Jiraiya's Defeat

Falling from the tree hole, Jiraiya held the kunai in his right hand and placed it on his chest in a defensive posture.

"Phew, almost got killed by an old man. That was really scary!" Kizaru patted his heart, pretending to be frightened.

"This guy's personality is really nasty!" Jiraiya wiped the fresh blood from the corner of his mouth with his left hand, silently complaining.

"A newly emerging genius from Konoha Village, really tricky." imitating the style of the Kumogakure ninjas, Jiraiya said harshly, "Little brats like you must be eliminated before you grow up!"

After speaking, Jiraiya bent his knees, exerted force with his legs, and jumped directly into the air.

Aiming at Kizaru's position, he forcefully threw the kunai in his right hand.

With a cutting sound, the kunai stabbed straight towards Kizaru's face.

"Old man, is it possible that-" as he spoke, Kizaru tilted his head, dodging the kunai's attack, "I've grown up a little bit now!"

Finishing his sentence, Kizaru raised his right hand, making a disrespectful "C" gesture that might infuriate a certain nation.

"Don't talk nonsense, brat!"

Descending from the air, Jiraiya formed hand seals with both hands, using the Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld.

Upon touching an unfamiliar substance, Kizaru lowered his head and found that the firm soil beneath his feet had turned into a muddy swamp.

"This is the price for underestimating and being arrogant, brat. Go to hell!" Jiraiya took the opportunity to educate Kizaru, while releasing another jutsu. "Fire Release: Flame Bullet!"

"Attacks like this won't kill me, Old man!" Talking back, Kizaru quickly formed hand seals with both hands, took a deep breath, and unleashed Wind Release: Vacuum Wave.

Sharp wind blades, like a whip, emerged from Kizaru's mouth and, with a clever and snake-like agility, attacked Jiraiya.

Taking a step back, Jiraiya dodged and maneuvered, skillfully avoiding the attacks of the "Wind Serpent."

While maintaining evasion, Jiraiya didn't give up on attacking. He continued forming hand seals with both hands, and with a burst from his mouth, a straight-line explosion of flames advanced, destroying the "Wind Serpent" controlled by Kizaru. The flames, undiminished, charged straight towards Kizaru.

Tsunade, who had been observing the battle from behind the bushes, saw Jiraiya unexpectedly using high-level Fire Release ninjutsu, and she raised her spirits, ready to rush in for rescue at any moment.

"Jiraiya is going too far with this!" Tsunade half stood up, as if she was about to rush out.

On the other hand, Orochimaru, the future teacher of Kizaru, remained still, appearing quite calm.

"That brat is fine." Orochimaru calmly said.

"What?" Tsunade, whose attention was focused on the training ground, didn't quite catch it and instinctively turned her head to ask.

"He's already escaped." Orochimaru replied.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Tsunade quickly turned her head towards the front, just in time to see Kizaru breaking free from the swamp mud, jumping into the air.

"That was scary! Old man!" Leaping into the air and avoiding Jiraiya's attack, Kizaru laughed.

Without wasting words, Jiraiya quickly surged forward, throwing three kunai from the sheath on his thigh as he rushed. The kunai were aimed at Kizaru in the air.

Descending from the air without any support, facing Jiraiya's thrown three kunai, Kizaru seemed unable to avoid them.

Seeing that he was about to be hit by the kunai, Kizaru, instead of using the Body Flicker Jutsu like ordinary ninjas would, raised his right hand and extended his index finger.

Observing Kizaru's movement, Jiraiya, slightly slowing his charge, was secretly on guard, "What is this brat up to again?"

A dazzling golden light bloomed at the tip of Kizaru's index finger, and a laser shot out, directly melting and piercing the airborne kunai. It then shot towards Jiraiya.

Already on high alert, Jiraiya instantly jumped, evading to the left, narrowly avoiding the laser's attack.


The laser emitted by Kizaru exploded upon contact with the ground, creating an explosion that sent debris and dust flying.

Shielding himself from the incoming debris with his arm, Jiraiya silently rejoiced at his quick evasion.

"What kind of jutsu is this? A Lightning Release?" Jiraiya looked up at the landing Kizaru, speculating in his mind.

"Phew, unexpectedly, you've discovered my secret. What should I do now, old man?" Kizaru maintained his pre-landing pose, pointing his right index finger at Jiraiya with a troubled expression.

"Eh, it seems I'll have to take down an old man like you." Kizaru looked at Jiraiya and said with a grin.

Feeling a sudden sense of danger for the first time, Jiraiya's heart tightened!

"Then go ahead and try! Damn brat!" Jiraiya said firmly.

"In that case, I won't be polite, old man!" Kizaru smiled.

After saying that, Kizaru used Body Flicker Jutsu, disappearing from his original position, jumping into the air, transforming into a flash, and instantly appearing in front of Jiraiya.

Returning to human form, Kizaru emitted a dazzling bright light all over his body, making it impossible to look directly at him.

"That... that guy turned into light!" Tsunade exclaimed in amazement.

"What kind of jutsu is this?" Orochimaru's curiosity increased.

Compared to his two friends observing from a distance, Jiraiya had a tougher time.

The high-intensity light emitted by Kizaru all over his body directly affected Jiraiya, who was encountering such an attack for the first time. His eyes were temporarily blinded by the strong light.

Closing his eyes tightly, tears kept streaming down. Relying on his instincts as a ninja, Jiraiya jumped backward suddenly, trying to avoid Kizaru's next attack.

However, the transformed golden Kizaru, naturally, wouldn't give the enemy time to recover. Tipping his toes, Kizaru made a fierce pounce, rushing to Jiraiya, who was retreating.

"Old man, have you ever been kicked by light?" Speaking, Kizaru raised his right leg, turning into a golden light and kicking towards the side of Jiraiya. In an instant, he materialized.

Speed was strength. With Kizaru's speed of light and the enhanced power, his right foot touched Jiraiya, sending him flying heavily.

Jiraiya turned into a blur, flying out, breaking three tree trunks in succession, and falling to the ground, sliding several meters.

Turning around, facing the direction where the flying enemy was, Kizaru didn't stop. He raised his right hand, and the tip of his index finger lit up with a golden flash again.

"So, goodbye, old..."


Standing up from behind the bushes, Tsunade shouted and jumped towards the training ground.

Maintaining the flash of light on his right index finger, Kizaru looked at the newcomer.

Looking at the face, somewhat beautiful, somewhat familiar, and looking down, quite impressive!

His gaze lingered below the person's neck, and Kizaru identified the person's identity. The future one of the Legendary Trio, Princess Tsunade.

"The person you just fought is Jiraiya, a ninja from Konoha." Faced with Kizaru's gaze, Tsunade quickly explained.

Raising an eyebrow, a brighter smile appeared on Kizaru's face. Laughing, he said, "So it's Lord Jiraiya! Uhh… I'm really sorry. Lord Jiraiya's acting skills are just too good. I really thought he was a spy sent by the Kumogakure to assassinate me. He really scared me to death!"

Ready to continue explaining, Tsunade, after hearing Kizaru's words, fell into momentary silence. She always felt a strong mocking tone in the way this brat spoke, making people want to hit him!