Chapter 47&48

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄

By Rosy Johnson



"She concerns me, now let her go!!!" Brimsley fired back determined.

Tristan glared at Calista.

"Very well then, since you don't want us to do this in private I guess I will have to do it here anyway. The thing is, I was gonna break up with you today cos I can't handle the situation around. I'm singular and it's obvious, I don't do dating or stick with one pûssy, nah! What happened between the two of us was business like I said before, don't take it personal, okay?!" Tristan explained, putting his hand around his neck, he took off the necklace she'd given him as a sign of their relationship.

"Here, take this! I don't need it anymore, and I hope you understand that this is nothing but business," he pushed it forward.

Calista did not attempt to take it so he reached for her hand, took it in his, and lay the necklace in her palms.

"It was nice getting to know you a little bit," he casually.

He didn't care, he didn't even know what got into him and made him care in the first place, there were many girls out there so why would he fîght over 1? No fûçking way.

Calista was fîghtîng back tears after hearing him out, her heart was on fire and she could explode any moment but she forced herself to keep her cool.

"I guess life just happened to me, don't unbreak my heart...."

"Come on," Tristan whinnied "It was business, haven't you done business before? Don't take it to heart, it's nothing personal!" He added, sliding his left hand into his trousers pocket.

"Tristan Jackson, I will have you begging on your knees for me," she walked away.

Brimsley glared at Tristan.

"I'm done with her now, you can have her. There no need for a competition cos she doesn't mean much to me," Tristan said and walked away.

Calista ran into the restroom and Locked the door, opening the tap. She held the sink and screamed and then screamed and then screamed till her throat burned.

Hot tears cascaded through her eyes and She covered her mouth with both palms.

what she fears most has just happened to her. Air left her lungs and she felt like puking, She wanted to wash away this aching feeling In her heart, she cursed the day he came into her life.

She screamed and grabbed her hair tightly and then pulled it till it hurt.

She deserves this pain, this was what she got for loving him, trusting him, giving him her body and she was what? Just business. Business! Fûçking business!!

She crawled under the sink, trying to hide away from this world and leave everything behind, but then... He should be the one to leave.

Her lips quivered, her body shaking like she had a fever, her Temperature sparked high as she continued hugging her knees under the sink as she shed tears of betrayal. She was broken and indeed, nothing hurts like a broken heart.


"How do I get away with Mûrdêr?" She asked and Ms Bronte's jaw dropped, nearly touching the floor.

"I have my dad's gun, it's loaded. Just tell me how to get away with Mûrdêr!"

"Okay, I will just do as If I wasn't eavesdropping," Sky uttered and turned to leave but Calista pulled the gûn at her.

"Don't move, get in and tell me how to get away with Mûrdêr or I will shoot," she threatened, holding the gun with both hands as tears rolled freely down her cheeks.


"Tell me how? I want to kîll him, I have to!! How do I get away!!!" She yelled frustratedly now pointing the gûn at Ms Bronte.

"If you take a life with your dad's gûn the government will find him and guess what?" Ms Bronte said softly.

"What?" Calista barked, turning her gaze from one person to another.

"This is America Honey, all the gûns and bullets are registered. They will trace the bullet back to your house and no parent will want their child to suffer...."

"This has nothing to do with my Dad!" Calista barked again as if understanding what she was trying to explain.

"He will go from 4-star general to once upon a time general, do jail time and by the time he will come back, guilt might have eaten you up cos I know this isn't how you want to repay him," Ms Bronte explained in a low voice, barely a whisper.

Calista's hand dropped and she sat on the floor. Ms Bronte reached for the gûn first. She passed it to her sister who offloaded the bullet before they sat on either side of miserable Calista.

"Is it heartbreak?" Sky asked.

"He said I was just business, he never took me seri...." She bit her lower lips, trying to get a grip of herself but failed so she burst into tears.

"Why does it hurt so bad?" She mumbled as Ms Bronte pressed her head to her shoulder.

"Don't think too much about it, we will get back at him," she said bitterly.

If it was Michelle she wouldn't take this into consideration cos that one is crazy about boys but this one..... She had just gotten over her isolation and now someone broke her, he called her business...

"I have an idea that's if you're ready to play the game and remember, it takes two to play a game," Sky suddenly said.


Calista crawled out and washed her face, her eyes were reddish but she didn't mind as she opened the door.

Brimsley who was waiting shifted out of the way instantly as she walked past.

He knew she'd been crying, he heard her voice and screams and he wanted to go in there and offer her a shoulder to cry on but the door was locked.

He made to follow her.

