Little Trouble

Character Card:

Character: Admiral Kizaru, Marine Headquarters

Fusion Rate: 45%

Thanks to the outstanding performance in the graduation assessment and the announcement of Hiruzen taking him under his wing, the fusion rate of Admiral Kizaru's character card in Kizaru's mind has advanced from 20% to 45% in two years.

The progression in fusion allowed Kizaru to once again merge two abilities of Admiral Kizaru: the martial arts (including swordsmanship) and the imposing aura during Admiral Kizaru's youth.

Combined with the ninjutsu and genjutsu learned from following Hiruzen for two years, as well as the sealing techniques guided by Mito (Tsunade's Granny), Kizaru's strength has become even more formidable.

During these two years, Kizaru has been actively working on combining ninjutsu and Devil Fruit abilities.

The fusion of genjutsu and Devil Fruit ability resulted in the creation of the Invisibility Technique.

The fusion of sealing techniques and Devil Fruit ability led to the development of a flash bomb that could stably exist for a short period and be remotely controlled.

All these are significant achievements Kizaru has developed in the last two years!

At the entrance of Konoha, Danzo, with his Root subordinate, stood calmly, looking into the distance, awaiting Kizaru's return.

A golden light flashed across the sky and landed in front of Danzo, taking a humanoid form.

Seeing Kizaru return safely, Danzo, who understood his nephew's strength but still had some concerns, completely breathed a sigh of relief.

As a master of facial expressions, Danzo didn't let any emotional changes show on the surface.

Looking up at Kizaru, who was much taller, Danzo calmly asked, "Are the enemies dealt with?"

"Ahaha! Those enemies were really terrifying, each one as strong as a monster!" Kizaru answered with a smile.

Who is the real monster?

Everyone present, looking at the smiling Kizaru, couldn't help but make such comments in their hearts.

"Are there any survivors?" Danzo continued to ask.

Kizaru didn't speak but raised his hand, making a V-shaped "peace" sign!

Nodding, Danzo didn't press further on whether Kizaru meant there was one survivor or two; as long as there were survivors!

"Go back! Leave the rest to me."

"Thank you so much, Uncle!" After waving his hand with a smile, Kizaru put his hands in his pockets and prepared to leave.

Watching Kizaru's departing figure, Danzo suddenly smiled, opened his mouth, and said casually, "Tsunade is back with Jiraiya, and she's looking for you now."

The forward steps noticeably faltered for a moment; Kizaru stopped and turned his head to look at Danzo behind him in dismay.

"Eh… Why did you save such a scary piece of news for last? That's too much! Uncle!"

"You caused the trouble, so solve it yourself!" Rarely seeing Kizaru sulking, Danzo smirked, finding it amusing.

"Such a hassle!" Complaining, Kizaru turned his head back and continued walking toward the village.

The "trouble" in Danzo's mouth was indeed a bit of a hassle!

Not in the emotional and melodramatic sense but in a little troublesome way!

This little trouble was Tsunade's younger brother, Orochimaru's first disciple, Kizaru's little nephew, Senju Nawaki!

A week ago, under the pretext of an assessment guide, Kizaru "helped" him get into the hospital.

Optimistically, it would take at least three months for him to be discharged.

To be frank, there was no hatred between Kizaru and Nawaki.

He put this guy, who was four years older than him, into the hospital for two reasons.

One, he remembered this guy died in a mission just before the outbreak of the Second War, killed by explosive tags!

Second, his uncle's Root recently obtained some information indicating that Nawaki was already on the assassination list of major ninja villages.

For this guy, who had decent physical qualities but no ninja talent, and kept calling himself a chuunibyou teenager who wanted to become a Hokage, Kizaru chose the most straightforward and brutal way to solve the problem!

That is to send the person who is likely to cause trouble in advance to the hospital to lie down.

