Another Set of Assailants

"Enemy attack!"

Frightened and loud shouts rang out from the harbor in an instant.

At that moment, a loud sound was heard, and half of the mercenaries in the open space immediately drew their firearms and rushed towards the entrance at the same time.

Himon raised his head and coldly looked towards the direction of the entrance.

"Boss, I'll go over and take a look." Next to him, a big man with a full face and a slightly bloated and fat body shape said fiercely, "I'd like to see which ungrateful guys dare to come and find trouble with us."

Fermont didn't reply, but looked at another young man with sharp eyes and a gentle appearance.

As early as when the gunshots rang out, the young man had taken out his cell phone and made a call, and when he saw Himon looking over, he immediately shook his head.

"There's no sign of the federal troops stationed near Rinyoubeing mobilized."

"Then it's the Transcendents, let's go, and greet these late night visitors." A cold smile spread across the corners of Fermont's mouth as he led the way towards the entrance.

As if to verify his words, a burst of angry shouts came from the incessant gunfire in the direction of the entrance.

"Damn, these guys are fast!"

"Don't panic, take aim."


Listening to these panicked voices, the fat man couldn't help but skim his lips, "A bunch of unseen trash."

"They're just ordinary people after all." The gentle man said, "And most of them are new recruits who have just been added to the team, and have never experienced battles with transcendents, so it's normal for them to behave like this."

While they were talking, the group had already arrived near the entrance, and quickly got a good look at the situation there.

The attackers and the mercenaries had already formed a group, with gunshots firing one after another, dazzling sparks flashing one after another, and on the ground there were already more than a dozen bodies of mercenaries lying on the ground, with blood flowing all over the ground.

The attackers were about 14 or 15 people, not carrying firearms, but only with swift and flexible hands, with the help of the surrounding dense containers and mercenaries around, and so close to them a certain distance and then blatantly shot to kill.

Surprisingly, the dozen or so attackers were covered with a layer of earthy yellow light, although the light was light and thin, it had an indestructible and heavy flavor, and even if a bullet hit the yellow light, it could only cause a small amount of invisible ripples, and was unable to cause any damage to the attackers at all.

"All of them are Budokai, but there should be one more ability user hiding in the shadows." The gentlemanly man's eyes balked.

"Budokai? ... Hey, I'm the best at dealing with these rats who can only hide." The fat man sneered and turned his head to look at Himon, "Boss?"

"Let's do it, no need to leave anyone alive." Himon said with an expressionless face, as if he had already guessed where the attacker came from.

Upon hearing this, a grim smile appeared on the big fat man's face, he took a few steps forward, straightened his arms, spread his palms forward, and the skin in the center of his palms suddenly cracked, revealing two dark holes.

In the next second, the fire light suddenly appeared.

Accompanied by the incessant 'rattling' sound of gunfire, the two palms of the fat man were like machine guns spitting out countless bullets, instantly tearing through the air and drowning an attacker in the distance like a storm.

The terrifying impact of the numerous bullets instantly caused the other party to stumble, and the earth-yellow layer of light on his body immediately caused large ripples, and the light flickered erratically, and after a moment he finally couldn't withstand it, and it shattered with a boing sound.

The moment the layer of light dissipated, the attacker was torn to pieces by the surging barrage of bullets.

"Damn, the light layer on these guys is stronger than bulletproof vests, wasting more than two hundred bullets on me."

The big fat man muttered in a cursing manner, then his body shook slightly, and the skin on his right shoulder similarly blossomed, revealing a black and eerie gun port.

In the next second, with the roaring sound of an explosion, an assailant and the container behind him exploded, turning into a huge dazzling fire, the violent explosion shock wave even lifted several nearby mercenaries out of the sky.

"Hahaha! See you're still alive!"

The fat man laughed maniacally, and the smog of gunpowder choking smoke slowly rose from his shoulders.

Looking at this scene, the rest of the attackers faces suddenly changed drastically, and one of them, a dark and thin middle-aged man, immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Kill that guy first!"

Immediately, all of them turned and swept towards the fat man.

The strength of these two people was obviously higher than the other attackers, and the mercenaries who wanted to block them along the way only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and the whole person fell out as if they were flying through the clouds, spitting blood on the ground, and their heads were askew and they were no longer alive.

"Hey, two Level 6 Transcendents." A disdainful sneer appeared on the fat man's face as the skin on his left shoulder, chest and abdomen cracked, revealing more gun muzzles, and even cannon muzzles, and countless dazzling guns were aimed at the two attackers who rushed in.

As the two men looked on in horror, all the muzzles of the guns and cannons burst into flames, sending out countless bullets and shells that swept towards them, instantly drowning them.

When the gunfire stopped, there was only a huge pit left on the spot, and all of them had long since lost their bodies.

A long roar suddenly sounded.

But it was the skinny man who saw the situation was far from good, instantaneous explosion killed a few mercenaries around the body, and then the body shape of a flash, turned into a shadow of extreme speed towards the fat big man, a palm heavy shot, with a mountain range of rolling majestic momentum to the latter's head.

The fat big man could not react, and when he came back to his senses, the skinny man had already attacked in front of him, and the air waves brought up by his palm scraped the fat flesh on his cheeks and made them collapse slightly.

However, he didn't panic at all, he just laughed maniacally and continued to pour out firepower to the front, while a strong air-breaking sound suddenly came from his side.

A powerful fist appeared at the side of the fat man at an unknown time, blocking the skinnyman's palm.


A dull sound that struck the lungs burst out.

The skinny man's figure retreated backward sharply, stomping back three or four steps before stopping his body, and he looked up horrifyingly at Himon, who had not moved a single step in front of him.

"Level 10 Transcendent!"

Although the intelligence said that the transcendent bio-energy level of this mercenary army would not exceed level 10, they had always thought that it would at most be level 7 or 8, but they had never imagined that it would actually be a level 10 transcendent that was close to the top of the scale.

"Damn." The skinny man's heart immediately sank.

A level 10 Transcendent, coupled with the big fat man whose bio-energy level might not be high, but whose abilities were extremely restraining to Budokai in this situation, the situation on the field immediately became extremely unfavorable to them.

At this very moment, the skinny man's ears recalled the sound of a gunshot.

And at this time in the harbor, the sound of gunshots was very noisy, however, this gunshot sounded as if it was sounding at the soul level, so strange that everyone at the scene could hear it clearly.

The skinny man looked at the sound and realized that the gunshot came from a man with sharp eyes and a gentle face, but to his dismay, the other party was shooting at the sky.

When he was full of doubts, a familiar scream came from the distance.

Upon hearing this sound, the skinny man's face instantly changed drastically.

In the next second, the earth-yellow layer of light on the bodies of all the attackers, including him, suddenly flickered, and then extinguished and disappeared.