Thunderbolt of Radiant Fury, Roar of Eternal Storm!

"Wrmmm" "Wrmmm…" "Wrrrrmmm"

The sky was rumbling with heavy bolts of lightning. The night became more dark as thick rain and dark clouds covered the royal capital city. 

Inside the white wood tree trunk, Kent sat in lotus position. The divine crystal of lightning glowed on his forehead as Kent covered the entire city in a night of intense storm.




Occasionally, lightning hit the capital city randomly. But the superior magical barrier above the capital city didn't let the lightning get past it. But the noise of heavy rain pouring is going to help Kent in many ways.

"I think it's time." Chelli, who was patiently waiting beside Kent, spoke in a soft tone.

Kent opened his eyes with a determined face. The five beast men also stood waiting before him, inside the tunnel. 

Kent stared at the long tunnel before him with a serious look. Everything was planned out in advance and he just needed timely execution.