Tsunade's Fight for Disciple

Inhaling deeply, Tsunade looked at Kizaru and continued to explain, "Jiraiya heard that you want to become Orochimaru's disciple. Out of curiosity, he wanted to assess your strength on behalf of Orochimaru."

Retracting her index finger, Tsunade scratched her head, and Kizaru maintained a smile, saying, "I apologize! I didn't know how serious Lord Jiraiya's injuries were."

Hearing Kizaru's words, Tsunade turned her head to look in the direction Jiraiya had flown.

At this moment, the dust had just cleared. Jiraiya, with torn clothes, covered in dust and blood, was clearly visible to Tsunade.

Alive and breathing!

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief in her heart and continued to look at Kizaru. "He's fine!"

"No, I'm not!"

Lying on the ground, looking at the sky, Jiraiya felt a bit like crying.

"Princess Tsunade, why don't you heal Lord Jiraiya first?" Following Tsunade's turning motion, Kizaru also turned his head and kindly reminded Tsunade, seeing the disheveled Jiraiya, who had just been released from the transformation technique, looking like he was about to breathe his last.

Hearing Kizaru's words, a warm feeling surged in Jiraiya's heart, and his affection for Kizaru instantly increased. He thought with gratitude in his heart, "My little disciple is really good, a very kind person!"

"With me here, he won't die." Arms crossed, Tsunade said confidently.


Hearing Tsunade's reply, Jiraiya felt like his heart was breaking in half, and he felt like crying even more.

"Well, let Lord Jiraiya lie down for a while!" Kizaru nodded in agreement.


It broke, completely broke. Jiraiya felt his heart ache so much!

Any love for him just disappeared! There was no love left in this world!

Just when Jiraiya was completely desperate for this indifferent world, suddenly everything went dark before his eyes, and a figure appeared by his side, blocking the sunlight.

"You fool!" Speaking in a cold tone, Orochimaru squatted down.

Although he hadn't specialized in medical ninjutsu, as a genius in ninjutsu, Orochimaru still mastered some medical ninjutsu.

Carefully checking Jiraiya's injuries, Orochimaru found that this pitiful guy had subcutaneous bleeding, internal organ damage, and several broken ribs.

Feeling Kizaru's strange strength and power, Orochimaru began to heal Jiraiya.

"Orochimaru!" Jiraiya softly called out with a touched tone. At this moment, he suddenly felt that Orochimaru's image became compassionate and great, making people somewhat moved.

"Conceal your disgusting gaze. Don't think anything weird, fool!" Orochimaru, feeling a bit uncomfortable being looked at by Jiraiya, said in a cold voice.

"You... oh!" Continuously scolded, Jiraiya was about to retort, but facing the dangerous gaze from Orochimaru, he could only swallow the words he had prepared to counterattack.

Kizaru and Tsunade naturally couldn't escape Orochimaru's actions. The two looked at Jiraiya's direction once again,

"It seems Lord Jiraiya is fine now." Kizaru said as he spoke, evaluating the young version of the original Orochimaru.

"Hmph!" Tsunade made a cold snort, looking at Kizaru again, "Kid, that luminous jutsu you just used, what is it?"

After saying that, fearing she might have touched Kizaru's taboo, Tsunade quickly added, "If it's inconvenient, you don't have to answer."

"Luminous jutsu? Well, there's nothing secret about it. This is the Bloodline Limit I awakened recently, called Light Release."

"Light Release?" Tsunade murmured in confusion.

Wasn't the Shimura clan famous for Wind Release ninjutsu? When did they have a Bloodline Limit?

Tsunade raised many doubts in her mind. She looked at Kizaru and, after hesitating for a moment, still curiously asked, "Is this Light Release your self-created Bloodline Limit?"

Kizaru really wanted to admit it and show off a little.

But thinking about the earnest advice of the elders, Kizaru followed the instructions they gave earlier and said to Tsunade, "This is the Bloodline Limit passed down by the ancestors of the Shimura clan. It's just that no one has awakened it for a long time."

"Liar!" Tsunade secretly said in her heart, but on the surface, she nodded, admitting Kizaru's words.

"Such a Bloodline Limit has never appeared in the Shimura clan's history records." Having seen the historical data of the family, Tsunade confidently stated in her mind.

The Bloodline Limit called Light Release was probably created by the brat in front of her.

Thinking about it, Tsunade carefully examined Kizaru's body. She couldn't help but admit in her heart that with the strength and talent demonstrated by six-year-old Kizaru, he indeed had the potential to reach the level of her grandfather in the future, or even surpass it.

Looking up at the sky, Tsunade seemed to see her grandfather's smiling face.

"Grandpa, a remarkable kid has been born in the village. He might become as powerful as you in the future!"

Seeing Tsunade lost in thought while looking at the sky, Kizaru didn't just stand there but took the initiative to walk up to her.

Although he was only six years old, Kizaru's height of 175 cm already exceeded Tsunade's 163.1 cm.

Lowering his head slightly, Kizaru happened to make eye contact with Tsunade, who was looking up at the sky.

Seeing Kizaru's handsome face with a hint of a mischievous charm, Tsunade averted her gaze.

It wasn't some cheesy love-at-first-sight situation, but rather an aversion to being looked down upon by a six-year-old kid. It was just an unpleasant feeling.

Kizaru didn't mind Tsunade avoiding eye contact, nor did he narcissistically think that Tsunade was shy because of the eye contact.

"Princess Tsunade..."

"Stop!" Tsunade interrupted Kizaru.

Although Kizaru was only six years old, his height of 175 cm, coupled with his long and robust figure, made it impossible to treat him as a child.

Therefore, hearing Kizaru call her 'Princess', Tsunade felt very uncomfortable.

"Call me Big Sister, not Princess!"

"Well, Big Sister Tsunade, I hope you won't reveal the fact that I have a Bloodline Limit."

Tsunade nodded. She understood Kizaru's intention in making such a request. As the saying goes, the tallest nail gets hammered down. Kizaru wanted to keep a low profile, focus on development, and it was normal.

"Rest assured! We won't reveal today's events to the outside world." Tsunade patted her chest and agreed with enthusiasm.

"Thank you, Big Sister Tsunade!"

"No need to thank me; it's a small matter!" Tsunade smiled.

After that, Tsunade continued to inspect the sturdy body in front of her. She couldn't help but reach out and squeeze Kizaru's arm.

"So firm! So thick!"

While marveling in her heart, Tsunade, with a smile, said to Kizaru, "You brat, are you really just six years old?"

"I know it sounds a bit exaggerated, but I did just turn six." Kizaru showed a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Brat, do you want to be my disciple? I can teach you the Art of Monstrous Strength!" Although she probably wouldn't become a super powerhouse like her grandfather in her lifetime, Tsunade felt quite excited at the prospect of nurturing a strong individual comparable to her grandfather. The terrifying strength displayed by Kizaru's naturally strong physique, combined with her Art of Monstrous Strength, filled Tsunade's heart with anticipation.

"He's simply a battlefield weapon!"

Tsunade imagined scenes of Kizaru using the Art of Monstrous Strength on the battlefield, causing mass destruction, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

"I don't mind, but you may need to convince Hokage-sama and my uncle." Kizaru replied with a smile.

"Simple, leave it to me!" Tsunade confidently patted her chest.