Fat Stacks

"Three portions???"

Wearing an expression of surprise, Shinnosuke's smile became somewhat stiff.

"Well... um... the portions here are quite generous!" Shinnosuke reminded in a low voice.

Smiling at Shinnosuke, Kizaru said with a slightly embarrassed tone, "If it's not enough, I'll order more."

"Order more???"


Shinnosuke felt his heart contract suddenly.

Looking at Sakumo sitting beside him, he noticed the sympathetic gaze in his eyes, and Shinnosuke seemed to understand something.

To calm his emotions, Shinnosuke reached for the cup on the table, trembling a bit as he brought it to himself.

"No worries, take your time to eat, enjoy... and get full!" Taking a sip of tea, Shinnosuke said with a forced smile.

"You've treated us generously, Big Brother Shinnosuke!" Kizaru replied with a smile.

"N-no trouble!" Shinnosuke, feeling like his heart was bleeding, managed to respond, pretending to be fine.

This barbecue lasted for more than two hours, almost finishing all the ingredients stocked by the barbecue shop.

Shinnosuke had no memory of the taste of the barbecue; he only remembered that the alcohol here was intoxicating, and when it came time to settle the bill... signing the IOU, his hand was shaking.

"Shinnosuke-sama, please come again next time!" Escorting the big customer out of the shop with enthusiasm, Heihachi was overjoyed.

"Thanks for the hospitality, Big Brother Shinnosuke!" Standing on the lively street, Kizaru thanked with a smile.

Calculating in his mind how many months it would take to save up enough personal money to pay off the debt, Shinnosuke, facing Kizaru's gratitude, could only respond with a smile, "You're welcome, we'll come again next time."


After saying this, Shinnosuke mentally gave himself a good slap.

"What a big mouth I have! My money!!!"

Feeling heartache as if he were bleeding, Shinnosuke still bid farewell to Kizaru with a smiling face, walked towards home with the support of Sakumo.

Standing on the street, watching Shinnosuke and Sakumo walk away, Kizaru turned back to the barbecue shop.

"Heihachi-san, put Shinnosuke's bill on my Shimura family's account."

"I understand, the usual!" Heihachi, who had vivid memories of Kizaru being a bigger eater than his own family, answered enthusiastically.


"Not a problem, not a problem!"

With a smiling face, Heihachi once again saw Kizaru off from the storefront, watching him gradually walk away.

"Don't worry; your bill has probably been settled by Kizaru." Supporting Shinnosuke, who had experienced a "miserable" incident before, Sakumo kindly said.

Settled by Kizaru?

Suddenly, most of the intoxication on Shinnosuke dissipated, and he looked up at Sakumo with a slight surprise.

"I treated him to barbecue once before, didn't have enough money, owed quite a bit for the meal. Later, when I gathered enough money and went to pay, the shop told me that Kizaru had already settled the bill." Sakumo explained.

"How embarrassing is that?" Shinnosuke's face had already blossomed into a smile again.

"Then, invite him for another round next time!" Jokingly, Sakumo said.

With the words of Sakumo, a cold wind blew, causing a slight shiver in Shinnosuke's body.

"Let's talk about it when we have the time!" Shinnosuke answered with a strained smile.

"Hahaha!" Seeing his leader like this, Sakumo couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hey hey hey! Sakumo, you rascal, you're laughing too much." Shinnosuke, who couldn't hold back the laughter, playfully called out.

"Hahaha!" Hearing Shinnosuke's words, Sakumo laughed even louder.

Watching the laughing Sakumo, Shinnosuke shook his head helplessly, feeling amused by his own performance just now.

In the Iwagakure of the Land of Earth, the Third Tsuchikage, who had received information from the Kumogakure, was solemnly examining the intelligence in his hands.

Kizaru, not yet ten years old, possessed a mysterious Bloodline Limit known as "Light Release" (possibly even a Bloodline Selection), granting him the ability of high-speed flight. Additionally, he possessed a mysterious ninjutsu or genjutsu that could make him immune to harm.

Six days ago, he infiltrated the Land of Lightning, ambushed the Third Raikage, and engaged in a battle where neither emerged as the clear winner.

As the Third Tsuchikage, Onoki, looked at the information provided by the Kumogakure, he couldn't help but draw in a cold breath.

Faced with such an absurd piece of information, Onoki's first thought was that the Kumogakure was playing a prank on him. They wanted to escalate the threat of Kizaru, attempting to sow discord between him and Konoha.

However, shortly after, Onoki dismissed this possibility.

Knowing the Third Raikage and the Kumogakure very well, Onoki was fully aware that the Third Raikage's character wouldn't allow him to engage in such actions.

It's not that the Third Raikage couldn't play politics and intrigue, but this proud brute wouldn't degrade himself to elevate a child under ten years old.

In other words, Kizaru, the super genius of Konoha, did indeed ambush the Third Raikage and held his own in the battle.

Not even ten years old! To be able to confront and hold his own against a village leader—this was truly astonishing.

This kind of genius made Onoki inevitably recall his own youth, going to Konoha, and the painful memory of being crushed and taught a lesson by Uchiha Madara.

Could Konoha be producing another ninja god like Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara?

No, absolutely not!

At the thought of such a powerhouse emerging in Konoha again, Onoki felt extreme concern.

If Kizaru harbored ambitions similar to those of Madara in his youth, it would be difficult for the ninja world to produce another Hashirama to stop him.

Furthermore, thinking about Kizaru's family background and his relationship with Danzo, Onoki couldn't help but shudder.

The combat-oriented ideology and brutal methods of "The Darkness of Shinobi" Danzo were well-known to Onoki.

With such an uncle, Kizaru's thoughts, influenced daily under Danzo's teachings, would undoubtedly be affected.

Eliminatied! He must be eliminated!

Without any hesitation, Onoki made a firm decision in his heart.

At the same time, Onoki also understood the reason why the Third Raikage would rather damage his own reputation to share this information with him.

Putting down the intelligence in his hands, Onoki looked at his assistant beside him and spoke.

"How much is the bounty offered in the black market for Konoha's Kizaru?"

"50 million!" Recalling for a moment, the assistant immediately replied.

Nodding, Onoki steeled his resolve and said directly, "Raise the bounty to 300 million."

Looking at the Tsuchikage in astonishment, the assistant was shocked by the amount of the bounty.

"Tsuchikage-sama, such a high bounty will impact this year's finances!"

"Do as I say." Without any hesitation, Onoki asserted, "Additionally, contact the strongest bounty hunter ninja. I want him to take on this mission. As long as the mission is completed, we, along with the Land of Lightning, can offer him a total bounty of 600 million."

"Yes, sir!" The assistant, already numb to the situation, instinctively responded.