"But the Space God is one of the first gods who hate demons. Why would he help us?" Phillip asked, his expression twisted in deep thought.
The dagger pulsed again, the goddess's voice sharp like a whisper of the underworld. "He must help us… Either by persuasion… or by force. First, offer him riches, authority, anything he wishes. If that fails, threaten him with targeted destruction. March your legion right into his domain if he refuses. But first, approach him quietly. Slip into his territory alone—he won't see you as an immediate threat if you come unaccompanied."
Phillip nodded thoughtfully. "I'll approach him personally, my goddess."
A final burst of greenish light flared from the dagger. "Go. Do not fail me. Once we have the power of the Space God… the realms are ours."
"Yes, my queen," Phillip said, stepping back from the stone dais. "I will ensure he bends to our will."