Kizaru's Instruction

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, half a month had passed.

During this half month, there were no major events in the village or school, except for a small incident.

It was when the parents of Uchiha Inabi and an elder of the Uchiha clan visited the Hyuga family to express their gratitude.

The elder of the Uchiha clan had a radiant smile on his face as he sincerely thanked Hyuga Toda and his father. He enthusiastically invited Toda to interact with the younger generation of the Uchiha family.

He also encouraged Toda to have the courage to speak up and continue to achieve excellence. 

The elder left the Hyuga household after expressing gratitude. After the Uchihas left, the entire night in the Hyuga family was filled with echoing and lingering loud voices.

The next day, a sleep-deprived senior student from the Hyuga clan appeared in Kizaru's class, requesting a three-day sick leave for his younger cousin.

A joyous atmosphere instantly filled the entire class, and classmates who guessed the reason wore cheerful smiles. Inabi, in particular, seemed the happiest among them.

The topic of Inabi awakening the Sharingan at the age of six began to spread in the village, becoming a common discussion point alongside Kizaru's challenge to the Uchiha.

Some members of the Uchiha clan even claimed that Inabi's awakened Sharingan surpassed Kizaru in potential and talent, predicting Inabi's rapid ascent in the future.

Upon hearing these remarks, Inabi blushed and felt embarrassed, silently denying the claims in his heart.

For several days, whenever Inabi saw Kizaru at school, he would deliberately keep his distance.

Unfortunately, Inabi's worries were unnecessary. Kizaru paid no attention to the rumors, spending his half-month leisurely—going to school during the day, training with his teammates in the afternoon, and developing the Rasengan at night.

Under Kizaru's intentional arrangement and guidance, the relationship between Yoshihiko and Minato progressed rapidly and gradually became closer.

Nowadays, Minato would go back to the Shimura clan's residence with Kizaru and the others after school, train together, have dinner together, and just stay at the Shimura clan's house.

Minato and Kizaru were so close, training and eating together every day, which naturally attracted Danzo's attention.

After secretly observing Minato's training several times, the sharp-eyed Danzo also discovered Minato's outstanding talent.

Therefore, with an extreme mindset, Danzo, focused solely on his iron-fisted approach, began to harbor new thoughts.

"Kizaru, that kid from Namikaze family is pretty good. I want to bring him in and train him."

"Ahem!" Kizaru, who was sitting on a chair and drinking tea leisurely, was shocked by Danzo's words.

"What a scary topic!" Kizaru said grumblingly as he put the tea cup down.

Hearing Kizaru's complaints, Danzo frowned slightly and continued: "You have a good sense. That child's talent deserves to be cultivated."

Staring at Danzo with a look of someone observing a fool, Kizaru once again found himself speechless about his uncle's short-sightedness and narrow-mindedness.

His own teacher, Hiruzen, recruited people with a red face, playing the good guy, and preaching noble ideals, collecting disciples while presenting a virtuous image.

And his uncle?

Recruitment for him meant being rough, without any single form of friendliness. Brainwashing, beheading, and taking them in as his dogs—truly hardcore!

Not exactly popular!

Perhaps that's why Hiruzen had such confidence in Danzo!

Having such a friend who could do anything and still take the blame, Hiruzen was like Qin Shi Huang holding live wires, winning without losing!

"Uncle, please don't say such scary things next time. It's really frightening!" Kizaru continued to complain without a hint of politeness.

"Kizaru, don't let emotions cloud your judgment!" Dissatisfied with Kizaru's response, Danzo said sternly.

"Hey, hey, hey! Uncle!" Ignoring Danzo's education, Kizaru completely disregarded it. He smiled with a frivolous tone, "Your theories are only suitable for underground activities. Placing them in the sunlight is just too conspicuous."

Almost bursting with frustration, Danzo was once again annoyed by Kizaru.

"Do you have any better ideas then?" Danzo asked with a sarcastic tone.

"Just do it like my Sensei, first accept your heart before accepting others!" Kizaru replied with a smile." Kizaru replied with a smile.

Taking a deep breath, Danzo suddenly felt a sourness in his heart.

They hadn't met since the last assessment, so why did Kizaru use the term "Sensei" so affectionately?

"Then just listen to your Sen... I mean, Hiruzen! I don't care anymore!" After saying this, Danzo stood up angrily, ready to leave.

"Uncle, please wait a moment!" Watching Danzo about to leave, Kizaru lifted the tea cup in front of him, leisurely speaking.

Already with his right foot outside the door, Danzo, upon hearing Kizaru's voice, stopped and turned to look at him.

"If you really appreciate Minato, just make him your adopted son!" Kizaru suggested. After speaking, Kizaru sipped the hot tea in his cup and put it down with a smile.

"Adopted son?"

Frowning and thinking carefully, Danzo suddenly felt that Kizaru's proposal seemed quite good.

Minato's talent, in his eyes, was undoubtedly outstanding among his peers.

Ignoring his own nephew, Kizaru, the monster, Minato's talent was top-notch among his peers.

Thinking about it, Danzo was about to voice his agreement, but as he looked at Kizaru's handsome face with a hint of lecherousness and a slightly malicious smile, he felt a sense of discomfort in his heart.

"I'll consider it myself!" Pretending to be tough, Danzo said in a stiff tone.

"Then, no need to see you off! Goodbye, Uncle!" Waving casually, Kizaru said with a smile to Danzo, who had already turned and was preparing to leave.

"No need!" Before the words landed, Danzo had already walked out of the room.

Storming out of the house, about to exit the courtyard, Danzo suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Frustrated, he suddenly remembered that the main purpose of his visit to Kizaru today was not Minato but to pass on a message!

Although reluctant, considering the importance of the matter, Danzo could only turn back.

With his head down, Kizaru, who was trimming his nails, heard the commotion at the door.

Without stopping his work, Kizaru lifted his head.

"Ah, uncle, we meet again!" Kizaru joked with a smiling face.

"Damn, this kid's so annoying!"

Danzo's cheek twitched slightly, and after being irritated, he suddenly remembered that the main purpose of his visit to Kizaru today was not Minato but to deliver a message for an old dog!

Reluctantly, Danzo had to turn back and walk towards Kizaru.

Lifting his head, Kizaru greeted him with a playful smile, "Uncle, what brings you here again?"

"Hiruzen asked me to tell you that tomorrow afternoon, after school, wait for him below the Hokage Rock."

"Why is Sensei looking for me?" Kizaru curiously asked.

"He has prepared some ninjutsu materials for you and wants to hand them to you in person," Danzo replied coldly.

"What a great teacher! Don't you think so, Uncle?" Kizaru feigned gratitude.

Feeling even more sour, Danzo wanted to say, "Am I not treating you well?"

But maintaining his status as an elder and liking to keep a dignified image, Danzo chose to ignore Kizaru's comment and continued, "When you meet Hiruzen tomorrow, watch your words and actions. Don't disgrace the Shimura family's reputation!"

"So troublesome!" Sighing as he finished trimming his nails, Kizaru complained.


Feeling quite angry, Danzo glanced at Kizaru, then turned around and left without a second thought!