find our baby?" He asked

"Why did you do it?" She suddenly asked.

Okay, maybe he knows she was gonna ask this question someday but he hadn't thought it will be soon so he isn't prepared to answer.

"I never treated you badly, never wear seductive dress, never flirt with you so tell me, why?" She said, her gaze fixed on her coffee mug as she continues tapping the tip with her index finger.

"I... Emm.. I mean,"

"You're dismissed, once our child is found we can talk about custody but for now stay away from me cos I have nothing to do with you anymore," she stood, taking her phone along but the front door opened and Mr Elliott stormed in.

"Lucy!!!" He pointed a gun towards her, opening fire.

Jonathan limped forward, pushing her down as the bullet flew pass them, hitting the dancing artwork on the wall.

"Come out!! Lucy!!!" He yelled, looking around like a mad man.

"Shhhh," Jonathan shush his shaking boss as he tried to crawl away from her but before he could go far she held his leg.

"Don't leave me," she in a shaky voice.

"I will be right back...."

Mr Elliott began shooting randomly in the house, scattered and breaking things, his ran out of bullet so he reload another one. Aiming for anything in sight.

"When I'm done with you I will go for that your useless child you have with your driver, you think I will spend all my life living with you for nothing," he shot the plasmas TV.

"I spent my whole life making money only for you to freeze all my bank account and size my landing properties, how dare you? Who the fûçk do you think your father is?" He shoot the table leg and the bullet flew past her hand, slightly giving her a cut.

"Ah...." Before she could cry out, Jonathan covered her mouth with his palm.

"How dare you... Ahhhh!!!" Mr Elliott screamed in pain

A security guard actually shot his hand.

Another security guard knocked the gun out of his hand and another one restrained him.

"This isn't over, you hear me? This isn't over!!" He spats as they led him out of the house.

Jonathan and Mrs Elliott crawled out of their hiding place.

"Are you okay?" Jonathan turned to her and asked but she hugged him instead, sobbing.

"Please find my baby,"



Tristan paced back and forth, stamping his foot on the ground as he paced.

He didn't know what to do, he didn't want to think of it, he's not one to care or show feeling but WTF. His head was messing with him.

His heart was arching so bad that he feared it might be heart disease.

His phone began ringing and he rushed to it. On the screen was Gianna so he picked up.

"She's awake," Gianna's voice came through the phone and he needed the call, taking his jacket from the couch as he rushed out of his room not minding his shifted ankle.

He climbed his bike but didn't have Petro so he ran to his car, but then he remembered that he had a flat tire.

"F**k!" He ran back inside.

"Emily, can I borrow your car?" He asked, rushing into his fathers bedroom.

she wasn't there but he could hear the sound of running water from the bathroom so he figured she might be bathing so he left.

"Tiffany, can I borrow your car?" He asked immediately he came into her room.

Tristan's eyes widened as he saw her with a Dido, in front of her was a picture of him as she stared and fûçk herself while moaning his name.

He'd thought she was obsessed but it's obvious that she's insane.

"Can I borrow your car?" He asked nevertheless.

"Sure, but you will have to fûçk me," she licked her lips, walking seductively towards him.

"I told you we are done...."

"Then leave my car," she rolled her eyes.

Tristan left her room and went down to the basement, finding his old bicycle. By the time he pushed it outside it was already raining.

"Fûçk!! What is it with today?" He cursed under his breath.



"Thank you for sticking around till I'm awake, I appreciate," Calista said to the nurse who smiled at her.

"It's a pleasure, don't bêât yourself up too much, okay?" The nurse said and she nodded.

"I won't,"

"Bye nurse," Gianna waved at the nurse.

Lucian was still waiting as instructed by Tristan.

By the time they got outside they discovered that it's raining heavily, Calista looked back at Gianna then at Lucian.

"Can you take her home? She once asked me to be her bodyguard," she asked softly and Lucian nodded.

"Just cos your heart is fried by my pervert brother, I will do as you ask," he smiled at her but she didn't return the smile.

"Let's go!" Lucian began walking away and Gianna ran after him into the rain.

"Hey, wait up! Wait for me!!"

"Are you still mad about the kiss??"

"I'm sorry, how many time do you want me to say it?"

"Hey jerk!!"

"I thought they were dating turns out they weren't," Calista mumbled but then she remembered...

"It was just business, nothing person, don't take it to heart," his words.

It sting, to say that she just confessed to him and he broke her, she will never love again. Staying here won't do any good and she needed to get home.

She stepped into the rain but felt nothing, not even a raindrops, shocked and surprised, she looked up only to see an umbrella looming above her head.

Meanwhile, Tristan ran into the school drained by the rain. He slowed his pace immediately he saw Brimsley leading Calista towards the already steaming car with an umbrella above her head.

He'd fallen on his way and injury his already injured ankle cos he couldn't ride, his body was visibly shaky cos he wasn't tolerance to cold.

He could feel his teeth clattering, his hands shaking.

Tristan didn't know if it was the rain pouring down on him, or the pain of seeing Calista got into that car which drove away that got his knees crumbling.

He lost his balance and fell, letting his tears mix with the rain as it rolled down his cheek.

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