Hokage's Political Show

"Lower your head!"

Just as Toda felt despair creeping in, a lazy voice reached his ears, followed by a yellow figure appearing right before him.

Anticipating ahead of time while casting the ninjutsu, Kizaru appeared instantly between Toda and Kiyoshi.

Pressing down on both individuals' heads, Kizaru maintained a calm smile on his face.

After restraining the two individuals on either side of him, facing the enormous wind sphere emitting a threatening aura, ready to crush everything in its path, Kizaru lifted his slender and powerful right leg.

Covering his leg with chakra, Kizaru forcefully kicked upward, sending the wind sphere soaring into the sky like a football.

The attacked wind sphere ascended rapidly and then exploded, transforming into a gust of wind that assaulted the surroundings.

The students around the arena were hit by the gust of wind, closing their eyes and lowering their heads while shielding themselves with their hands.

"Wow! That was really scary!"

Despite the fierce wind sweeping around, Kizaru, positioned at the center, remained unaffected. He held his hands on the teacher and students, looked up at the sky, appearing deeply moved!

"Using ninjutsu so recklessly, it's frightening!" Kiyoshi, with his head pressed down, used his hands to move Kizaru's hand away, lifting his head and expressing his excitement.

Feeling terrified and still not fully recovered from the shock, Kiyoshi looked angrily at Kizaru, wanting desperately to curse!

But considering his role as a teacher, surrounded by his students, and taking into account the significant difference in abilities between the two, Kiyoshi forcibly suppressed his emotions.

Compared to the infuriated Kiyoshi, Toda, still with his head pressed down by Kizaru, was still in shock, not having snapped out of it yet.

"Don't worry, teacher! As I've said, I'm very careful. See, everyone is fine!" Kizaru replied with a smile.

Taking a deep breath, constantly reminding himself not to get angry – he was a teacher, in a school, surrounded by students, and he couldn't lose control.

Repeatedly chanting this in his mind, Kiyoshi made efforts to calm himself down.

"You…" Kiyoshi didn't know what to say for a moment. After being silent for a while, he looked at Kizaru and said with seriousness and emphasis, "Kizaru, apply for early graduation! Staying in school will only waste your talent!"

"Teacher, I can't bear to leave you and everyone!" Kizaru replied with a "sincere" expression.

Kiyoshi's cheek twitched a few times, rendered speechless momentarily.

"Cough!" Just when the atmosphere became tense, a cough sounded from not too far away.


"Wow! It's the Hokage!"

"Grandpa Hokage is here!"


Hearing someone call out "Grandpa Hokage," the middle-aged Hiruzen felt a little sad and wanted to smoke a cigarette.

"Manners, kids, manners. Why can't any of you speak properly? How annoying!" Quietly complaining in his mind, Hiruzen kept a kind smile on his face and warmly greeted the approaching children.

After patting multiple heads and shoulders, Hiruzen made his way through the group of children and walked toward the battlefield.

"Hokage-sama, I apologize for causing you worry. It's my negligence, and I'm deeply sorry!" Seeing Hiruzen approaching, Kiyoshi quickly turned around, faced the Hokage, and bowed in apology.

Maintaining his smile, Hiruzen walked up to Kiyoshi, patting his bent-over back gently, and said amiably, "Kiyoshi, get up! It's not your fault, you've also worked hard."

Hearing the Hokage's comforting words, Kiyoshi was deeply moved, almost tearing up.

Watching the Third Hokage display his friendly "political show," Kizaru glanced at Danzo, who was standing nearby, wearing a cold expression, not speaking a word, and not at all approachable. Kizaru couldn't help but worry about his uncle's political intelligence.

"Serves you right for never becoming an official Hokage in your lifetime. Why are you giving everyone a hard time?"

"Kizaru, are you okay?" After consoling Kiyoshi, Hiruzen focused his attention on Kizaru.

Facing the Hokage's concern, Kizaru ceased his complaints about Danzo, smiled, and replied, "I'm fine, Hokage-sama."

Hearing Kizaru's response, Hiruzen visibly relaxed. Then, he turned his attention to Toda, who was still being held by Kizaru.

"Toda, are you alright?"

Faced with the Hokage's concern, Toda, who had been frozen in place, came to his senses. He felt embarrassed and angry about how he had acted earlier in front of the Hokage. He tried to respond but realized that Kizaru was still holding onto his head.

"Kizaru, let go of me!" Toda immediately shouted.

Hearing Toda's cry, Kizaru, appearing as if he just realized, quickly removed his hand and showed a remorseful expression, apologizing to Toda, "I'm really sorry for scaring you, Toda."

Upon hearing Kizaru acknowledging his fear, Toda's young face instantly turned red with embarrassment and anger. He was left speechless and chose to ignore Kizaru, looking instead at the Hokage in front of him.

"Hokage-sama, I'm fine!"

"It's good to have determination, but you shouldn't act so impulsively in the future. It's essential for a good ninja to correctly assess one's own and the opponent's strengths!" Hiruzen took the opportunity to educate.

"I understand, Hokage-sama," Toda lowered his head in embarrassment.

Patting Toda's head, Hiruzen encouraged, "But your performance today was excellent. Facing a formidable opponent, you didn't lose heart but tried hard to find ways to defeat your opponent. You're a great kid! I believe you'll become an outstanding ninja in the future!"

"Alright! Looks like you've said enough of both compliments and sarcasm." Watching this scene before him, Kizaru silently complained in his mind.

Despite Kizaru's inner complaints, Toda, encouraged by the Hokage's praise, raised his head and gazed at the Hokage, his eyes seemingly shining.

From this moment on, Toda officially became a die-hard fan of the Hokage!

After comforting the Hyuga child, Hiruzen turned his attention to Kizaru beside him, this remarkably talented child... well, let's just call him a child for now! He became the main focus.

"Kizaru, with your current abilities, staying in school would be a waste of your talent. Apply for early graduation! I'll personally award you Konoha's forehead protector." Hiruzen encouraged Kizaru.

"Hokage-sama, my strength is only slightly better than my classmates, and as a ninja, I have many shortcomings. I want to continue learning in school." Faced with Hiruzen's "sinister intentions" of sending his mere six-year-old self away from school to work and earn money, Kizaru chose a clear refusal.

Making a six-year-old child a ninja, sending them on various missions, and even to the battlefield made this world truly feel messed up to Kizaru!

Kizaru wanted to say more, but seeing the envy in the eyes of the surrounding students as they looked at him, he felt there was nothing more to say.