Chapter 45&46

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄



He lost his balance and fell, letting his tears mix with the rain as it rolled down his cheek.

He was already unconscious.

The nurse who took care of Calista turned off the lights in the clinic, she walked out and closed the door then turned around to leave but halted, her eyes widening in shock

"Oh, my goodness! Someone is still here?" She rushed to the unconscious Tristan.

"Hey, it's the guy... Tristan," she shook his body.

"Hey, can you hear me? Damn it!" She quickly brought out her phone and called 911.

She managed to drag Tristan out of the rain and the paramedics arrived just then. They took Tristan from her while she shook her head and began walking over to her.

"What could be the course? Why was he laying under the rain?" She asked herself



"We are here?" Peter said on the driver's side.

Brimsley stared at Calista who was resting her head on the car headrest, her eyes closed.

He'd been watching her since she closed her eyes. At first, he'd thought she was sleeping but when he saw tears rolling down her cheeks, he knew she wasn't sleeping at all.

"Cal..." He called but she opened her eyes and smiled, using her thumb to wipe the tears in her eyes.

"Oh, thank you," she flashes a weak smile. Calista made to open the door but he stopped her by holding her arm.

"It's still raining, lemme gilde you in," he stepped down and walked over to the other side, opening the car door for her.

It was a blue Lamborghini.

Calista smiled weakly as she alighted from the car, Brimsley shifted a little bit with an umbrella over her head.

He walked her to her door and she turned to him.

"I will be alright now, thank you for today," she said Still maintaining a weak smile.

He nodded.

"I know we haven't been on good times but I will always be around whenever you need me, I promise," he assured, placing his hand on his chest.

Calista nodded and went inside, that gesture reminded her of Tristan but she pushed the thoughts away.

"You're home," Mike said immediately after she came in.

She didn't even look at him as she made her way upstairs to her room and slammed the door.

"What's with her?" Mike shrugged

Calista dropped her backpack on the ground and fell on her bed, staring right at the ceiling. Memories of Tristan came rushing into her mind

She remembered from the first time he slept in her room, this same bed to when he took her to the beach and they had fun. She remembered him taking her to the cinema and the park.

She rolled to the side, letting her tears wet her bedsheets. As she lay there she could hear the sounds of music getting closer and closer until a soft knock came on her bedroom door before her doorknob twisted and Mike came in.

🎵 Staring at the ceiling in the dark

Same old empty feeling in your heart

'Cause love comes slow, and it goes so fast.

"Are you alright?" Mike asked peeping from the door.

"Change the damn music!" She snapped

"Oh, sure,"

🎵All I need's a little love in my life

All I need's a little love in the dark

A little but I'm hoping it might kick start

Me and my broken heart

I need a little loving tonight

Hold me so I'm not falling apart

A little but I'm hoping it might kick start

Me and my broken heart


"Sorry, I was playing it earlier and it seems to stop there, lemme change it," Mike quickly clicked next.

🎵This world can hurt you

It cuts you deep and leaves a scar

Things fall apart, but nothing breaks like a heart

And nothing breaks like a heart.

"Mike, get out!!" Calista sat up, pointing at the door.

He wasn't helping, why must he play this kinda music at a time like this?

"You don't this one? I will change it, how about this,"

🎵 I came in like a wrecking ball

I never hit so hard in love

All I wanted was to break your walls

All you ever did was wreck me

Yeah, you, you wreck me

I put you high up in the sky

And now, you're not coming down

It slowly turned, you let me burn

And now, we're ashes on the ground

"If you don't leave my room this minute I will creck you upside down!" Calista threw a pillow at him but he ducked.

"Why are you so mad?" He mumbled with a big frown on his face as he walked away.

Curled up on the bed, Calista hugged herself tightly, trying and forcing herself not the think of Tristan but her heart was hurting.

Suddenly she got up and went to her father's bedroom.

In the next minute, Calista's bike parked at the lot and she went down.

It has already stopped raining.

"Your stepkid is here," Sky who's standing beside Ms Bronte said immediately as she walked through the door.

Ms Bronte raised her brows in confusion.

"What happened...." Before she could finish, Calista held her hand and dragged her Into the kitchen.

"Calista, are you alright? Is everything okay?" Ms Bronte asked confused.

"How do I get away with Mûrdêr?" She asked and Ms Bronte's jaw dropped, nearly touching the floor.

"I have my dad's gun, it's loaded. Just tell me how to get away with Mûrdêr!"


8 PM

"You're awake?" Garrett said walking Into the room.

Karan sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"What happened?" She asked, staring at him.

