Need more Money

The Land of Lightning offers 300 million, the Land of Earth offers 300 million, and the Land of Wind offers 100 million. In just two days, Kizaru has become the highest-bounty target since the establishment of the black market.

Of course, adhering to the rules of the ninja world on the surface and maintaining the reputation of the major ninja villages, none of the three major ninja villages directly issued bounties. Instead, they arranged proxies.

The managers of the black market and the bounty hunters were well aware of this.

After all, in the ninja world, the force capable of putting up such a huge bounty for a Konoha ninja could only be one of the other four ninja villages.

The Land of River, a small country adjacent to the Land of Fire.

Having just taken down a target worth ten million, the strongest bounty hunter, Kakuzu, carrying the corpse and wearing a cloth head covering, entered the exchange office.

Unlike the usual quietness, the exchange office today was particularly noisy.

Feeling good after making a small fortune, Kakuzu, who carried the corpse, looked around and noticed many bounty hunters gathered in groups, discussing something.

As Kakuzu approached the counter, his keen senses picked up on key words.

700 million! A total bounty of 700 million!!!

Such a massive amount made Kakuzu's eyes turn even greedier, like a voracious hyena.

Although tempted, Kakuzu was not in a hurry. He first handed over the corpse to the black market staff at the counter.

After the staff confirmed everything, they handed Kakuzu a black suitcase.

Opening the suitcase, counting carefully, confirming the amount was correct, Kakuzu closed the suitcase and looked at the staff.


"Excuse me, sir. Can we talk privately? A client wants to entrust a mission to you with a huge reward."

Interrupted, Kakuzu's mood had worsened a bit, but upon hearing "huge reward," it instantly improved.



The staff immediately stepped forward, opened the side door next to the counter, and invited Kakuzu to the back into a secret room.

In the secret room, the person in charge of this exchange office was sitting on a sofa, smoking a cigar.

Seeing his subordinates open the secret room and bring someone in, the person in charge was initially prepared to reprimand. However, when he saw Kakuzu's face clearly, his expression changed, revealing a pleased look.

Inviting Kakuzu to sit down warmly, the person in charge asked his subordinates to leave. After they left, he sat opposite Kakuzu.

"Kakuzu-san, I'm sorry, it's a bit impolite to talk to you suddenly."

"No need for nonsense, let's get to the point!" Holding the principle that time is money, Kakuzu said coldly.

"Alright!" With a formulaic smile, the person in charge turned sideways and took out a document from the cabinet next to the sofa.

Placing the document on the table in front of Kakuzu, he pushed it toward him, and the person in charge began to speak.

"I believe you've heard some rumors outside. We recently received a bounty totaling 700 million. The client hopes you can take on this bounty."

Without directly responding, Kakuzu picked up the document on the table at the first opportunity.

A genius ninja from Konoha, not yet ten years old, possessing a Bloodline Limit, powerful, surpassing even high-ranking ninja. After reading through the information and gaining a preliminary understanding of the bounty target, Kakuzu began to weigh the pros and cons in his mind.

"Is the enemy a ninja from Konoha, or is it the successor of the 'Darkness of Shinobi'..."

"Mr. Kakuzu, the client promises that as long as you can complete the mission, they are willing to provide protection for you." Worried that Kakuzu might retreat due to the influence behind the target, the person in charge hastily said.

"I don't need it!" Kakuzu answered decisively.

"Then... what do you mean?" Looking at Kakuzu, the person in charge asked cautiously.

"Add more money!" For the lone wolf Kakuzu, the condition of providing protection was just a redundant condition. He wanted to see if he could turn that condition into more money.

The Land of Lightning offers 300 million, the Land of Earth offers 300 million, and the Land of Wind offers 100 million. In just two days, Kizaru has become the highest-bounty target since the establishment of the black market.

Of course, adhering to the rules of the ninja world on the surface and maintaining the reputation of the major ninja villages, none of the three major ninja villages directly issued bounties. Instead, they arranged proxies.

The managers of the black market and the bounty hunters were well aware of this.

After all, in the ninja world, the force capable of putting up such a huge bounty for a Konoha ninja could only be one of the other four ninja villages.

"More money? Mr. Kaku, the bounty for this mission has already reached 700 million."

"I don't need protection; I just want money."

"I understand." With a mix of joy and concern after understanding Kaku's intentions, the person in charge could only say, "Please wait a moment; I will contact the client."

A bounty of 700 million was worth the wait, and Kaku nodded in agreement.

Without making Kaku wait too long, in about half an hour, the person in charge returned to the secret room.

"The client is willing to add an additional 50 million in the end."

Nodding with satisfaction, Kaku, who had been resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes.

"I'll take this mission."

Saying this, Kaku grabbed the documents on the table, stood up, and, with confident steps, walked out of the secret room.

750 million. Receiving such a massive mission for the first time, Kaku felt like all five of his hearts were trembling.

Kizaru! Get your head ready for me!


Character card fusion rate: 48%

"It's rising quite nicely!"

Wearing a satisfied smile, Kizaru, who was fishing, opened his eyes.

Since Kizaru raided the Kumogakure and ambushed the Third Raikage, the fusion rate of the character card in his mind began to grow rapidly again.

This was naturally due to the information conveyed to the other three major ninja villages by the Kumogakure, as well as the exaggerated bounties on the black market.

It could be said that the Third Raikage unintentionally completed an act of declaring war.

Kizaru naturally happily accepted this.

Pretending, venting, and enhancing his strength, Kizaru felt like he was making a fortune.

Looking at the progress, only 2% was left to fuse new abilities; Kizaru also began to anticipate it a little.

After all, from his uncle, Kizaru already knew that the Second War was about to break out.

And the stronger Kizaru became, the better he would perform in the war, and the more his reputation would grow, in turn boosting the progress of the fusion bar.

Kizaru could already foresee that he would enter a period of explosive growth in strength during the Second War.

"Phew, what a comfortable life!" While sighing, Kizaru put down the fishing rod.

After an afternoon of fishing, Kizaru, who was once again empty-handed, felt no discomfort at all. Instead, he stood up with a smile on his face.

The sun was about to set. Kizaru, who had received Tsunade's invitation for dinner yesterday, prepared to tidy up and go out for the appointment.

Tsunade invited Kizaru to dinner to repay him for putting her brother in the hospital last time, to avoid the risk of encountering assassination when going out, and to express gratitude for the proposal of increasing resources to train medical ninjas.

When Kizaru left the house and arrived at the izakaya where Tsunade had arranged, Tsunade was already sitting inside.

In the partitioned space with two sofas facing each other, Tsunade sat, and alongside her were Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

"Kizaru, over here!" Seeing Kizaru enter the store, Jiraiya waved his hand enthusiastically.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Smiling, Kizaru walked into the partition and spoke.

"Haha!" Rare meeting of fellow disciples, Jiraiya laughed happily, "We just got here."

"Sit down!" Tsunade patted the empty space beside her, and confidently said, "Take a seat!"

Sitting directly, looking at Jiraiya and Orochimaru across from him, Kizaru's smile on his face became even more pronounced.