Big Business

Clutching the wooden door tightly, Kizaru recognized the silhouette of Kakuzu, maintaining a calm expression.

Without speaking, Kakuzu walked into the bathhouse with a stern face, closing the wooden door.

As the distance between the two closed, Kakuzu immersed himself in the hot spring.

In the hot spring pool, with Kizaru and Kakuzu facing each other naked, a temporary silence fell.

Kakuzu identified the bounty target, Kizaru, and Kizaru recognized this future member of the Akatsuki, the hardworking Kakuzu!

Thinking about his 750 million bounty on the black market, Kizaru found the situation becoming interesting.

Kakuzu came for him!

No need for any additional information; Kizaru, who knew Kakuzu well, made a judgment directly in his mind.

"How intriguing!"

With a hint of malicious interest rising in his mind, Kizaru, feeling even more pleased, poured himself another cup of sake.

"Still not joining for a drink, brother?" Holding the cup, Kizaru asked with a cheerful smile.

"No need!" Kakuzu, contemplating whether to take action, replied in a cold tone.

"So indifferent!" Mocking with a smile, Kizaru finished the sake in his cup.

"Is this guy really under ten? Is there a problem with the information the black market provided me?"

Observing the target in front of him, looking at the well-defined muscles and tall figure of Kizaru, Kakuzu felt that there might be an issue with the information.

"If the information is wrong, there will be an additional 50 million!"

Thinking wickedly, Kakuzu leaned back against the edge of the bath, closed his eyes, and, considering his condition and the possibility of incorrect information about the target, decided not to act for now to avoid alerting him.

Putting the cup back on the tray, Kizaru, seeing Kakuzu resting with closed eyes, stopped talking as well and happily started eating pastries.

After soaking in the hot spring for over an hour and finishing all the drinks and pastries on the tray, Kizaru stood up from the water.

The movement of Kizaru standing up alerted Kakuzu. He opened his eyes and looked up.

"Ohoho! So comfortable!" Exclaiming, wrapping himself in a towel, Kizaru slowly walked towards Kakuzu.

Seeing Kizaru's actions, Kakuzu's heart tightened, although he relaxed on the surface, his body was already in a state of alert.

As Kizaru approached, Kakuzu's body in the hot spring tightened its muscles.

"Has my identity been exposed?"

Looking at Kizaru, Kakuzu silently guessed and prepared for a possible fight.

Step by step, Kizaru walked to Kakuzu's side and deliberately stopped.

This action naturally made Kakuzu more cautious.

"Brother, are you a ninja?"

Hearing Kizaru's question, Kakuzu almost couldn't resist taking action.

"Frightening!" Expressing his admiration, before Kakuzu could erupt, Kizaru continued, "I have a big business here. Interested?"

"Big business!"

Kakuzu, very sensitive to money, immediately caught the keyword, and his curiosity was piqued.

"What?" Kakuzu asked in a cold voice.

"One-time employment!" Kizaru replied with a smile.

"How much?" Kakuzu was ready to hear the price. If it was reasonable, earning a bit more would be excellent.

30 million!" Kizaru stated the price directly, "However, I need to assess your strength first."

Reasonable! Kakuzu nodded, asking, "Time, place?"

"9 AM tomorrow, meet at the entrance of this shop." After a brief consideration, Kizaru said.

"No problem!"

"Then, see you tomorrow."

With that, Kizaru took a step and confidently walked out of the bathhouse.

Hearing the closing door, watching Kizaru's figure disappear from behind the door, Kakuzu retracted his gaze.

Was it a trap? Or a genuine job?

Carefully recalling the conversation with the target and the expressions during the conversation, Kakuzu didn't find anything unusual.

If it was a real job, it's a good opportunity to get close to the target!

If it was a trap, Kakuzu, confident in his own strength, had no problem ensuring his survival.

Thinking about how he had escaped from the clutches of the "God of Shinobi" and protected his life, Kakuzu decided to attend the appointment on time and see what the target's true intentions were.

Just as Kakuzu made the decision, Kizaru, already changed into clothes, stood at the entrance of the hot spring shop with his hands in his pockets, looking inside with a faint smile.

The meeting tomorrow is really something to look forward to!


Land of Lightning, Kumogakure Village.

"After extensive investigation, the identity of the enemy who attacked the village last week has been confirmed!" Standing on a high platform, overlooking the crowded village ninjas below, the Third Raikage loudly declared.

This statement immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. Ninjas who had lost friends and family in the last attack looked at the Third Raikage with excitement.

"The enemy is from Konoha, named Shimura Kizaru!"

The words of the Third Raikage were like a massive stone thrown into the already turbulent lake, creating huge waves.

Konoha! It was already the biggest adversary in the eyes of everyone in the Kumogakure.


Someone in the crowd shouted, instantly prompting the others to join in.

Words and phrases about revenge and insults towards Konoha continued to echo from the crowd.

Looking at the excited subordinates below, the Third Raikage was very pleased, feeling a surge of pride from within.

The people's hearts and military morale are at my disposal!

This battle will be victorious, and the landscape of the ninja world will be changed by my hands!

Having already convinced the Wind and Earth countries to support his strategy and sent someone to ally with Hanzo, the Third Raikage felt a confidence he had never experienced before.

"The sneaky ambush by Konoha has caused us to lose 326 comrades. Such blood debts must be repaid!" The Third Raikage spoke with passionate intensity.

"Blood for blood!"

The ninjas below shouted loudly in response to the Third Raikage's speech.

"Very good!" The Third Raikage raised his hand to signal the crowd to quiet down.

Once the venue was completely quiet, the Third Raikage clenched his right hand into a fist and extended it forward.

"Today, I officially declare that the Kumogakure declares war on Konoha!"

With this declaration, the atmosphere reached its climax, and almost everyone showed excited and fervent expressions as they looked at the Third Raikage.

"In this battle, our Kumogakure will undoubtedly achieve victory!"


"A myriad of victories!"

"Crush Konoha!"

Withdrawing his right hand, the Third Raikage surveyed the crowd and, amidst the enthusiastic cheers, stepped back from the high platform.

Next is the detailed battle deployment, something that doesn't require the Third Raikage's personal arrangement.

Descending from the platform, the current Third Raikage was full of heroic spirit and ambition!

The advantage is ours!

Just as the Third Raikage was feeling a surge of confidence, his assistant secretary hurriedly approached and stood by his side.

"Lord Raikage, Hanzo has declared war on the Land of Wind!" Coming close to the Third Raikage, the secretary reported softly.

Damn it!

The confident expression froze, and the Third Raikage directly cursed in his mind!

Who the hell gave that maniac Hanzo the confidence???