The Strategy of Flattery and Killing

In an independent meeting room, the Third Raikage sat in the main seat, with high-ranking villagers on either side.

Some matters were not convenient to discuss outside, so everyone gathered in this meeting room.

Sitting in the main seat, the Third Raikage remained silent for a long time.

Elder's speculations, information about Kizaru, the scenes of the morning's confrontation, all swirled in his mind.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the elder's speculations were likely correct.

The person attacking the village likely was Kizaru, the genius of Konoha!

Now, a new question was placed before the Third Raikage.

Facing the retaliatory attack from Konoha and Kizaru, what should Kumogakure and he himself do?

Should they openly declare war on Konoha?

Or should they stay hidden and observe the changing situation?

Such a decision, even for the decisive and brave Third Raikage, was difficult to make at the moment.

Thinking about the enemy's elusive mobility and destructive ninjutsu, the Third Raikage felt an extreme headache.

He even doubted that if they went to war with the Fire Country, relying solely on the ninja suspected to be Kizaru, it might completely destroy their rear support.

By then, even if their strength was formidable and their resources abundant, there would be no chance of defeating Konoha.

Flying, fast flight, long-range attack capabilities, the strength was incredibly powerful!

But not fighting was not an option!

The Third Raikage felt that he couldn't swallow this situation and couldn't explain it to his subordinates and villagers.

A weak leader couldn't gain the support of ninja and villagers, especially in Kumogakure, which adhered to authoritarianism and worshiped the strong.

If he chose to remain silent, his position would likely become unstable.

Thinking about this, the Third Raikage felt a bit frustrated, realizing that he had no choice.

At this moment, the Third Raikage, who had been contemplating for a long time, made a decision in his mind.

They had to fight!

But how to fight required careful planning.

"Do not disclose the information that the enemy is suspected to be a Konoha ninja for now," said the Third Raikage, breaking his silence.

Upon hearing the leader's words, many high-ranking individuals present showed disappointed expressions.

However, despite their disappointment, no one dared to question aloud.

"Increase the intelligence gathering on Kizaru and raise the bounty on him in the black market."

"How much is the bounty raised?" the high-ranking individual in charge of these matters hastily asked.

After a moment of hesitation, the Third Raikage said firmly, "300 million!"

Upon hearing this number, there was a slight gasp in the room.

Such a high bounty, such a significant expenditure, had never happened in Kumogakure before.

"Understood!" the high-ranking individual who asked the question finally responded after a brief pause.

"Regarding the cultivation of Jinchuriki, put it back on the agenda, and arrange candidates for me."

Another shocking decision came from the mouth of the Third Raikage.

Since obtaining two tailed beasts, Kumogakure had been trying to create successful Jinchuriki to deploy on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, none of the carefully cultivated and selected elite ninja succeeded.

In the darkest times, within three years, there were over a dozen incidents of Tailed Beast rampages.

The Third Raikage's clan members sacrificed five or six individuals in just three years, all of whom died in Tailed Beast riots after becoming Jinchuriki.

Because of such significant sacrifices, the Third Raikage temporarily halted the plan to create Jinchuriki.

But now, facing pressure from Kizaru and Konoha, he had to once again grit his teeth and resume this high-risk plan.

"Also, send information about Kizaru infiltrating the Land of Lightning and attacking me, not falling behind in our confrontation, to other ninja villages."

"My Lord, you can't!"

"Lord Raikage, think twice!"

"Big brother...."

"Shut up!" With a roar, the Third Raikage silenced the meeting room again.

"You idiots!" He cursed at the people on both sides, sighing heavily.

These fools couldn't even see through such a simple plan of flattery. How could he, with them, defeat Konoha?

"If Konoha really gives birth to another monster like the First Hokage, let other ninja villages worry about it with us! We can't bear such pressure alone."

After the Third Raikage's words, others finally came to their senses and understood why the leader issued such orders.

"Leader, should we spread this throughout the entire ninja world?" A subordinate suggested, thinking himself clever.

With a bloodthirsty look, the Third Raikage wanted to hit the fool.

"Doesn't this guy care about my face? Discussing how to deal with Kizaru within a small circle of the ninja world's elite would be enough. Broadcasting it to the entire ninja world would only tell the world that I can't even handle a ten-year-old child."

"Where should I put the face of the Third Raikage? Should the prestige of Kumogakure be discarded?"

"A bunch of brutes, insects! How can we win with you guys?"


Two days later, after soaking in hot springs in the Land of Hot Water and changing clothes, the Kizaru Squad hurried back to Konoha.

In the Hokage's office, facing the returning trio, Hiruzen finally let out the worry that had been hanging over him.

Relaxed, Hiruzen leaned against the chair, holding a tea cup in his hand, drinking tea while listening to the mission report.


All the tea that had just entered his mouth sprayed out, and the tea in the cup also spilled due to the intense shaking.

Ignoring the embarrassment, Hiruzen looked at Shinnosuke, who was reporting the mission situation, with an excited expression and asked, "What did you say? Kizaru raided Kumogakure, killed hundreds of ninja, and severely injured the Third Raikage?"

His face filled with a bitter smile, hearing these news for the first time from Kizaru himself, Sarutobi Shinnosuke was also shocked and couldn't speak. He thought Kizaru was joking and could only nod towards his father.

"Yes, after we led out the Third Raikage, Kizaru attacked Kumogakure. He destroyed a large number of buildings and facilities, killed Kumogakure's new generation genius, Lava Release ninja Dodai, and hundreds of other ninja. After withdrawing from Kumogakure, he ambushed the reinforcements, severely injuring the Third Raikage!"

Trembling a bit, Hiruzen placed the tea cup back on the table. His gaze complicatedly looked at his accomplished disciple, Kizaru.

"Humph! Much ado about nothing!"

Danzo, the Hokage's advisor who was sitting aside and listening to the report, looked at his old friend with disdain in his eyes while firmly holding his shaking right leg with his hand.

I'm not surprised at all, just very excited!

While thinking this, Danzo increased the strength of his right hand.

"Will this cause... a war between the Land of Lightning and us?" Koharu, one of the two consultants who was also listening, said a little worriedly.

With a quick turn of his head, Danzo looked at Koharu fiercely and said nothing, but everything was unspoken.

"Kizaru did a great job! What I mean is that we should beware of Kumogakure's counterattack." Koharu quickly explained after sleeping.

Together with Homura, as the lubricant and wallflower in the Hokage faction, Koharu understands deeply that he would rather offend Hiruzen than be targeted by Danzo.

If you offend Hiruzen, you will lose your political life at most!

Once you offend Danzo, you will lose your life!