The Conquered Sarutobi Hiruzen

The next day after school, Kizaru let Minato and the others go to the clan's training ground on their own and headed towards the Hokage Rock.

The meeting place was just below the Hokage Rock, and Kizaru, not in a hurry, walked leisurely up the stairs in a strolling manner, reaching the observation platform above the Hokage Rock.

At this time, Hiruzen had not yet arrived, and the observation platform was empty.

Walking forward to the railing of the observation platform, Kizaru leaned against it with his back, gazing at the sky in a daze while waiting for Hiruzen to arrive.

After about five or six minutes, footsteps echoed from a distance, and Hiruzen, with a smoking pipe in his mouth, appeared from the staircase.

Hearing the sound, Kizaru placed his hands on the railing, turning his head to look.

"Sensei, long time no see!" Waving his hand, Kizaru greeted with a smile.

Taking the smoking pipe from his mouth, Hiruzen nodded in response with a smile.

Quickening his pace slightly, Hiruzen walked towards Kizaru.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long, Kizaru!"

"Eh, I just arrived."

Speaking, Hiruzen reached Kizaru's side.

Looking at Kizaru in front of him, Hiruzen's gaze extended forward, taking in the village behind him. In Hiruzen's heart, Kizaru was full of hope.

This child in front of him is the new hope, and he will definitely become the pillar of the village's future!

Thinking of this, Hiruzen's gaze towards Kizaru became softer, yet deep down, it revealed determination.

"I heard from Danzo that you are very interested in genjutsu and sealing techniques," Hiruzen actively opened the topic.

"Yes," Kizaru admitted.

Reaching into his pocket from his clothes, Hiruzen took out two scrolls and handed them to Kizaru.

"These are organized by me, containing basic knowledge of genjutsu and sealing techniques. Take them back and study them carefully."

Looking at his teacher in front of him, Kizaru had to admit that, in winning people's hearts, Hiruzen far exceeded his own unfriendly uncle.

"Thank you very much, Sarutobi-sensei!" Kizaru accepted the scrolls and thanked sincerely.

Seeing Kizaru taking the scrolls, Hiruzen smiled, saying gently, "As a teacher, satisfying the needs of a disciple is something I should do, right? Don't say thank you again in the future, Kizaru!"

Nodding, Kizaru neatly put away the scrolls, responding, "Then I won't hold back in the future, Sensei!"

"Hahaha!" Laughing heartily, Hiruzen said, "That's the best way!"

After the laughter, Hiruzen's expression became a bit more serious, and he continued to look at Kizaru, saying, "In addition to giving you the scrolls, there are some things that I want to talk to you about."

Kizaru remained silent, just continuing to gaze at Hiruzen, waiting for his next words.

"I know you are eager to learn, but human energy is limited. I feel that, compared to genjutsu and sealing techniques, your Bloodline Limit has greater potential for development."

Hiruzen had been wanting to find an opportunity to talk to Kizaru about this since hearing from Danzo that Kizaru was interested in genjutsu and sealing techniques.

However, fearing that the newly six-year-old Kizaru might be proud and resist his advice, Hiruzen decided to first summarize and write down the basic knowledge of genjutsu and sealing techniques as a gift for Kizaru.

Once Kizaru accepted his gift and established a closer relationship between them, he could then start advising Kizaru.

Hiruzen valued Kizaru as a student and genuinely liked him. Therefore, he didn't want his disciple to waste his talents, nor did he want to strain their relationship through forced pressure.

Listening to Hiruzen's advice, Kizaru, with an adult's mindset, naturally wouldn't develop any rebellious thoughts. Kizaru understood Hiruzen's good intentions and saw sincerity in the scrolls he received.

However, Kizaru had his own plans for genjutsu and sealing techniques. He had not delved too deeply into these two types of ninjutsu and did not intend to make them essential combat methods in the future.

The development of the Glint-Glint Fruit ability and the ninjutsu that can be combined with it is the main focus of Kizaru's learning and research.

The research on genjutsu and sealing techniques is only for increasing knowledge reserves, mastering countermeasures, and preventing being caught off guard by some ninja using these two types of ninjutsu.

Therefore, facing Hiruzen's well-intentioned advice and Kizaru's increased goodwill towards him, Kizaru explained.

"I'm really sorry, Sensei! Perhaps my uncle's words misled you. I don't intend to delve deeply into genjutsu and sealing techniques. Learning them is just to increase my knowledge reserves and fill in some of my shortcomings. So that in the future, when facing ninja who specialize in these types of techniques, I won't be caught off guard without a method of response and counteraction."

After listening to Kizaru's explanation, Hiruzen was stunned for a moment. On one hand, it was because he misunderstood his disciple, and on the other hand, he was amazed that his disciple, at just six years old, was consciously proactively learning and improving his weaknesses.

"What an extraordinary child!"

Hiruzen felt both emotional and appreciative towards Kizaru.

Hiruzen looked at Kizaru and said, "It seems that I have overthought it. You already possess the mature thinking of a powerful ninja!"

"Hehe, I'll accept your praise happily, Sensei!" Faced with Hiruzen's praise, Kizaru didn't show modesty but accepted it with a smile.

"Hahaha!" Hiruzen laughed even louder and happier than Kizaru. He said with a laugh, "This is not flattery; it's the truth!"

Watching Hiruzen laugh so happily, Kizaru was moved and remembered his recent achievements. He decided to make his teacher even happier.

"Sensei, I've recently created a new ninjutsu. How about you guide me?" Kizaru said with a smiling face.


Hearing Kizaru's words, Hiruzen almost failed to manage his expression.

Hiruzen highly recognized Kizaru's talent for ninjutsu. Although he knew that the information circulating in the village about Kizaru improving Wind Release jutsu was a fabrication by that guy Danzo, Kizaru's exceptional talent in ninjutsu, demonstrated by creating a new Bloodline Limit at the age of six, was enough to prove his outstanding abilities in the field.

"What? The Bloodline Limit was left by the ancestors of the Shimura clan?"

This lying nonsense could only deceive ordinary villagers and those small ninja clans. For the proud and formidable Sarutobi clan, who had been maintaining their heritage, the information about the Shimura clan was too well-known.

"Did the ancestor of the Shimura clan have a Bloodline Limit?"

"Huh! Shameless liar!"

"Everyone knows that the Shimura clan is renowned for its Wind Release ninjutsu!"

Therefore, hearing Kizaru say that he had created a new ninjutsu, Hiruzen was pleasantly surprised, mixed with anticipation.

"What kind of ninjutsu is it?" Hiruzen asked with curiosity.

Kizaru didn't speak but directly raised his right hand.

Chakra without an attribute gathered in Kizaru's palm, compressing rapidly, and the surrounding airflow was set into a high-speed rotation.

Staring at Kizaru's palm intently, Hiruzen's eyes unconsciously widened. Hiruzen completely failed to control his expression!

Although he didn't know the principle and hadn't experienced it firsthand, Hiruzen was sure that the ninjutsu before him possessed extremely powerful destructive power.

This child had created another powerful non-elemental ninjutsu, and it wasn't further development of a Bloodline Limit but an entirely new and independent ninjutsu!

A monster! Truly a monster!

Looking up, Hiruzen looked at his disciple with a myriad of thoughts. Kizaru had shocked him to the point where he couldn't utter a word.

How close this kid could get to the First Hokage's potential? Maybe his disciple Kizaru has potential exceeding even Senju Hashirama!