To Her Room

Liam's POV:

I wasn't surprised when I started to feel like I had slept very early because my body kinda got used to waking up at this time.

It's 5 in the morning, my lips curled into a smile as I tightly hugged my pillow close to my unclothed chest.

I was still stuck between my dreamland and reality which is why I wanted to enjoy hugging Anastasia as long as I could.

Quickly after that, I needed to actually wake up because I had more than enough sleep, which is exactly what I did.

By 6 in the morning, I was done showering, dressing up, and putting my clothes and other belongings in the closet.

I had nothing to do which is why I decided to leave my room.

The packhouse is pretty quiet, there are some people going in and out of the house doing god knows what.

" You woke up already?" The nice guy of yesterday is the one who spoke.

He seemed surprised.

I nodded " I'm used to waking up early." He hummed.

I still have no idea who he is, not even his name.

It seems like he could read my mind " I'm Owen by the way, I'm a servant here. You can go to the downstairs kitchen and make something for yourself to eat for now."

I nodded and headed to the downstairs kitchen.

I had no idea where that was, but did not want to ask him because although he was nice I didn't want to keep disturbing him.

This is why I just hustled to the stairs that I saw and they seem to be leading downstairs.

It was not that hard finding the kitchen which wasn't as big and fancy as the one upstairs, but I could not care less.

I quickly made something easy for myself and ate it there.

" Hi." I snapped my neck toward the source of the sound, only to find a woman standing by my side in the kitchen.

I smiled respectfully and said hi back.

She is an alpha too.

98% of the people in the packhouse are alphas and the rest are either betas or deltas as I mentioned before.

" You are new here, aren't you? I'm Claire, I'm the cook. What about you?" She seems and sounds nice.

Claire is a 5'10 feet female alpha, with short blond hair, and tanned skin, and she has a very nice grin on her face.

I smiled back at her, I'm happy to make a new friend " I'm Liam, I'm the new cook."

" Great, we will be working together then. Are you mated?" I shook my head as a no, which confused her as she asked " How old are you?"

Oh, right my age.

People my age are all mated. " 27." I could see pity for me in her eyes, she was sad for me because staying that long without finding my fated mate meant two things, they either rejected me or they were dead.

" I'm sorry for asking." Clairs apologized with a sad smile on her face, I shook my head " No need. It's okay."

We had breakfast together as we talked about random subjects.

When I noticed it was already 7 in the morning, both Claire and I headed to the upstairs kitchen to start making breakfast for the head alpha and her family.

There isn't a specific list of what we should make for them but thankfully Claire already knows what to do because she worked here longer than I did, which is why I just followed what she asked me to cook with her.

"So, I was wondering why there isn't any omegas here." I suddenly asked, gaining Claire's attention.

I already know that Anastasia hates our scents and doesn't like to be in the same room as us but what I want to know is why.

Why doesn't she like our scent and us?

All alphas love Omega's scent more than any scent, hell even I find Omegas' pheromones attractive and I'm partially an Omega myself.

So why doesn't she?

Clair looked at me as if I had just said that the earth is flat " You don't know? The alpha hates being in the same room as them and doesn't like their scent I guess."

" Yeah, but why? I have never heard of an alpha who hates the scent of omegas. Don't we all love it unless we are mated?" I asked as I was busy cutting fruit for my mate.

Claire suddenly stopped what she was doing and stared blankly at me.

" Actually, I have never thought about it this way. I always thought she hated omega because… Well, because many alphas see them as weak and only as breeding machines, but now I wonder how she doesn't like their scent as they say. Before I met my mate, I used to love almost every omega's pheromones, it felt like heaven so I'm really confused."

So nobody knows why she hates our scent.

Maybe if I knew why, I could maybe find a solution and tell her about me… No, I shouldn't.

Here I am starting to plan things that could never happen.

"Talking about the head alpha again?" Owen, the nice guy, walked inside the kitchen with a grin on his face as Claire rolled her eyes at him and turned around to continue doing whatever she was doing.

What's going on between these two, they seem to hate each other.

I answered his question because I didn't want him to stay without a response and Claire didn't seem to be planning on answering him " Yeah."

Owen sighed and looked at me with his soft grin " Wow, you chopped these fruit so well. I bet the alpha is going to love it, buddy."

I could not help my fast heartbeat.

I know I look huge and strong even unbeatable from the outside but the second someone mentions my mate, my heart just weakens and I feel all frivolous, delighted, and thrilled.

" Oh, by the way, Liam you will have to take the head alpha's tray to her room because she wants to have breakfast in her room."