"You got high and want...."

"No!! "She suddenly screamed and held her head as tears built up in her eyes.

"It can't be, how can I let a total stranger... Ohh Keran your life is over!" She burst Into tears, remembering how she kissed a random guy and even asked him to fûçk her.

She's a whôre!

"Hey, don't do that," Garrett sat next to her.

"No, you shouldn't care about me, I'm useless and stupid and loose and..." He placed a finger on her lips.

"You don't remember?" He asked and she bashed her lashes.

"Gavin and I came in that minute and..."

"Wait! I didn't do it without guys? How could you take advantage of me in such situation?" She shouted cutting him off.

Garrett frowned.

"We did nothing, Gavin knocked you out and he presumed this would happen when you woke up," he replied.

"I will go make you a hangover and for starters, try trusting us a little bit," he walked out of the room.

One by one it began to cloud her mind, they'd save her from that guy but she accused them of rape

"Aish," She flung the duvet off her and put on her slippers before going downstairs.

"You're awake," Gavin said upon seeing her and she smiled at him.

"You can have it and get some rest," Garrett dropped the mug on the dining table, walking away instantly.

"Garrett, I'm sorry," she suddenly said and Gavin stared from one person to another.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Nothing," Garrett replied, he was a little bit hurt that she thought they would take advantage of her, she didn't trust them.

"I trust you guys, I just..." She bit her lower lips with fresh tears building up in her eyes.

"I don't have control over my body, I just don't know what I'm doing whenever this disease comes demanding and...." She gulped emptiness.

"I was never like this, I just..."

"Hey, it's okay, I'm not mad. I get it!" He pulled her Into a hug.

"Can someone tell me what's going on already?" Gavin demanded.

"When you knocked her out, what you said she might think when she woke up was exactly her thoughts," Garrett said and He signed

"And here I was thinking someone dîêd,"

They disengage from the hug and hold eyes.

"You need to go home, your Mom-L has been calling since," Garrett said and Karan quickly rushed upstairs.

Her phone was ringing on the dressing table so she took it and slid green.



Mr Jackson and Lucian rushed into the hospital ward.

Tristan sat up instantly after seeing them.

"Are you okay? I heard you lost consciousness," Mr. Jackson asked concerned.

Tristan chuckled.

"Lucian get a nurse to get this off my arm it's kîllin me," He said instead.

"But why the fûçk will you leave in the rain? You know you're not tolerant...."

"Just stop okay? I'm fine!" Tristan cut his brother off.

"Good thing, you're fine." Mr Jackson turned around to leave only to see his ex-wife rushing in.

Tristan covered his face with his palm instantly, knowing he was in trouble.

"My baby, my baby!" She began sobbing, hugging him tightly on the bed as though he was dêâd already.

"Mom, I'm fine it's just flu. Lucian, why did you call her?" Tristan said, trying to disengage from her hug but she held him tightly.

"My boy, my baby why? Why did you go j to the rain? Why? Oh, my poor baby,"

"I will leave you two?" Mr Jackson walked away.

"Me too," Lucian followed

Leaving just her and Tristan who wanted nothing but to disappear, the woman is so clingy and cries at any little thing.



"Dad, I need a car," Calista said and Mr Felix who was already dressed looked at her.

"You don't even know how to drive," he replied

"I want to take learning classes and drive my own car like a normal teenager," she replied

He gave her a suspicious glare but said nothing.

"Dad, youinit getting her a car or are you? Cos if you're getting her a car then you getting me a car also," Michelle said seriously.

"Remind me your age again," Me Felix said and Michelle frowned.

"That's not fair, I can't wait to be 18 so you will get me a yacht," Michelle said Jealously.

"Why not join the militant so you spend your days in the sea," Mr Felix uttered and she began crying.

"That's not fair, you're not treating Mike and I right," she looked over at her twin.

"I Know right, but what will you do with a yacht?" Mike asked cluelessly.

"You're my twin brother, you should support me at all times," Michelle scolded.

"I am, but what will you do with a yacht? We are barely 16," he shrugged.

"I hate it here, y'all have corrupt even my twin," she began walking away.

"Dad, I want a Porsche, pink color, thank you in advance," Calista said, she walked over and pecked his cheeks.

"Peck doesn't guarantee Porsche but your driving license does so if you can get a driving license then you're a Porches owner...."

"Unbelievable, just like that? She's a Porsche owner," Michelle screamed by the door.

"Who's a Porches owner? I heard Porsche!" Ms Bronte asked, walking into the house.

She's just coming.

