The Hunt Begins

Another failure!

Looking at the report from his subordinates about the loss of contact with the assassination squad, the Third Raikage, A, stood up impatiently.

How enviable! Konoha has produced another super genius!

Gazing at the scenery outside the window, the Third Raikage sighed inwardly.

For this second assassination attempt, the village dispatched an elite Jonin and three high-ranking Jonin, even activating an important pawn hidden in Konoha.

With such a team, if well-prepared, there was a chance to sneak in for an assassination even against a Kage.

But unexpectedly, they once again failed within Konoha.

Is it that brat named Shimura Kizaru who's too freakishly strong, or is Konoha just too good at protecting itself?

In the absence of sufficient information, the Third Raikage and his think tank couldn't make a judgment for a while.

At the same time, a new problem presented itself before the Third Raikage.

Should they continue to send ninjas for assassinations, or should they give up?

Or perhaps they should find the Hidden Sand Village or the Hidden Stone Village, and collaborate for a new round of assassinations!

Just as the Third Raikage hesitated, Kizaru offered him a new option.

The opportunity has presented itself!

After two days of rushing, Kizaru's three-person team successfully infiltrated the Land of Lightning.

Hidden in a secluded cave, the three were currently doing the final check before commencing their planned activities.

Before infiltrating the Land of Lightning, all three changed their outfits and used disguises. Currently, they were dressed as bounty ninjas.

"Based on the information detected by the ANBU, Kumogakure has deployed seven bases along the coastal border," Shinnosuke spoke, pointing to the seven locations on the map. "We need to act separately and assault these seven bases."

"These seven bases have at least one Chunin squad on alert, and some may even have Jonin presence. During the assault, we must not be careless and need to finish it swiftly!" Saying this, Shinnosuke specifically looked at Kizaru, who was known for his penchant for dirty talk during battles.

"Eh…. Jonin? Truly terrifying!" Kizaru unconsciously sighed, expressing admiration.

Wanting to give one or two more warnings, but considering Kizaru's monstrous strength, Shinnosuke held back.

"For this surprise attack, we need to leave survivors to let Kumogakure receive the information, making it easier to lure them out. However, it shouldn't be too intentional to prevent them from noticing."

"How many should we leave?" asked Hatake Sakumo directly.

Looking up and sweeping his gaze over Kizaru and Hatake Sakumo, Shinnosuke said, "Sakumo, you leave one, and I'll leave one as well."

After the instructions, Shinnosuke assigned the seven bases and concluded the arrangements for this mission.

"Now rest, and we start our operation when it gets dark!" Saying this, Shinnosuke put away the map on the ground.

It was already afternoon, and there were only two to three hours until it got dark.

No one spoke further. They each leaned against the wall, swallowed a ration pill, took a sip of water, closed their eyes, and began to rest.

Time passed quickly, the sun slowly set, the moon rose, and darkness fell.

Opening their eyes simultaneously, the three exchanged glances, and Shinnosuke spoke.

"Begin the operation!"

After saying that, Shinnosuke stood up first and walked out of the cave.

Following closely behind, Kizaru and Hatake Sakumo also stood up together and walked out of the cave.

With the moonless night and the high wind, it was the perfect night for killing!

All three remained silent, each using Body Flicker Technique to rush towards their designated bases.

Kizaru's assigned base was in a dense forest to the northwest.

To avoid revealing his movements, Kizaru didn't transform into a golden light but instead used the Invisibility Technique, moving through the mountainous terrain.

Swiftly traversing a vast expanse of barren mountains, a forest appeared before Kizaru's eyes.

Having studied the map and information, Kizaru knew that in this dense forest, Kumogakure had deployed two bases.

Slowing his pace, activating Observation Haki, Kizaru entered the forest, swallowed by darkness.

Hidden in the shadows of the dense forest, Kizaru, like the most terrifying and top-tier predator in the deep woods, headed towards the first base.

Using Observation Haki, Kizaru detected the presence of three Kumogakure shinobi, and a sly smile appeared on his lips.

"How interesting!" Kizaru whispered softly as he sneaked close to the first base.

Two people were hidden in the wooden house at the base; one was concealed at the 6 o'clock position of the wooden house, about three meters away, on top of a large tree.

Using Observation Haki to lock onto the positions of the three individuals, Kizaru took action.

With a Body Flicker, Kizaru appeared near the shinobi responsible for guarding, who was perched on the large tree.

Relying on the detected aura, Kizaru, still invisible, stood in front of him with his hands in his pockets, leaving no trace.

Prioritizing the mission, Kizaru didn't speak. He simply raised his right hand, extended his index finger, executed a Shigan, and thrust it into the shinobi's forehead.

The powerful air current generated by the Shigan directly pierced the shinobi's head.

Retracting his right hand, Kizaru casually swung it in the air.

Seeing the enemy's body about to fall, Kizaru reached out to support the body, gently leaning it against the tree trunk.

Having dealt with the first target, Kizaru looked towards the wooden house ahead.

Jumping down from the tree, landing silently, Kizaru, at this moment, resembled a graceful Shinigami, heading towards the wooden house.

Perhaps for the convenience of hearing outside sounds, the door of the wooden house wasn't completely closed but left slightly ajar.

Inside the house, two ninjas—one was caring for his kunai, and the other was smoking.

Entering the house, approaching the ninja who was smoking, Kizaru once again raised his right hand, extending his index finger.

Given the unpleasant sensation of the previous finger, Kizaru opted for a different attacking method this time.

A golden laser flashed by, precisely hitting the ninja's forehead, delivering a fatal blow.

The fact remains, smoking in public places is harmful to health!

The sudden death of a teammate stunned the ninja who was cleaning his blade, but he immediately reacted.

As he raised his right hand with the kunai, preparing to point forward, he felt a tremendous force coming from the blade, piercing towards his own forehead.

His mouth opened, yet before he could make a sound, the enemy, who had thrust his own knife into his forehead, was already lifeless!

With all enemies dealt with, Kizaru released the Invisibility Technique, revealing his form.

Surveying the surroundings and looking at the bloody scene inside the house, Kizaru sighed, "How scary!"

After saying this, Kizaru leisurely walked out of the wooden house.

Gazing up at the dim moon in the sky, Kizaru walked towards the shadows of the forest, and his figure slowly disappeared once again.