Taken Advantage of

As the Third Hokage, Hiruzen's strategic insight was no less than that of the Third Raikage.

After listening to his son's report, Hiruzen immediately noticed the enormous strategic impact Kizaru could have on the battlefield.

Capable of both offense and evasion, with high agility, he was practically a super weapon targeting the enemy's rear.

It could be said that as long as Kizaru was present, Konoha would be inherently invincible in any war against any force.

Konoha just needed to hold the enemy on the front lines, allowing Kizaru to use his high mobility to wreak havoc on the enemy's rear and supply lines.

Victory for Konoha would then be just a matter of time!

Thinking about this, Hiruzen's affection for Kizaru grew even stronger as he looked at him.

"What a good kid! Truly my proud disciple!"

If Hiruzen could think of these things, as a fellow member of the Hokage's faction, Danzo naturally could as well, and perhaps even more.

That guy, Hanzo, had been quietly plotting something big. Should Danzo go and provoke him, the war would be triggered in advance!

With Kizaru's current abilities, the War would be the stage for his grand debut. As long as Kizaru performed well in the war, coupled with Hiruzen's propaganda and support, fame and power would be easily obtained!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Danzo became, and his gaze towards Kizaru became even more fervent.

This nephew of his was simply a genius among geniuses, and he would be even more perfect if he talked less.

"This mission was arranged by me. Kizaru, Shinnosuke, and Sakumo performed exceptionally well!" While Danzo was lost in thought, Hiruzen spoke first, taking responsibility for the possibility of sparking a war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Lightning.

Glaring discontentedly at Hiruzen, Danzo, who was also ready to take responsibility for his nephew, had to close his half-opened mouth again since he was a step too late.

"Damn it! Late again!"

"However, we cannot ignore the reaction from the Kumogakure. I will arrange for personnel to go to the border to guard against retaliation from the Kumogakure." Saying this, Hiruzen paused for a moment, then looked at his son, "Shinnosuke, increase the ANBU's intelligence gathering on the Kumogakure, and monitor any recent movements they make."

"Understood!" Shinnosuke answered seriously.

"Hiruzen, I'll personally lead a team to the border to guard against retaliation from the Kumogakure!'' Worried that the ninja sent to the border might be insufficient in capability, leading to massive casualties if they encountered an ambush from the Kumogakure, affecting Kizaru's reputation, Danzo was prepared to take matters into his own hands.

"No, your attention is still needed against Amegakure. Let others handle it; I'm not at ease!" Taking the big picture into consideration, Hiruzen decisively rejected Danzo's proposal.

Knowing that Hiruzen's words made sense, Danzo fell silent for a moment, without voicing any objections.

"Troublesome indeed!" The usually silent Kizaru, rubbing the back of his head, lazily spoke, "Why don't I go back to the border alone? Dealing with just the Kumogakure is easy for me!"

With a lazy tone, Kizaru uttered the most domineering words.

Challenging a nation alone – truly confident!

Feeling a thousand emotions in his heart, Hiruzen looked at Kizaru with an extremely admiring gaze.

The same words, spoken by different people, had completely different effects.

If it were said by Sakumo or Shinnosuke, Hiruzen and Danzo would think that this person was arrogant and unreliable.

But coming from Kizaru, everyone present could only admire and appreciate it.

The reason was simple – Kizaru had demonstrated this strength and had tangible achievements.

"Not for now; you've all worked hard on this mission. Take a few days to rest in the village." Showing concern for his disciples, Hiruzen rejected Kizaru's proposal.

Being rejected by his own teacher, Kizaru didn't say much and returned to his silence.

"These days have been tough; you can go now!" Hiruzen looked at the three in front of him and continued.




Their responses were different, but their actions were very consistent as they all walked towards the door together.

Exiting the Hokage Building together, looking up at the sky and seeing that it was still early, Shinnosuke spoke.

"It's still early; how about we have a barbecue together?" This mission allowed Shinnosuke to truly witness Kizaru's formidable strength, so he wanted to get closer to him, strengthening their relationship.

"Great suggestion," Kizaru agreed.

"Leader, are you treating today?" After treating Kizaru to barbecue once, Sakumo, who had a shaky hand, shamelessly asked the most crucial question.

It wasn't that Sakumo was stingy, but the trauma from the last barbecue, which led to over a month of frugal living, made him cautious.

Unable to help it, being from the small Hatake clan, he often had to support financially struggling clan members.

"You rascal, Sakumo!" Shinnosuke, who had saved up quite a bit of personal money this year, laughed and said confidently, "Today, I'll treat you all!"

"Really appreciate it, Big Brother Shinnosuke!" Kizaru thanked with a smiling face, looking at Shinnosuke.

"No need to be polite; just eat as much as you want." Patting his chest, Shinnosuke said generously.

Out of humanitarianism, Sakumo voluntarily stepped forward to stop Shinnosuke from scattering money.

"Let's just eat casually." Looking at Kizaru with a smiling face, Sakumo advised.

"Hahaha!" Laughing happily, Shinnosuke confidently said, "Don't worry; I have money! Today, I'll treat you all to a high-end barbecue at the Akimichi clan."

"Looking forward to it!" Kizaru smiled and echoed.

Pityingly glancing at Shinnosuke, who felt he had done his best, Sakumo chose not to say more.

"Let's go!" Waving his hand generously, Shinnosuke, with confident steps, led his two team members towards the Akimichi clan's barbecue shop.

The Akimichi clan's barbecue shop was located in the center of the village, next to Leaf Tea Street, not too far from the Hokage Building.

With Shinnosuke leading the way, the trio took about ten minutes to reach the barbecue shop.

"Long time no see, Shinnosuke-sama!" The receptionist from the Akimichi clan, Heihachi, warmly greeted them.

"Arrange a private room for us." Shinnosuke expertly requested.

Sweeping his gaze from the three customers, Heihachi's eyes finally lit up when they landed on Kizaru.

"A big deal has arrived!"

Having previously served Kizaru, Heihachi's smile became even more enthusiastic.

Guiding them with enthusiasm, Heihachi directly took Kizaru and the others to the most luxurious private room in the shop.

Serving the trio and handing the menu to Shinnosuke, Heihachi revealed a look of anticipation.

"Kizaru, go ahead and order!" Shinnosuke handed the menu to Kizaru, completely oblivious to Sakumo's hesitant expression.

"Sorry for the trouble!" Showing a shy look, Kizaru took the menu.

"No need to be polite; just order whatever you like." Shinnosuke continued.

"In that case, I won't hold back, Big Brother Shinnosuke!" Holding the menu, Kizaru looked at Shinnosuke with a smile.

"Order away!" Waving his hand, Shinnosuke said generously.

Hearing Shinnosuke's response, Kizaru didn't even glance at the menu in his hand and handed it directly to Heihachi.

"Three portions of everything on the menu!" Smiling, Kizaru said.

"Alrighty!" Responding loudly, Heihachi's smile became even more brilliant.