"Maybe she needs some time alone," his subconscious mind whispered at the back of his mind.

He nodded

"That's right," he began walking back to class.

"Brimsley, is it true that they broke up?" Tiffany asked as she joined him in the hallway.

"The News is all over the school, she's just business and nothing personal," She added with a satisfying grin.

Brimsley ignored her so she held his jacket making him stop to look at her.

"Why are you suddenly acting cold towards me? Is she behind this too?" She asked, bashing her lashes cutely.

"I saw you join ally with Ashley," he said bluntly

Her eyes widened, how did he find out?

"We were... I mean I was... Yes, I am...."

"She hasn't really done anything to you aside that you love Tristan and he was busy playing her, you loathe her for just course, you ruined my sister's career and that wasn't enough, now you joined forces with Ashley, for what exactly? Ruin her completely!" He asked as he stuck both hands in his trouser pocket, standing up straighter.

Tiffany was silent.

"How do you sleep at night?" He asked irritatedly.

Tiffany was silent, unable to give him a response so he began walking away.



Gianna sat at the edge of the rooftop, both hands resting on the ground but was pushed backwards as she had her weight in them. Legs wiggle.

She has been there since morning, thinking about her parents.

Did her father really try to kîll her mother? He was never like this so what happened? Where they having a fîght? Other couples fought too so it's not new.

But come to think of it, her parents never fight cos her dad is always on the road... Wait! Was her mom lonely all this while? Is that why she was so clingy with her?

She didn't have a husband to keep her company so she became clingy, wait... Could it be that her father pushed her into having an affair with Jonathan cos she sought companionship?

Is she really having an affair?

Suddenly, some grabbed her hands from behind, pulling her with full force out of the edge.


The person falls on his b*tt.

"Why did you do that?" Gianna shouted, staring at her bleeding knees but then she looked closely...

"Lucian? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She made to touch him but he stood on his own.

"Why? Why were you trying to commit suîcïde? Why?" He asked

Her eyes flickered.


"Do you even care about those who care about you? How will your parents feel? Huh? Will you be happy to see them miserable cos of your dismal, huh?" He scolded furiously.

"Lucian, I..."

"I don't wanna hear it," he walked out on her.

"Why is he mad?" She mumbled to herself confused.



Calista already left the class even before her friends could get to her, Karan wanted to follow her but Gavin and Garrett appeared and took her away.

She signed and followed them.

"I need to use the restroom," she said urgently.

They both stood, waiting for her as she scurried in but her eyes widened upon seeing Tristan with two girls.

He's fûçking one while the other person was all over him, caressing and kissing.

They quickly disengaged immediately after they saw her.

"Can't you knock?" He spats

Karan walked to him and delivered a resounding slap to his fresh cheek.

"That's for breaking my girlfriend, jerk! And this is a restroom, not your house!" She stormed off, not bothered to do her business again.

His bîtches gasped and Tristan held his cheek shocked. When he overcame the shock, he quickly put on his trousers and ran after her.

"That bîtch..." He ran into the hallway

Karan was almost close to the gate when he grabbed her wrist forcing her to turn around, but a punch connected to his arm muscle, and his arm stood frozen in place for a moment.

"What... Wh... What damn!!" His hand went limp. He glared at Gavin and Garrett who stood before him with Karan behind them.

"Only we are allowed to touch our woman," Gavin who'd punched him said, locking eyes with him.



Calista got home and parked her bike, she walked into the house where her father was seated but she didn't see him. Blinded with tears she began going upstairs, staggering as she walked.

Mr Felix glared at her surprised.

He was done making dinner, and even though Ms Bronte came around to cook something he still didn't stop cooking for his kids.

"Sweetie, is everything alright?" He asked

"She got her heart broken," Mike and Michelle walked in.

Mr Felix's eyes widened.

"She did? Does she even have a boyfriend? I thought she doesn't like boys?" He asked cluelessly.

"Well, apparently she likes one but he dumped her in the trash, it's all over the school blog," Mike replied.

Michelle didn't say anything

She went into Calista's room only to see her laying on the cold floor, still in her uniform.

"Cal," she called softly.

Calista didn't say a word to her.

"Cal, I'm sorry," she mumbled sadly.

Even though her mind was screaming at her, urging her to say the truth she didn't know how so she left.

Calista lay there all day, her father came but she didn't talk to him, Mike came and the same happened.


"You're just business, don't take it to heart," was the only thing clouding her mind.

She'd cry herself to sleep and woke up this morning but still, she didn't move from that position. She only shed tears of pain, betrayal, and heartbreak.


