It Still Hurt Though

Liam's POV:

My blood froze in my veins.

I started to sweat as I gulped.

Her room.

I'm going to her room.

I'm going to my mate's room.

Her room.

Anastasia's room.

I can literally feel my heart pumping blood inside my chest.

I'm so nervous and excited.

I held the tray tightly as I got on the elevator, yes they have an elevator in the house.

The fourth floor of the house is where my mate's room is.

I could feel my limbs trembling as I got close.

" You are new. Welcome to the packhouse. Please take the tray inside and give it to the alpha and wait until she tells you to leave because she might want you to change something."

This is Caleb.

Remember him? The alpha who escorts my mate almost everywhere.

He's standing right in front of her bedroom door.

I'm not jealous AT ALL.

Fuck my life.

I nodded as he knocked and opened the door for me.

I felt my knees turn into jelly, I couldn't feel my legs anymore.

The second I stepped inside the room I was hit by Anastasia's strong pheromones that were all over the room.

I can feel my omega wolf jumping in my mind along with my alpha wolf.

This idiot, I was counting on my alpha wolf to calm my other wolf.

I don't blame them, I can't even hold myself.

Blood rushed to my cheeks.

Her room is so spacious and bright.

I gulped the second my gaze landed on Anastasia.

She's lying down on her bed, resting on the headboard of her king-sized bed.

This was my first time ever seeing her wearing something as comfy and chill as that silky robe that slid down her arm, exposing her shoulder to my hungry eyes.

Her hair is driving me crazy.

It isn't wavy as usual, she didn't style it which is why it's straight and spread on her chest and on the bed as well as on the pillow.

I felt tears filling up my eyes because I refused to blink for a long period.

Her eyes are closed, and she seems tired.

Oh, baby, I wish I could hold you in my arms so that you would not even need to move.

"Leave it here." My eyes almost jumped out of their places when I caught her voice.

Did she just talk?

That was her voice.

That was the most beautiful voice I have ever heard, I can listen to her talk all day every day for the rest of my life.

When I didn't move, the alpha furrowed her brows slowly opened her eyes, and looked at me.

She looked at me right into my eyes.

My heart dropped.

My wolves are going crazy in my head.

Anastasia narrowed her eyes, staring at me in skepticism, assumably because I'm new " I said you can leave it here."

I ignored everything I felt at that moment and nodded, lowering my gaze before walking closer to her bed to place the tray on her nightstand.

My legs are going to give up.

I'm too close to her.

I'm so overwhelmed by her pheromones.

I stood there silently, fighting my sentiments, trying to focus on not releasing my pheromones, fighting with my own wolves as I heard her moving on the bed.

She pushed the duvet off her body, making my breath hitch as my gaze fell on her skinny, long perfect legs.

I can see parts of her thighs because the dress that she's wearing under her robe isn't long enough.

She didn't seem to notice my stares but I lowered my gaze either way because I felt guilty for looking at her body without her consent.

Anastasia grabbed the fork and tasted the food before humming " You can go."

She liked it.

I grinned happily before nodding and taking one last glance at her then I left.

I still can't believe I was in the same room as her.

I quickly ran to my room and closed the door, only to slide down on the ground, resting my back on the door.

I'm so flustered.

" Calm your tits, Liam." I feel like a teenage girl fangirling over her favorite singer.

I need to calm down and get myself together in order to go back to the kitchen and carry on doing my job before I get fired on my first day.

I just seriously can't believe I was that close to my mate and alone AND in her room, surrounded by her scent.

I sighed, internally asking my inner wolves to calm down before standing up to head back to the kitchen where I found Claire busy cooking for the head alpha's family " You are back? Did the alpha like it?"

" Yes." I could see relief on her face right after she heard my response. " Hey, Claire, do you know why the alpha hasn't chosen a mate yet?"

Of course, she hasn't found her fated mate because I'm here hiding from her but what I want to know is why she hasn't thought of choosing someone to be her mate just like a lot of head alphas do when they don't find their mates.

Alphas in general don't quite wait for a mate for a long time, after a year or two they give up and choose someone else and if it happens and they find their fated mate, the alpha would just leave that person that they chose.

Some of us are assholes, I know.

Since Anastasia is not only a regular alpha, she is the head alpha of our pack and every head alpha needs a Luna by their side.

A Luna is the mate of the head alpha of a pack. The Luna is usually the second line which means if the head alpha isn't here, everyone will follow the Luna. The Luna is also like a mother to the pack.

" I worked for her for almost 4 years and I honestly have no clue why she hasn't chosen a Luna yet." She paused to chuckle and look at me, only to say what broke my heart into pieces " But I know that she is definitely not loyal and waiting for her fated mate because whenever she gets her rut, she spends it with multiple people. So it's definitely not her undying loyalty and love for her mate whom only Gods know where they are."

That put a heavy pressure on my chest.

Look, werewolves are not like humans.

We werewolves are way more loyal, 99% of us stay a virgin at least until their 21st birthday.

A lot of us keep our virginity to our fated mate, just like me.

But of course, there are others as I mentioned before that don't care about saving themselves for their fated mate.

I was hurt because she didn't save herself for me as I'm doing for her, Hell she probably isn't even waiting for me.

But I don't blame her, I'm the one hiding so I shouldn't feel hurt because I did this myself.

It still hurt though.

It stings so badly.