Early Graduation

Speaking of it, it was very sarcastic!

The original intention of the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama, when founding the Konohagakure Village was to allow the children of ninjas not to step onto the battlefield at the age of six or seven and instead spend their childhood happily and peacefully.

But now, regardless of whose children could graduate and become a shinobi at the age of six or seven, they would receive admiration and approval from the entire village.

And Hiruzen's invitation for early graduation, extended to Kizaru, made him the subject of everyone's envy.

Whether it was Kizaru's classmates, their parents, or their respective clans, the Shimura clan was filled with admiration, even a hint of jealousy, for having such a top-tier genius like Kizaru.

Considering there were many parents observing the exam that day, news of Kizaru's performance spread throughout the village within a short period.

People came to know that Kizaru from the Shimura clan not only possessed terrifying talent in physical abilities but also had outstanding skills in ninjutsu.

Subsequently, the Shimura household became the most popular place in the village in a short time. Many leaders of other clans found suitable reasons to visit.

The present Shimura clan had someone assisting the Hokage position, the founding leader of the ANBU, Danzo, and now, a future with such a super genius as Kizaru. Anyone with normal intelligence could understand that the future of the Shimura clan in the next few decades was bright and full of hope!

The Yamanaka clan and the Aburame clan, who were already on good terms with the Shimura clan, took the initiative to arrange for many outstanding ninjas from the clan to join the Root in order to show their closeness, which enhanced the strength of the organization.

For Danzo, the person in charge of the ANBU, outwardly calm in receiving such a great honor, internally, was filled with joy.

Danzo had a special fondness for Kizaru!

To further enhance Kizaru's reputation, Danzo arranged for many clan members and ANBU operatives to spread the news in the village that the six-year-old Kizaru from the Shimura clan improved the B-rank Wind Release techniques and independently created A-rank ninjutsu: Wind Release - Super Vacuum Wave and Wind Release - Super Vacuum Sphere, also S-rank ninjutsu: Wind Release - Super Vacuum Serial Wave and Wind Release - Super Vacuum Great Sphere!"

The spread of this news caused quite a stir in the village, making Kizaru a topic of discussion. People couldn't help but admire his astounding talent.

However, when the Third Hokage, Hiruzen, learned this news, his expression was somewhat complicated.

It wasn't that Hiruzen didn't want to see such a talent in the Shimura clan; it was that as a good friend of Danzo's, Hiruzen knew that these ninjutsu were improved by Danzo.

Back then, when Danzo improved the ninjutsu, their teacher, the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama, provided a lot of guidance. Hiruzen himself also gave Danzo a lot of ideas and suggestions.

His good friend was really giving his all to support the younger generation!

Sitting in his office, smoking his pipe, Hiruzen couldn't help but feel emotional.

Thinking about the Sarutobi clan, which did not even have a worthy younger generation to support, Hiruzen couldn't help but envy Danzo.

It seemed like he needed to work harder. The potential of the major player was already apparent, so he could only work on building up a minor player.

Rubbing his old back, Hiruzen decided that, while he wasn't too old yet, he'd take the time to create a minor player.

Just when Hiruzen was lamenting the lack of successors in the family and resolved to create a minor player, Danzo was troubled by the fact that his family's younger generation was exceptionally talented.

He was quite supportive when the old friend wanted his nephew to graduate early from the Academy. However, the trouble was that the person in question didn't want it!

Now, the Hokage wanted Kizaru to graduate early, the teachers at the Academy hoped for Kizaru's early graduation, the whole village waited for Kizaru's early graduation, and everyone anticipated his performance on the graduation exam!

The atmosphere in the entire village had escalated to this point, but the person in question didn't want to graduate early, which was quite distressing!

Given the current public opinion, as long as Kizaru participated in the early graduation exam and defeated a Jonin with his Bloodline Limit on the day of the exam, Kizaru's reputation as a super genius would be solidified.

Therefore, in the future, as long as Kizaru did not commit any major mistakes, continued to steadily improve his abilities, bore the expectations of everyone, and, with his assistance, became a top-tier force, accumulating enough prestige, the position of Hokage would inevitably belong to Kizaru!

Danzo had even planned out what he would do after his nephew became Hokage: how he would achieve his political ambitions, help Konoha become powerful, and perhaps even unify the ninja world!

Yet, this first step was stuck. Kizaru didn't want to graduate early; he wanted to continue his studies.

"It's not that I want to go against my previous promise. It's the request of the Hokage, making it difficult for me to refuse," Danzo sat across from Kizaru, looking somewhat forced into this situation.

"Uncle, I think the three-year plan is good; there's no need to break it," Kizaru said with a smile.

"The world is always full of variables; hardly anything stays the same," Danzo continued. "Your talent is too outstanding, exceeding my expectations. Continuing to stay in the Academy at your current level is no longer suitable."

"I think it's pretty appropriate. A six-year-old child should just stay in the Academy and study!" Kizaru's face maintained a faint smile throughout.

Danzo carefully assessed his 175 cm tall, well-built, and slender nephew, finding it quite challenging to relate him to the term "six years old."

"Six years old? And you're calling yourself a six-year-old child? You're a completely different creature!"

Danzo wanted to comment but refrained from saying much.

After pondering silently, Danzo decided to find a compromise.

"I understand your thoughts. How about this? You apply for early graduation now. However, for the first two years after graduation, you won't have to undertake any missions, just training."

Hearing Danzo's new proposal, Kizaru didn't respond immediately but began to consider it seriously.

His uncle's suggestion was straightforward: compensate for the lost time from early graduation within the first two years after graduation, focusing solely on training without any missions.

After careful consideration, Kizaru looked at Danzo and spoke up, "I accept this arrangement, but I have one condition."

"What is it?" Danzo asked.

"Let me finish the first grade to have a complete academic year."

"No problem!" Danzo quickly agreed.

Although the timeline had to be delayed a bit, Danzo was already quite satisfied that Kizaru agreed to the arrangement for early graduation.

"If there's nothing else, I'll head back now, Uncle!"

As Kizaru spoke, he had already risen from his seat.

"Wait!" Seeing Kizaru about to leave, Danzo called out to him.

"Is there anything else?" Kizaru, standing up, looked down at Danzo.

"After graduation, any thoughts about your mentor?"

"A mentor?" Kizaru hadn't thought much about it for a moment. He looked up at the ceiling, casually pondered for a while, then bowed his head and said, "It's troublesome! I'll leave it to you, Uncle!"

With that, Kizaru didn't give Danzo a chance to continue speaking and swiftly departed.

Watching Kizaru's retreating figure, Danzo shook his head helplessly.