Character Card:

Character: Tsunade, Fifth Hokage

Mission: Tsunade was tasked to find Jiraiya, who was traveling in the ninja world for book writing, given the tense situation. Meanwhile, Kizaru took the opportunity to find Nawaki, who had just graduated and was enthusiastically envisioning the beginning of his great ninja career.

Facing Kizaru's proposal for a combat assessment, the naive Nawaki excitedly agreed without much thought.

In the presence of two witnesses, Nawaki was directly kicked by Kizaru and crashed into a large tree several meters away.

Without using Devil Fruit abilities and Haki, Kizaru kicked Nawaki into the hospital, temporarily interrupting his just-started ninja career.

With a joyful heart, Tsunade returned to the village with Jiraiya, thinking of celebrating her brother becoming a ninja. However, upon receiving the news, she felt a mix of bewilderment and anger.

"Where is that damn bastard?!"

Just out of the hospital, watching her brother wrapped up like a mummy, still smiling and asking her not to be angry and not to blame Kizaru, Tsunade was furious!

Honestly following Tsunade, Jiraiya didn't dare say a word, fearing he would be implicated.

"That brat must have done it on purpose!" Rolling up her sleeves, Tsunade's chest heaved with anger.

Watching the transforming into a raging mother T-Rex Tsunade, Jiraiya, worried about Kizaru's safety, finally mustered the courage to say, "Calm down, Tsunade! Kizaru probably didn't mean it. Don't be angry."

Staring fiercely at Jiraiya, Tsunade angrily said, "If it weren't for you, how could I have left the village! If I hadn't left the village, Nawaki wouldn't have gotten hurt and ended up in the hospital. It's all your fault!"

After saying that, Tsunade raised her right hand high, showing signs of preparing to strike.

Knowing that he was being blamed again, Jiraiya, with a wry smile, quickly raised his hands to protect his head, urgently saying, "This is a hospital; calm down, Tsunade!"

Jiraiya's words had some effect. Realizing she was venting her anger on Jiraiya, Tsunade glared at him but then put down her right hand.

"So scary, Big Sister Tsunade!"

At that moment, Kizaru's cheeky voice came from a distance, causing Tsunade's veins to burst as she looked over like a hungry tiger.

Looking at the not-so-distant Kizaru, who had his left hand in his pocket, right hand holding a document bag, and a smiling face, Tsunade quickly walked towards him.

"You bastard! Why did you..."

"Calm down, Tsunade!" Coming forward, Jiraiya quickly held Tsunade back.

Kizaru explained with a smile, holding out the documents, "This is Root's intelligence. Someone has targeted Nawaki."

Hearing Kizaru's words, Tsunade, who was on the verge of exploding, suddenly froze. She looked at Kizaru and then at the document bag in front of her.

Grabbing the bag, Tsunade opened it quickly and began reading the contents carefully.

After reading the content of the documents, Tsunade suddenly looked up at Kizaru, asking with a serious expression, "When did you find out?"

"When you were on a mission!" Kizaru replied with a smile.

Gripping the documents tightly, Tsunade, who was overwhelmed with a sense of relief and anger, bit her lip and asked, "How many times have they tried?"

"In these two years, I've suffered five assassination attempts from Sunagakure, Kumogakure, and Iwagakure, a total of three major ninja villages! You are aware of all this, Big Sister Tsunade!" Kizaru spoke up.

Nodding, Tsunade signaled that she knew.

Meanwhile, Jiraiya, who had been traveling in the ninja world for nearly two years, was completely unaware, looking at Kizaru with a mix of shock and concern.

"Five failed assassination attempts from the three major ninja villages that couldn't accept the fact that Konoha produced a genius like me have now shifted their attention to Nawaki, who has the direct bloodline of the First Hokage.

My presence alone has already made them uneasy. If Nawaki inherits the talents of the First Hokage, it's a reality they can't and won't accept!

So, just after graduating to a Genin, Nawaki has become their new target!"