Chapter 49&50

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄

By Rosy Johnson



"I'm ready to give him the destruction he desires!!" Calista added.

Simon and Sky exchange glances. In the next scene, they are seen seated in front of a computer.

"Okay, I didn't know if you would agree with it that's why I didn't do the digging myself but since you're here, we can still do it all," Sky said.

Calista was silent so she figured she wanted her to continue and she did.

"Let's start with his IG account and pull up every old video and picture he took, there must be something," she added.

Calista passed her phone to them and Sky took Tristan's username, Simon was with his PC while Sky made use of her phone and, Calista wasn't left out either.

There were many pictures of him with serval girls and it was heartbreaking, she put down her phone and took a deep breath.

"Try to act like he doesn't exist," Simon mumbled, looking up from his PC.



Garrett and Gavin stopped in front of the mansion and Karan turned to look at them.

"Thanks for today," she smiled happily and they both nodded.

"We like what we're doing," Garrett replied.

"Have been meaning to ask, how old are you two?" She asked, staring at Garrett before shifting her gaze to Gavin.

He always gives her chills so she didn't maintain eye contact with him.

"20," they both replied at the same time.

Her eyes widened.

"20? You both are far older than me so why are you still in the junior section?" She asked unbelievably.

Gavin glanced at Garrett and then took a step closer.

"The thing is, he failed twice so we have to repeat class..."

"Hey, you also failed last year too, so don't make it look like it's all my fault," Garrett scolded and rolled his eyes.

She chuckled.

"I failed just one time," Gavin protested.

"So? You could have passed just the way you always do!"

"So what about those two that you failed?"

"I failed and you failed too, don't make it look like I'm a failure," Garrett grumbled, pointing fingers at him with a big frown on his face.

"You're a failure!"

"You too!!"

"Seriously? Is this how you both fight all the time?" Karan asked, still laughing at them.

"It's fun watching two hot shots fight, damn! I had fun watching the drama," she laughed harder, staggering to the wall to support her balance.

"Anyway, I'm having a sleepover at your place tomorrow hope it's okay?" She suddenly asked, after laughing her âss off.

Their eyes widened. Both brothers exchange glances before shifting their gaze back at her, mouth slightly opened.

"Are you okay with that?" Garrett asked

"Yeah, I mean you both are grown men with needs and I have needs too, maybe we can get to know each other a little more than this," she replied softly.

"Are you sure? I thought we were to take things slow?" Gavin asked and her eyes flickered.

"What? Are you saying I'm desperate? You know what? Forget I ever asked," she rolled her eyes.

"No, no, no! That's definitely not what he meant, right Gavin? He didn't mean it that way," Garrett quickly said but she rolled her eyes, walking away.

"Forget it!"

Garrett glanced at his brother with rage in his eyes after she left.

"I didn't mean that..."

"You always ruin things!!!" Garrett scolded and began walking away

Gavin rushed after him.

"Garrett, calm down...."

"Don't talk to me no more," he crossed the street.

Gavin roughed his hair in frustration.



Mrs. Moon sat across from Mr. Elliott, her eyes never leaving his face.

Though they were separated by a thick pane of glass, she felt like she was close enough to touch him.

He sat with his hands clasped in front of him, his eyes searching hers.

They had been like this for an hour now, neither one saying a word. The only sound was the faint hum of the air conditioning and the clicking of the clock on the wall.

Finally, Mr. Elliott spoke, his voice low and hoarse.

"Is she D?"

"Working in it?" She replied

"Working in it? How long does it take to work and get things together, you can't let her put me here and have peace!" He roared, he closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath as he tried to calm himself.

"What should I do?"

"The girl, ID her tonight. I want her to shed tears of sorrow. I want her heart to be turned apart so that she won't have any reason to live, I want her to feel the pain in her heart body, and soul, I want the living and the dead to hear her cries of misery and tonight is the night I want it all to happen. Lucy will pay for disobeying me and joining an alliance with her Jonathan!!"



"Garrett, Garrett come on!" Gavin caught up with him at the stairs.

They actually live in a mansion. Though they own a gaming center, they still go to school.

"Garrett, come on. I didn't mean it that way, she misunderstood," he pulled him back by his arm.

"If you ever touch me again...."

"It was a fûçking understanding!!!"

"By making her feel desperate? Am I the only one feeling this? Can't you feel it too? I think we have to start making our own decisions at this rate cos it's obvious you always ruin good things," He walked away.



