Raikage's Strategy

Hanzo's surprise attack on the Land of Iron caused a massive upheaval in the turbulent ninja world.

The Five Great Nations couldn't tolerate Hanzo's ambitious move, especially the Land of Wind, Fire, and Earth, which shared borders with Amegakure, immediately entered a state of alert.

There was no room for others to sleep while the enemy was at the bedside!

If Hanzo successfully annexes the Land of Iron, Amegakure's territory would not only significantly increase but also gained a considerable number of samurai population and mineral resources from the Land of Iron.

In this way, Amegakure would truly have the foundation to rise!

More importantly, Amegakure did not share a border with the Land of Iron; there was the Land of Grass and the Land of Fire in between.

Hanzo's attempt to annex the Land of Iron would inevitably encroach on parts of the Land of Grass and the Land of Fire.

Hanzo's plan was like pulling teeth from a tiger, and not just any tiger but the most powerful one in the ninja world.

This was also the reason why Danzo was so radical in demanding an invasion of Amegakure.

Simultaneously, Hanzo's move gave the martial factions within the Five Great Nations a suitable reason to start a war.

In more than 20 years since the end of the previous war, the martial factions within each nation had been rising steadily with the growth of their economies, populations, and military forces.

These martial factions were already restless, waiting for an opportune moment, a suitable opportunity.

And now, Hanzo had handed them the perfect timing and justification.

"Hahaha!" Excitedly laughing, the Third Raikage held intelligence about Hanzo's attack on the Land of Iron.

The Land of Lightning, which does not share a border with Amegakure, had more options when faced with Hanzo's war provocation.

Therefore, the Third Raikage was not angry about Hanzo's actions; instead, he was filled with excitement and joy.

Amegakure and Hanzo were nothing in the eyes of the Third Raikage. What excites him was that the Land of Lightning now had a reason to go to war.

Knowing his greatest enemy, Konoha of the Land of Fire, very well, the Third Raikage understood that, faced with Hanzo's war, Konoha would definitely intervene militarily.

And once Konoha intervened, he and the Land of Lightning wold have a legitimate reason to go to war.

At that time, he could fully ally with Amegakure, send troops to the border of the Land of Fire, and restrain Konoha's forces.

At the same time, secretly support Hanzo and Amegakure, letting them consume Konoha's vital forces on the front lines.

When both sides were exhausted, he can lead the main force directly into the heart of the Land of Fire, plundering their resources and territory.

In a very short time, a viable strategy had taken shape in the mind of the Third Raikage.

However, there was one problem that the Third Raikage needs to solve with this strategy.

That was persuading the Land of Wind and Earth, convincing them not to attack Amegakure temporarily but instead to provide support to Hanzo and Amegakure.

Regarding this issue, the Third Raikage doesn't think it's a big problem. He was confident in persuading the leaders of the Land of Wind and Earth.

After all, due to the emergence of Kizaru, Kumo, Iwa, and Suna, the three major ninja villages, have been in frequent contact recently, showing signs of an alliance.

Without any hesitation, the Third Raikage, who knows that opportunities were fleeting, takes immediate action.

Just as the Third Raikage began his own actions, Kakuzu, who had been lurking in the Land of Fire, received the news of Hanzo's surprise attack on the Land of Iron. He understood that his opportunity had come.

As an old figure in the ninja world, Kakuzu still had a good strategic vision.

He knew that the Land of Fire cannot stay out of this war against Amegakure.

And once the Land of Fire was involved, the scale of the war would undoubtedly expand.

By then, his target, Kizaru, would certainly be arranged by the village to participate in the war.

As long as Kizaru participated, the opportunity for him to assassinate Kizaru would arise!

With a huge bounty, combined with confidence in his own strength, an excited Kakuzu, took risks, sneaking into a caravan heading to Konoha, transforming into a guard for the caravan.

Unfortunately, just as Danzo planned to infiltrate Konoha, Kizaru had already prepared to leave the village and head to the border of the Land of Fire.

On the second day of Hanzo's surprise attack on the Land of Iron, just as Danzo had set out with the caravan, Kizaru had already left Konoha amidst farewells from his clan and the trio.

So, on the second day of Kizaru's departure from the village and the third day of the war's outbreak, when Kakuzu finally managed to infiltrate Konoha after overcoming many obstacles, he heard a piece of news that made him both delighted and frustrated—his target, Kizaru, had left the village.

This news of Kizaru leaving the village spreaded within the village's ninja community in a small-scale.

As a seasoned elite ninja, Kakuzu easily picked up on this information from the exchanges among Konoha's ninjas.

With this information in hand, Kakuzu did not hesitate. On the same night, under the cover of darkness, he left Konoha.

Spending a night rushing, Kakuzu arrived at the area where the Land of Fire and the Land of Hot Water met.

The Land of Hot Water, situated between the Land of Fire and the Land of Lightning, was a region strategically defended by both nations.

According to Kakuzu estimation, Kizaru, who was supporting the border, should be in this area.

Arriving at the border of the Land of Fire, Kakuzu did not act recklessly. Instead, he entered the Land of Hot Water, planning to take a brief rest and recover some chakra consumed during the journey.

750 million, right before his eyes!

As an experienced bounty hunter, Kakuzu deeply understood that the more meticulous the preparation before assassinating the target, the better.

"Not bad at all!" Kizaru, wearing tea-colored sunglasses, was leisurely examining the surroundings while strolling down the hot spring street.

The hot spring establishments on this street were rich in services and offerings, broadening Kizaru's horizons!

Wearing a faint smile on his face, holding a cold drink in his hand, Kizaru, who had toured the entire commercial street, casually walked into a hot spring establishment.

Under the warm reception of the landlady, Kizaru changed into a bathrobe and entered the hot spring pool, lying down with an air of contentment.


Letting out a long sigh, having spent a day at the border without any incidents, Kizaru, temporarily free, closed his eyes in enjoyment.

After a while, a maid from the establishment, carrying a pot of sake and pastries, walked in.

Placing the tray steadily on the hot spring, inquiring if Kizaru needed massage services (which was declined), she then retreated, leaving the hot spring pool.

With his hands resting on the stone rim of the pool, Kizaru opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of the wooden door that had just been closed by the maid.

A playful smile appeared on his face, and with the dominance of the Observation Haki, Kizaru sensed someone approaching.

Wearing the newly changed bathrobe, slowly pushing open the wooden door, Kakuzu, who had rushed through the night, was preparing to soak in the hot spring to alleviate his fatigue.

"Hey, young man! Would you like a drink?" Pouring himself a glass of sake, lifting the petite cup, Kizaru looked at Kakuzu, who was standing just outside the wooden door, and said with a smiling expression.