Abnormal Wolf

Liam's POV:

She chose me.

I know it's not that deep but Anastasia chose me indirectly.

She liked my dish the most, I got the job.

I'm happy to get the job but I'm happier she chose me.

" Well, you all are free to go except you, Liam." I could feel the other cooks digging holes through my head due to how sharp their glares were.

They are angry because they could not get the job.

I actually feel sorry for them, I don't know what each one of them is going through so I don't blame them for hating me.

I could hear them cussing under their breath as the four of them left the mansion.

Apparently, they only needed one new cook not two as I thought, unfortunately.

" There is a list of rules that you need to follow before starting your job tomorrow so open your ears and listen carefully. Also, make sure you remember everything because I'm not saying anything twice." That same arrogant beta spoke to me as I sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen.

I don't like arrogant people.

I just don't understand why anyone would think they are better than another person just because they make more cash.

I just can never understand this.

" First, the alpha wakes up at 8 so you need to wake up an hour earlier to make her breakfast." Wow, waking up at 7 instead of 4 sounds like heaven.

Three entire more hours of sleep.

Not only that but I get to wake up to just cook instead of walking for miles and lifting heavy stuff, and I get to cook for my beautiful mate.

This is ideal.

I nodded as the beta looked down and read furthermore " You have to move into the packhouse, you will live here from now on. You get four free days a month.

You are not allowed to just wander around the packhouse. You can tour around once or twice though. The curfew is at 12. Don't make too much noise. You are not allowed to wear inappropriate clothes around the packhouse like wandering around shirtless even if you are a man."

I nodded agreeing to all the rules.

Who in their right mind would walk around the packhouse shirtless anyway?

Maybe she meant after shifting back from the wolf form.

I don't have to worry about that because I will never shift here since my pheromones will automatically get released when I do so.

" Oh, next time don't put any kind of jewelry on your hands, including rings, watches, and bracelets when you cook. That's all. The chauffeur will give you a ride to your house to bring your stuff and then he'll bring you right back. You will start tomorrow at 7."

That was the last thing the arrogant beta said before leaving me alone in this massive kitchen.

I'm so enthusiastic.

Quickly after that, some male beta came to the kitchen and led me to one of the cars that were in the garage.

Every car I could think of is here, everything looks so expensive.

I even felt ashamed to get inside the car because of how pricey it was, but I did it anyway.

" Please, try to make it quick." The driver said after he parked the car right in front of my house.

I nodded and rushed inside, scooping my Mom in a tight hug which made her gasp out of surprise because I lifted her up but then she giggled after " I got the job, Mom."

" I'm so happy for you, sweetheart." Her smile slowly dropped when she realized that I would have to leave this house and move into the packhouse.

The employees there are actually allowed to bring their families, the only exception is omega family members are not allowed.

And unfortunately, Mom is an omega.

" I'm sorry because I can't bring you with me." I apologized, feeling guilty and miserable when I noticed some tears in her eyes.

She shook her head and just helped me load my clothes.

" Mom, please keep this with you." After I finished packing my clothes, I rushed to my nightstand took almost all of my savings from my former job, and gave it to Mom.

Mom doesn't work, not only because she's an omega and many workplaces don't accept them, but also because she's in her fifties, unmated which means she could be in danger if an alpha got into his rut around her, and lastly because since she got mated to my dad, she has been a housewife.

This is the reality of being a housewife, it's all good until your partner dies or decides to leave, but at least she got me.

After hugging Mom, I hurried to the car as the driver headed towards the packhouse.

I'm going to start a new life here.

A grin filled my lips as I got out of the car, breathing in my mate's scent that I could catch even between hundreds of other scents.

Just her scent from that far makes my heart want to jump out of my chest.

One of the butlers who is also an alpha showed me the first floor of the house which is where the servants live.

He took me to one of the rooms " So this is your room. Oh, about your rut, since you are unmated, when you get your rut, you are not allowed outside your room. Don't worry about your food just let someone know and they'll help with that."

I nodded, and the guy nodded back before leaving while I walked inside my new room.


This room is bigger than my house.

There is a queen-sized bed covered with bedsheets, a dresser a big closet, two nightstands, and a desk.

Everything looks brand new.

I pushed my suitcase close to the closet and flopped down on the bed, letting out a satisfied groan.

It's so comfortable.

My rut isn't the problem.

Yeah, most alphas suffer to control themselves during their rut, but I don't, I can easily control myself during it.

My problem is my heat.

I can control it but it's so painful, my omega wolf keeps whimpering in pain and crying in my head because he needs his mate or even just his mate's scent.

Also, I'm scared of the fact that one of the alphas in the packhouse would be able to smell it, not because I'm scared of what they could do to me or something,

As I said before I'm strong like really strong and can easily defend myself,

I'm just scared of Anastasia knowing about me.

I drifted deep into sleep, escaping to my dreamland where I could have Anastasia and love her freely.

A dreamland where my mate would love me even though I'm an abnormal wolf and even though I'm partially an omega.