Tristan is currently in his room playing video games but his mind isn't there, Lucian is winning, and no matter how he tries to focus he just can't.

No matter how many pûssy he fed his dîck with, he wasn't Satisfied, none was like her and he badly wanted to pick up his phone and call her.

He dropped his gamepad and took his phone.

"What are you doing?" Lucian glared at him.

Tristan opened his mouth to talk but didn't know the right word to use, like, how was he going to tell his brother that he's calling Calista? The same person he broke up with.

"Missing her already?" Lucian asked and shifted on the couch. "Same thing happened when Amber broke up with me, I couldn't sleep, I didn't think straight, you even called me crazy and it took me a whole lot of therapy to get over her," Lucian sighed.

Tristan scoffed and stood.

"I'm singular," he said walking out of the room. He went downstairs to see Emily seated on the couch with her legs crossed.

"Emily, how do you do today?" He pressed her brêâst.

She hit his hand away and then quickly looked up.

"Are you high? Your father is at home," her voice came rushing.

"Oh, that old man, when will it be then?" He asked seductively and she smiled, arranging her dress as if sending him a signal.

"He will be gone for work tomorrow,"

"Tristan stay ten feet away from my wife," Mr Jackson's voice came from the stairs.

They both turned in his direction only to see him descending the stairs with a coffee mug, sipping from it.

"Was asking her how her day went," Tristan replied, walking away. Both hands were stuck in his trouser pocket.



Karan lay in the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Even though her Foster mother wasn't nice she couldn't help but wonder how she was doing.

She turned to the other side and at that moment her phone buzzed with a message. She sat up and quickly took it.


She raised her brows as many thoughts ran through her mind, nevertheless, she went out of her room.

She was about passing the dining room when a shiny grey box caught her eyes, a part of her told her to just walk away but another wanted her to know what was in there so she approached.

Curiously she reached for the box and touched it.

"What kind of box is this?" She asked and placed her hand at the top, checking it out.

"Initiating activation," came from the box, startling her.

For a few moments, she thought she heard things but then looked closely only to see the box operating and scanning her hand.

"What kinda save is this?" She mumbled "Never seen anything like this," she added and slowly placed it back on the table.

That was exactly when it marked good. She didn't look back at it as she walked out of the house.

"Fingerprints activated, please place your other fingers?" A sound came from the electric save again.

Lucy walked in and looked around, she didn't see anyone so she walked over to the box, her hands clasped over her mouth in shock

"Gianna! Anna, are you home?" She called and made to rush back upstairs. Heart pounding.

"She's not yet back," Jonathan walked in.

She scoffed unbelievably.

"What are you saying? She activated this box, I thought you said she isn't mine so how come she activated it..."

"It wasn't her!!" Jonathan suddenly yelled, shutting her up.

She blinked twice.

"It was her friend, Karan! I saw her checking it out when I was coming in and...." Before he could finish the last part Lucy ran out of the mansion.

"My baby! My baby," she called with tears in her eyes as she ran.

She had been with her all this while and she failed to notice, she was a horrible mother. Why didn't she feel it?

Meanwhile, Gavin waved at Karan from where across the road, she smiled lightly and began walking over.

Suddenly, a hand pulled her out of the road and they both fell by the roadside, a black Rolls Royce sped past them but the driver stopped some meters away.

"Mom!!!" Gianna's voice came out loud and before Lucy could turn to look at her, she was already looming over her and a bullet went through her back.

Shocked, Lucy couldn't move. It was as though she was frozen in place.

First, it was Karan and now Gianna had taken a bullet meant for her.... Or Karan? Does the shooter know that she was her baby?

"Anna! No, baby with me! Please stay with me," Mrs Moon rushed down the car and scooped her Into her arms.

That was when Lucy got herself together a little bit.

"Gianna..." She called and made to touch her but Mrs Moon pushed her down.

"You hurt my daughter, if anything happens to her Lucy I will make you pay in ten folds," she threatened, dropping Gianna at the back seat with tears in her eyes and then zooming off.




"Haven't seen anything interesting," Sky said sadly.

"You can get a rest, I will fish it out," Simon assured.

She smiled at him before looking over at Calista who was resting her head on the table asleep.

"I will be in the kitchen," she said and stood but Simon's voice suddenly stopped her.

"Wait, I found something," he said rushing in words and she glared at him, settling back down he pushed his PC to her front.

"This is an old picture he took some time ago and this Vellary, she didn't comment on all his pictures but she liked and commented on this one. Look what she wrote," he said


"Don't you find that strange?" He looked at her.

