Kizaru's Idea

After hearing Kizaru's words, Tsunade lowered her head, her eyes turning red with a mix of anger and worry.

"But... but Nawaki is just an ordinary kid! He didn't inherit grandpa's talent, he... he..." With a trembling voice, Tsunade slowly and sadly spoke.

"He is the grandson of the First Hokage. There's a possibility he may awaken a Bloodline Limit. For other villages, just these three words are enough!" Kizaru straightforwardly stated.

Silence, a deathly silence. Now an adult and taking on more responsibilities, Tsunade understood that Kizaru's words were correct.

"What can I do?" Looking up at Kizaru, Tsunade said with a hint of confusion, her tone carrying a trace of helplessness.

"The simplest method is to make Nawaki give up becoming a ninja and protect him at home."

Opening her mouth to speak, Tsunade knew this was the best and simplest solution, but she couldn't bring herself to agree.

In her mind, she couldn't cruelly accept Kizaru's suggestion when her brother had so eagerly and firmly told her about his dream of becoming the Hokage.

To her, agreeing to that would be no different from killing her own brother.

Shaking her head, Tsunade spoke with difficulty, "I don't agree."

"Not letting Nawaki give up being a ninja, with his talent and potential, it's difficult for him to gain enough strength for self-defense in a short time.

In the short term, we can have ANBU ninja protect him closely, but with the current tense situation, war could break out at any moment.

By that time, even if the village is willing, it won't be able to arrange ninja protection for Nawaki when manpower is tight."

Looking at Kizaru, Tsunade smiled weakly, speaking with determination, "I'm Nawaki's sister, and I will protect him!"

Nodding in acknowledgment of Tsunade's stance, Kizaru remained silent, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a scroll.

Curious about the scroll being handed to her, Tsunade asked, "What is this?"

"It's about what we discussed last time—the data analysis on the significant role female medical ninjas can play in war and the proposal to intensify the cultivation of medical ninjas!"

"As the representative of the Shimura clan, I've already signed it."

Taking the scroll, Tsunade stared at Kizaru, momentarily stunned.

The suggestion to intensify the cultivation of medical ninjas was something she had complained about during a drunken conversation with Kizaru three months ago.

At that time, Tsunade didn't expect Kizaru to speak up in agreement. She thought her younger brother would, at most, say some comforting words like others and console her.

However, contrary to her expectations, Kizaru directly agreed and provided several beneficial and forward-thinking suggestions.

Tsunade's surprise was natural, as she didn't know that Kizaru had a soul from a different world.

In Kizaru's previous life, historical and statistical evidence had proven the significant role medical corps played on the battlefield.

That's why Kizaru supported Tsunade's proposal.

It wasn't about gaining favor with Tsunade; he simply felt that this suggestion was beneficial to the village and could strengthen its power.

And the village's strength meant a secure and peaceful life for Kizaru.

Kizaru loved a stable, lazy life and detested troubles.

But it didn't mean he was afraid of them.

Wars in the ninja world arose from the unequal distribution of resources between countries, conflicts that had been accumulating due to long-standing disputes. It was an inevitable occurrence.

Kizaru disliked wars, but he wasn't a saint willing to sacrifice everything for peace. He just wanted to ensure he was always on the winning side.

Therefore, any action that could enhance the village's strength and increase its potential in a war was something Kizaru supported!

Not to mention, the assassination attempts by the three major villages, Kumogakure, Iwagakure, and Sunagakure had left a mark on Kizaru, noted in his mental diary.

"Planning to assassinate me, huh? How scary! I must take them all down, one by one!"

Receiving the scroll, Tsunade felt a warm feeling in her heart. Temporarily setting aside her worries, she looked at Kizaru and began speaking.

"After Nawaki is discharged, I'll trouble you again!"

Rubbing his head, Kizaru revealed a shy smile.

"Sorry about that!"

"You, you..." Tsunade was at a loss for words to describe her infuriating yet delightful younger brother.

On the side, Jiraiya, who hadn't spoken all along, looked at Tsunade, then at Kizaru, suddenly feeling an ominous sense of something.

Did he miss something during the one or two years he was away?

"Speaking of which… How about three months?" Kizaru, with a squinting smile, asked Tsunade.

"You!" Caught off guard by Kizaru's question, Tsunade took a deep breath. After calming herself, she deliberately put on a cold expression and said, "Whatever!"

"How about half a year, then?" After thinking for a moment, Kizaru made a decision.

"Be gentle!" Tsunade, worried for her brother, couldn't help but say.

"Don't worry, I'll be quick!" Kizaru said with a slightly mischievous smile.

At this point, Jiraiya finally understood something.

He looked at the two of them, shifting his gaze back and forth, finally focusing on Tsunade.

"Tsunade, Nawaki is your real brother!"

"Do you have a better solution, then?" Tsunade asked with a hint of irritation.

Jiraiya fell silent. He really wanted to say that he could ensure Nawaki's safety, but without a hundred percent certainty, he couldn't bring himself to make that promise.

When it came to the life and safety of Tsunade's real brother, Jiraiya couldn't speak out or make big promises.

"There's actually a way!" Looking at the two in front of him, Kizaru began to speak.

"What?" Tsunade asked excitedly.

"In this war, if we win and make it painful for them, painful enough to deter them from reaching out recklessly!" Kizaru said seriously.

"Good point!" Tsunade's eyes lit up. She remembered her childhood when her grandfather, grandmother, and even her second grandfather were around. No one from other villages dared to lay a hand on her.

Wanting to pat Kizaru's shoulder, Tsunade found that her height wasn't enough. Helplessly, she could only pat Kizaru's arm.

"This time, let's show them a good one together!"

"Give em' hell!" Kizaru said affirmatively.

"Yeah!" Tsunade said with determination.

Having said that, both of them looked at Jiraiya, who was beside them.

Facing the gaze of both Kizaru and Tsunade, the peace-loving Jiraiya could only echo reluctantly, "Me too!"