
Six days passed by in a flash, and on the evening of the seventh day, the number of reinforcement points finally exceeded 3,000 points.

After getting off work from the Dojo and just returning home, Hayashi Rikawa couldn't wait to call out his personal panel.

'Enhancement Points: 3006'.

"It's finally enough."

Without hesitation, he immediately chose to upgrade his Reiatsu.

As the level of the Reiatsu column on the interface instantly flashed to Lv5, the familiar feeling of reinforcement descended in an instant, as if his body was soaked in a furnace, Hayashi Rikawa only felt that his body was scorching hot both inside and outside.

After a long time, this feeling gradually dissipated, he clenched his fists, obviously felt that the quality of the body has risen again by a large margin.

Thoughts slightly move, Hayashi Rikawa palm immediately a sinking, already more a shallow hit, then arm gently move, a flash of cold light instantly cut out horizontally, tearing the air stirred up ear-piercing sound of air-breaking.

"Not bad, now, even if I don't use Shikai, my strength is enough to compare to the Silver Rank."

Hayashi Rikawa breathed a long sigh of relief, followed by a movement in his expression, gazing at the information that suddenly emerged in his mind.

In the next second, without a sound or a word, his silhouette abruptly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already on the other side of the living room.


"Sure enough."

Hayashi Rikawa's face showed a look of wonder.

It was worthy of being a strong stance skill that could only be mastered by an Elite Shinigami.

In the eyes of a non-transcendent, this speed would be no different from instantaneous movement, and even a transcendent would find it difficult to react to it unless they were a Silver ranked powerhouse with a bio-energy level of more than 10.

Hayashi Rikawa continuously performed the instantaneous step more than ten times, until his body felt a slight load, then he stopped with a sense of satisfaction.

"It seems that performing Instantaneous Steps continuously for a short period of time will cause a burden on the body .... But it could also be because my Reiatsu Level isn't high enough."

In any case, the mastery of Shunpo had undoubtedly dramatically increased Hayashi Rikawa's immediate combat power.

"If I don't use the Shikai, I should be equivalent to a bio-energy level of about 12, and if I liberate my Zanpakuto, even if I face a level 15 Silver Peak, I'll still be able to win with a good amount of certainty."

The power of the Shikai's will increase with the increase of the Reiatsu Level, when the Reiatsu Level was only Lv4, he was able to use the Tenken's Shikai to kill the Level 12 Ri Keichou in a single blow, now that the Reiatsu Level has been increased to Lv5, the Shikai's power and duration have been greatly increased, once it was liberated, the combat power was afraid that the combat power will still be more than a lot of Level 15s.

Returning from his surprise, Hayashi Rikawa returned his attention to his personal interface.

Name: Hayashi Rikawa

Reiatsu: Lv5

Kendō: Lv4 

Hakuda: Lv2

Kidō: Lv3

Shunpo: Lv0

Zanpakutō: Tenken,Haineko

Crystals Stones: 9

Enhancement Points: 6

"Is the next level going to require 5000 enhancement points."

Looking at the upgrade requirements stated at the back of the Reiatsu, Hayashi Rikawa couldn't help but sigh lightly.

As the leveling process continued, the number of enhancement points needed to level up would increase by leaps and bounds, and the 3 enhancement points he got per hour were not enough to keep up with the speed of the leveling process.

For example 5,000 enhancement points would take about 70 days to accumulate, during which time you could not upgrade other abilities or exchange merchandise.

"The VIP level will also have to be upgraded in some way."

Hayashi Rikawa murmured secretly, and then turned his attention to Shunpo.

The latter was okay, it only required 200 enhancement points to upgrade, and it wouldn't take 3 days to gather the points needed to upgrade.

After more than ten minutes of thinking about the next upgrade plan, Hayashi Rikawa came back to his senses and looked up at the wall clock, realizing that it was almost time, so he immediately got up and prepared to leave for the private port in the suburbs.

Tonight was the time to carry out the mission.

At around twelve o'clock in the evening, the target's mercenary army would arrive at the harbor with a shipment of smuggled arms, and they would stay there for the night until the next day, when they would meet with the buyer to complete the transaction.

Hayashi Rikawa's mission was to kill them before then and get the mercenary leader Himon's token.

A few days before that, he had already secretly checked out the private harbor.

The harbor was not large, only a simple pier, coupled with the geographic location was quite remote, so it was very cold, basically do not see people, was a suitable place for some unseemly transactions.

The night was gradually deepening, bright and clean moon from the clouds poked his head out, the moonlight sprinkled down, just like in the asphalt road paved with a layer of light white velvet.

Around eleven thirty, Hayashi Rikawa arrived at a small forest.

Across the forest was the harbor.

He raised his head to look far away, with amazing eyesight, found that the port entrance and exit has been more than two big men, both dressed in dark camouflage uniforms, holding a rifle in his arms, eyes gleaming to look around.

The sight fell on the rifle, Hayashi Rikawa eyes can not help but flash.

The power of the rifle was much stronger than the pistol, before the increase in the level of Reiatsu, he estimated that his Reiatsu protection layer most likely can not withstand the rifle bullets, but now it was not the same, Lv5 Reiatsu protection layer, as long as it was not a continuous fire, no matter whether it was a pistol or rifle, it should be able to easily block it down.

Of course, with the Shunpo, Hayashi Rikawa will not be stupid enough to resist bullets head on.

The entire harbor was surrounded by wire mesh, through which you could see a large container displayed inside.

Hayashi Rikawa did not intend to break out from the front, but circled around to the other side of the wire mesh, and with a running start, he easily jumped over the nearly four-meter-high wire mesh and landed on the ground, and then quickly dodged and hid himself behind one of the containers.

His silhouette just into the shadow behind the container, two patrol gunmen will turn out from the corner, while looking around vigilantly, while walking slowly forward.

When the two men passed the container where Hayashi Rikawa hid, the corner of their eyes suddenly glimpsed the shadows flashed, and were suddenly taken aback, and just when they wanted to raise their guns, they felt a sharp pain in their throats, and two powerful palms were clasped around their necks like iron hoops, and with a slight force, they crushed the neck bones of the two men with a click.

The two gun-wielding mercenaries instantly lost their voices, their bodies slowly paralyzed, and were quickly held up by Hayashi Rikawa, then dragged into the back of the container.

After doing so, he came to the corner and cautiously poked his head around to observe.

There were four or five trucks parked in the middle of the harbor, and more than a dozen big men were busily moving the goods up and down, using forklifts to transport them to the designated containers to be loaded onto ships tomorrow.

In the surrounding area, many mercenaries in camouflage uniforms were either patrolling or chatting with each other in groups of three or two, visually there were at least seventy to eighty people, counting those outside the field of vision, the number of people and the information said was not too far from each other.

In the place near the pier, there were still more than ten people standing, one of them was surrounded by people like a star in the center, tall and sturdy, all body exudes a ferocious and overbearing atmosphere of the man who attracted Hayashi Rikawa's attention for the first time.


The information provided by Soya had a picture of Himon, so Hayashi Rikawa immediately recognized this mercenary leader.

Looking at Himon who was talking to the people around him, Hayashi Rikawa's eyes flashed with a thoughtful look.

Nearly a hundred armed mercenaries, even he did not dare to confront them head on, after all, it was one thing to be able to withstand bullets, but whether or not they can withstand the gun fire was another matter.

Once dozens of firearms were aimed at the fire, even the Reiatsu of Lv5 can not hold it.

When Hayashi Rikawa was considering whether to secretly incantate the mercenaries to send Sokatsui first, loud gunfire and screams suddenly came from the direction of the port exit.