"Felix my love," Fabiola was still saying but paused as she stepped into the house only to see Ms Bronte and the kids.

Anger and hatred burning erupt through her like a Volcano.

"You again! What exactly are you doing here husband snatcher! Felix, did she tell you that she was once a slût?" Fabiola spats, shooting dangers at Ms Bronte.

"Well, that's her sister and she wasn't her slût but a striper and she's happily married and is expecting a child soon," Mr. Felix replied, standing on his feet.

"You forgot to mention her restaurant," Calista added and Mr Felix nodded in support.

"She also owns a restaurant, now if you would excuse us," he stood behind Ms Bronte.

Fabiola felt smoke coming out of her ears and before anyone could know it... She slapped Ms Bronte.

Almost immediately another person pushed her back and returned the slap in two folds. Front and back.

Fabiola's jaw dropped and Ms. Bronte wasn't left out, Mr. Felix was shocked too.

"Did you... No, It can't be. Did you just slap your own mother? Calista, you assault your own mother?" Fabiola asked, words couldn't describe the shocked look on her face.

"You're not my mother but just an incubator and she's my friend, and if you touch her again I will do worse than slaps," Calista said to her face.

"Did you...."

"Shut up and get out of our house?" Michelle stepped forward "You're a disgrace to motherhood and a shame to all the women out there," she walked over to the door and opened it.

"Leave or Mike will push you," she added.

Still shocked, Fabiola stared at Mike.

"You won't do that...."

"Well, I will push you, I always do what I'm told and I'm getting really good in karate these days. You better leave before I use you as an experimental tool," Mike said funnily while slowly approaching Fabiola.

Out of fear, she shifted backward.

"This isn't over, I'm filing for custody of my kids so just wait. You will pay for raising my kids this way Felix, and as for you witch... Beautiful wîtch, I will drag you to the mud...."

"Mike!" Michelle called

Mike rolled up his sleeves, stepping forward but Fabiola rushed out of the house.



Karan alighted from the limo, she turned and waved goodbye to Lucy before walking away.

Gianna was about to go down when Lucy held her hand and she turned to look at her.

"Have seen how you at her, I don't know if you both are fighting or not but whatever it is, just know that I love you and I will always love you, and I will keep being your mother, and nothing or anyone will make me love you less," She said, tapping her chest repeatedly.

Gianna blinked but kept quiet.

"Right here, that's where you are and will always be, alright?" She asked Softly.

"Did Dad really try to harm you yesterday? The cops at the station said he did," Gianna said, blinking back tears.

"Don't think too much about it..."

"Will he go to jail?" She asked cutting her off.

"For attempted mûrdêr, yes!" Lucy replied.

"That wasn't the only charge leveled against him. Mom, are you having an affair with Jonathan?" She asked and Lucy lifted her brows.

"Why will say that?"

"Cos I have seen the way he looks at you with affection which can only be given by a lover. I'm 18 Mom, not 8 and at this rate I'm thinking you want to send Dad behind bars so you could continue having your affair with Jonathan!" She replied harshly.


"Have a good day," she walked away.



"So, you're saying that are no longer together?" Tiffany asked impatiently.

Ashley smirked.

"Haven't you heard?" Molly asked and took her phone, playing the video.

Tiffany watched with interest and when she was done she glanced at Ashley.

"And here is that Karan girl," Betty clicked a video of Karan begging to be fûçk.

"Damn girl! She begged! I thought she was a Saint but turns out she's a whôre and Calista got what she deserved," Tiffany said happily.

"That stupid one, Gianna!" Ashley laughed.

"She's the one that let us in on the pill and everything, we just need more information from her to disgrace both Karan and Calista fully," Molly grinned.

"So she's our spay?"


"Are you with or against us?" Ashley asked.

Tiffany scoffed.

"Are you kidding? I'm in, I want Calista gone from this school."



Brimsley had been at the gate since morning and right now he was getting tired but he refused to go back inside.

His face lit up immediately Calista came out of the red BMW. He was about to run over to her when Tristan appeared and took her hand.

"We need to talk!" He said pulling her away. She began to wiggle herself but his grip was iron-tight.

"Lemme go!" She said

"We need to talk...."

"Let her go!" Brimsley stepped in front of them.

"Lemme go, Tristan Jackson, we're over. We are done!" Calista said as she continued wiggling her hand.

"Kitten, Let's talk about it, please...."

"Let her go!!" Brimsley shouted, cutting him off.

"This doesn't concern you," Tristan said and made to pull her away but Brimsley stood his ground, blocking his path.

"She concerns me, now let her go!!!" Brimsley fired back determined just then....

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