"Dig into her profile, let's see,"

Simon stood with Sky following behind and that was when Ms. Bronte walked in, she glanced at husband and wife before looking at Calista who was sleeping.

"Good thing you're here, take her home or bring her to our place," Sky said, pushing her husband out of the tiny room

Simon sat in front of his desktop, his fingers working nonstop on his keyboard as though it was made for him.

He'd taken computer programming courses during high school and college as a backup plan in case his doctorate didn't turn out well.

10 minutes went by and...

"Done! We are in," he said excitedly.

Sky went closer as they began reading the messages, their conversation was enough proof and Sky didn't hide the mischievous grin on her face.

"Two can play this game." She mumbled.

Calista and Ms Bronte walked in.

"Sorry I slept off, did you find anything?" She asked curiously.

Sky and Simon exchange glances.

"Superwoman Sky and...."

"Simom The Great," he quickly cut in.

Ms Bronte rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Got you covered, worry not my dear, he will eat it cold,"




Tristan was laying in his bed when he heard a soft knock on the door, his door opened afterwards and Emily strode in.

"Is he gone?" He asked and sat up, referring to his father.

She smiled cutely at him.

"Of course, yeah, not long ago," she climbed the bed and they engaged in a serious kissing battle, sucking and licking.

In the next minute, they were both naked with Emily kneeling in the bed, her back to him, Tristan thrusting deeper into her.

The sounds of skin connecting echoed around the room and she covered her mouth, denying herself access to cry out loud.

His palm connected with her âss cheek and that spot turned red instantly.

"Fûçk Emily," he grunts, holding her hips firmly as he banged her with urgency. Making sure to bury all his size into her.

Emily couldn't hold back anymore as low whimpers escaped her lips.

Just then the door flew open and Mr. Jackson stormed in, the sound of the Briefcase hitting the marble floor made them look back.

A look of horror crossed Tristan's face as he quickly pulled out from her, rushing to get his boxer.

"He forced me, he seduced me, honey," Emily began sobbing, covering herself with the duvet.

Tristan's eyes widened.

"It was him... Oh, how can I be so unfortunate," she hiccupped.

Before Tristan could finish putting on his boxers, Mr Jackson launched at him, punching and kicking, slapping and hitting.

Mr. Jackson punched him 8 times consecutively before Tristan was able to push him away and race to the door.

Not without taking his phone.

His face was bruised, his left eye swollen, and his lips were bursted with blood dripping down his forehead.

"Get out of my damn house!! I disown you. From today you're no longer my son! I don't ever wanna see you near my property ever again," Me Jackson roared, racing after him but Tristan rushed out through the big door.

"All your assets will be frozen, by the time I'm done with you..." He didn't finish his statement before storming back inside.

Tristan looked around, people were gathering to watch and he clasped his hand over his balls.

He was just in his boxers.

"Tristan," Lucian called, rushing out of the house.

Upon seeing his brother, he let out a breath of relief. Finally! But to his shock, Lucian punched his right eyeball, temporarily blinding him.

"I trusted you as my brother yet you fûçked my girlfriend behind my back, she aborted a child for you, and you made her to break up with me while you drilled her pûssy till you got tired and toss her aside, how could you!!" Lucian Punch him again but he ducked and staggered back.

"You watched me nearly go insane because of her yet you pretended to love me, telling me to let her go and get over her while you were busy fûçking her! So you said she wasn't worth it but you seduced and fûçked her! Your dîçk was worth her pûssy!!" Lucian pushed him back and punched his jaw.

Tristan falls and spits out blood. Everything bursted all at once and right now he don't know what to do.

"Did she say that??" He asked, getting back to his feet.

Lucian showed him his phone screen. and screenshots of his past conversation with Vellary were still there.

"You bastard," Tristan rushed forward to punch him again but Peter and Brimsley came out of nowhere and blocked him.

He began struggling for them to let him go but they refused, Tristan roughed his hair.

"Fûçk! Fûçk it!" He cursed, looking around with his left hand still holding his balls.

"Like my surprise?" Calista's voice came from behind and he swiftly turned to see her smiling at him.

For a moment he didn't understand what she meant but with the look in her eyes and sinister smile lingering on her lips he got what he wanted.

"You did this??!"

"Oh, sweetie, my cute firecracker. Don't take it to heart, it's just business, nothing personal. You're a business man. you should know how all this things works...."

"I just got disowned...."


TBC 😁😀😍💖❤️

As e dey hot 🥵🥵