Art is Explosion

The sun had just risen, and the villagers of Kumogakure had begun their day after leaving their dreams. At this moment, a team of ninjas was swiftly moving through the village, carrying two severely wounded companions, attracting the attention of the villagers.

This ninja team was the patrol unit responsible for daily surveillance near the village. The two heavily injured ninjas they were carrying were the live captives purposely left behind by Shinnosuke.

Having just finished breakfast and engaged in morning exercises, the Third Raikage received the report from his subordinates as a first priority. Learning about the border attacks and multiple bases losing contact, the Third Raikage's initial reaction was that another country had initiated a war and attacked the Land of Lightning.

However, more detailed information arrived, almost causing the Third Raikage to explode with anger. It seemed that two bounty ninjas had assaulted multiple bases, and the information was unclear, estimating their strength as high-ranking ninjas, possibly even stronger.

Bang! Under a powerful punch, the table in front of the Third Raikage broke into two.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" The Third Raikage could not accept the information brought by his subordinates.

Putting aside the question of how two bounty ninjas could attack and destroy multiple Kumogakure bases deployed at the border, the mere suspicion that the enemies were bounty ninjas left the Third Raikage in disbelief.

Who didn't know that the Kumogakure in the Land of Lightning was the most dominant force in the ninja world? Why would mere bounty ninjas dare to provoke the Kumogakure? They must be tired of living!

These two enemies were definitely ninja from the other four major hidden villages. The identity of bounty ninjas was just a disguise.

"Dodai, do you really think the enemy's identity is bounty ninjas?" Instead of giving a direct evaluation, the Third Raikage asked the representative of the younger generation in the village, Dodai, a user of Lava Release kekkei genkai.

"The enemies should come from other ninja villages!" Dodai directly stated.

Nodding, the Third Raikage was very satisfied with Dodai's answer, feeling that this young man had not disappointed him in terms of trust and cultivation.

"It seems that over a decade of peace has made some ninja villages underestimate us!" Feeling offended and with casualties among his subordinates, the already impulsive Third Raikage was extremely angry.

"I won't spare those who harm the village!" Firm and furious, the Third Raikage made a decision.

"Summon the elite team; I will personally capture the enemies!"

"Lord Raikage, please calm down! I suspect this is the enemy's plan. They deliberately provoked you to lure you out of the village, putting you in an unpredictable situation. Or they might launch an attack on the village!" Dodai hurriedly advised.

Dodai's analysis was very reasonable, but the Third Raikage, who had already made a decision, did not agree.

However, considering Dodai's words to some extent, the Third Raikage made arrangements.

"For this search, I will lead a small team to the border, while the main force stays in the village to prevent enemy attacks." The Third Raikage arranged thoughtfully.

The Third Raikage's deployment was, in fact, very comprehensive. Leading a highly mobile elite squad to search the border, leaving a large main force to guard the village, made it challenging for the enemy to launch an attack, no matter where they struck.

Unfortunately, the Third Raikage miscalculated one thing. His enemy not only possessed an abnormal and formidable strength but also had the highest mobility in the ninja world.

With insufficient information, the Third Raikage, having made a decision, immediately initiated action.

Urgently summoning ten elite ninjas and assigning Dodai and village elders to stay behind, the Third Raikage, leading the elite squad, set out.

About a kilometer outside Kumogakure, hidden in the shadows, Kizaru stood on a protruding peak, watching as the Third Raikage and the ninja squad left the village.

"So impulsive! The people of Kumogakure!" He quietly commented, and Kizaru smiled as he observed the Third Raikage gradually moving away.

At this moment, Kizaru was incredibly patient. After watching the Third Raikage disappear from his sight, instead of taking immediate action, he sat down.

According to the plan devised by Shinnosuke, once confirmed that the Third Raikage had left the village, Kizaru needed to wait for an hour before taking action.

The reason for doing this was simple: to prevent the Third Raikage from receiving the message and quickly returning to reinforce the village. When executing a mission, Kizaru was reliable. He didn't take unauthorized actions; instead, he patiently waited for one hour.

After an hour had passed, Kizaru stood up, transformed into a golden light, and left the mountain peak. Upon landing, he used the Invisibility Technique to conceal his presence, confidently walking into Kumogakure.

To avoid being detected by sensory ninjas, Kizaru didn't use Observation Haki to scan the entire village. Instead, he calmly strolled through the secluded alleys of Kumogakure, remaining vigilant with Observation Haki.

Raising his right hand, a circular chakra ball emitting a faint light appeared in Kizaru's hand. The Flash Bomb! 

Combining the principles of sealing jutsu and the Rasengan, along with the core ability of the Glint-Glint Fruit that he learned from Granny Mito, Kizaru developed a powerful ninjutsu.

Referencing the principles of hand grenades and landmines from his previous life, the Flash Bomb in Kizaru's hand, with the help of sealing jutsu, could stably exist for half an hour.

During this half-hour period, Kizaru could throw the Flash Bomb, creating devastation similar to a combination of hand grenades and flashbangs, or like landmines and timed explosives, he could remotely trigger them.

Embedding the first Flash Bomb into the corner of a house, Kizaru left the alley, continuing to navigate Kumogakure, choosing suitable explosion points.

Hospital, office building, warehouse—hidden in the shadows, Kizaru, relying on the characters on the buildings and the conversations of pedestrians around him, effortlessly concealed Flash Bombs in critical locations throughout Kumogakure.

After spending twenty minutes, setting up eighteen explosive points across Kumogakure, Kizaru arrived at the central area.

No longer hiding, he revealed his figure directly. Kizaru surveyed the surroundings with a smirk and said, "Have any of you experienced a light explosion?"

This sentence puzzled the people around him. However, the more seasoned ninja quickly reacted.

"Enemy attack!"

With a loud shout, a ninja threw two shurikens towards Kizaru. The shurikens pierced through Kizaru's body, hitting the ninja behind him.

"How scary!" Watching the surrounding ninjas launching attacks, Kizaru said with a smile.

Ignoring the incoming attacks, Kizaru formed hand seals and said, "Art is an explosion!"

Before the words could hit the ground, loud explosions echoed throughout Kumogakure.

The explosions from various locations plunged the entire Kumogakure into momentary chaos.

After triggering the bombs, facing the ninjas rushing towards him, Kizaru raised his right foot and unleashed several slashing kicks, creating waves of blood mist.

Clearing the enemies around him, Kizaru smiled as he surveyed the surroundings. He sighed, "So many people, truly terrifying!"

Finishing his words, Kizaru used the Moonwalk, flying through the air. Looking down, he raised both hands and unleashed the signature move of Admiral Kizaru, Yasakani No Magatama!

Countless light bullets shot from his hands, mercilessly destroying everything below him!