She lay there, thinking of her life and how she first met him, how she tried to be in her shadow but he'd pulled her out.

She'd given him her all, but she was just business, nothing personal.


Mr Felix came in to clean her room, but she still hadn't left her mourning position. He shook his head and left.


The family was having breakfast when Calista joined them, everyone was shocked to see her.

"Sweetheart, I'm happy that you get over him, be yourself again, and don't let anyone take your joy away," Mr Felix said happily.

She didn't respond.

He dished out her meal and she began eating, not sparing her siblings a glance.

"She's not fine," Mike mumbled and stared from his father to Michelle.

"Should we call a priest to lay a hand on her?" He asked seriously.

"It's not spiritual," Mr Felix replied.

"Anything can happen, who knows??" Like shrugged.

"Mike!!" Mr Felix called in a warning tone.


Suddenly, Calista stood with her bowel and walked away, going back upstairs and into her room.

"Okay! Now she's worse than before," Mike pointed out.


Calista yawned on her bed, she wanted to get out of bed but thoughts of Tristan didn't let her so she stayed back, skipping breakfast and school again.

She took her phone and went to their school chat...


🗣️ She was just business, girl. I will dîê If it was me

🗣️ Hahaha, I bet she sêdûced him but he played her

🗣️ Servers her right for sending our teacher away

🗣️ I know right, I should feel pity but I'm feeling nothing at all.

🗣️ That's cos of what she did to Ms Bronte

🗣️ Are you saying it's Karma?

🗣️ What else is it?

🗣️Karma is so real and it came quick

🗣️ Can't wait to see the look on her face when she returns

🗣️ But what if she didn't kiss our teacher?

🗣️ Are you blind or she's fûçking you also? Didn't you see the pic?

🗣️ They are fûçking each other I know it

🗣️ Gay, get out of our school

🗣️ Look at her face, ugly thing.

She closed her phone, dropping it beside her.

They are still blaming her for doing nothing, why does she have so many enemies here? He's the one that played her but she's the one getting the blame.

She took her jacket and went downstairs, getting on her bike she sped off.

Calista stopped at the hangout Tristan had shown her earlier and from outside, she could see him laughing with his homies.

A girl was on his lap, while two were beside him, they looked so happy, wait! Does her tears make him happy? He moved on so quickly!

"You're the real gee!" She heard from where she was watching.

"But that was a little extreme," she heard Lucian say.

"Are you kidding?" A guy asked

"Whatever he does is right, he's Tristan Jackson so no law is against him. He's the man and the king, cheer to the boss," they all raised their glass.

Calista clenched her fist.

"It takes two to play a game you know, two can play it," Sky's words came rushing into her mind.



"Sky, you're getting on my nerves these days and if care is not taken I will fûçk your sister," Simon said seriously.

Sky burst out laughing.

There aren't many customers though.

"You think I'm kidding? Just watch and see

To his utter dismay, she took her phone.

"Hello, yes, I'm Sky Simon whatever. The thing is, what's the cost of a casket?" She asked.

Simon took the phone from her and ended the call. Staring at her as though to devour her.

"You're planning to kîll me...."

"Not me, Bronte! You and I Know she doesn't like you, not even close. Remember when she told you that if you stare at her again she will gulp out your eyes and make soup with it?" She reminded.

He gulped emptiness.

"T.. that... That was back when we were roommates," he rolled his eyes.

"You know why she didn't get a boyfriend for five years or don't you?"

"I know she's picky when it comes to her man but I can give it a try," Simon said determined.

"With what? First, you don't have eight packs let alone six that she can manage, you don't even have muscle, and your head shape annoys her. You sleep like a baby and she doesn't like that, you're not strong to her taste cos she likes being manhandled. you talk too much and that she can kîll for if not superwoman Sky," she said and Simon rolled her eyes.


"I will bet a thousand dollars on it, ask her out," she emptied her apron on the counter.

Simon frowns deeply.

"The only thing stopping me is because I love my wife...."

"Or because she's almost as rich as you and drives a better car than you which means she won't even look at you twice cos you're below her list,"

"Hey! I love my wife okay, why... Wh why will I go for your sister?" Simon grumbled, rolling his eyes and Sky began laughing.

"But why is she too picky, is either he's big or smaller than her standard? Or he's short. She doesn't like his nose, If he's rich then he's intimidatingly rich. By the way..." The front door opened and they both exchanged glances upon seeing Calista.

"I'm ready, tell me how to make him pay!" Calista's voice came through the door.

Both couples exchange glances again.

She took steady steps forward, stopping right in front of Sky.

"I'm ready to give him the destruction he desires!!"

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