Smell Like An Omega

Liam's POV:

After Claire and I prepared breakfast for the rest of the family, the servants came into the kitchen and started bringing the plates to the dining area.

I stood behind the door, watching from far away.

Anastasia doesn't have a big family actually, nor does she have many friends.

Her family contains the former head alpha, her mother. Elisabeth, in her fifties.

Anastasia looks exactly like her.

The only difference between them is the age and Anastasia is a couple of inches taller than her mom.

Also her mom a regular alpha just like her father whom she looks nothing like.

Her father is also a regular alpha, he seems in his fifties too, blond with blue eyes and tanned skin.

Yep, nothing alike… Well, they have the height in common I guess because her dad seems to be 6'2 or 6'3 feet too.

The former alpha comes from a strong line of female alphas that ruled the Midnight pack for three centuries, no wonder her genes are strong.

Then comes her ten-year-old brother, who is also an alpha and looks like the mother as well.

Literally just a younger male version of Anastasia.

They are having their breakfast in complete silence, I don't understand how someone can sit with his family to eat without chatting about anything.

I could never.

My neck snapped toward the stairs, the second I discerned my mate nearby.

Everyone, not only I skimmed at the stairs where Anastasia stood at the top, dressed in some wide pants and a long coat as she started to walk down the stairs.

" Where were you?" The former alpha, Elisabeth asked while standing and walking closer to my mate who as usual had a blank look on her face as she answered " My room."

A hum left Elisabeth's mouth as lifted her hands, making me furrow my brow as I watched her hands getting close to my mate's chest to button up her shirt.

What the hell is she doing?

Anastasia just let her, she didn't even move or have any emotion or reaction clear on her face.

Elisabeth closed all the buttons on my mate's shirt then she fixed Anastasia's long hair " Now, you look better, dear. Where are you going?"

" Check the borders' building process, a morning circulation, warriors training." Anastasia always seems to talk like a robot.

She barely says enough, but I'm happy to hear her voice even if she says just one word.

Elisabeth nodded and allowed her to leave.

Anastasia did not move right away, the last thing she did before leaving was look at me for a mere second.

Why did she look at me?

I gulped and joined Claire in the kitchen " Hey, what's with you and Owen?" I noticed the tension between them. They looked angry at one another earlier.

" Owen is my brother, he's just dumb and annoys me but Mom forces me to treat him nicely." Oh, not what I expected but yeah siblings get mad at each other for stupid things.

I wish I had a sibling or two, that would have been fun.

Clair and I left the kitchen together because there wasn't much to do until lunchtime and also the maids needed to come in to wash the dishes.

" Does the former alpha have a problem with Anas- I mean with the alpha." Agh, I almost said her name.

Nobody is allowed to call Anastasia by her name other than her family because it is so disrespectful.

So everyone addresses her as 'alpha'.

I followed Claire to the packhouse garden, it's so huge and beautiful.

I feel like I'm walking in a royal garden, wow.

" No, their relationship has always been cold like this for some reason. Mostly because the head alpha isn't very responsive with her mother no matter how much the former alpha tries to get close to her and start a conversation."

Well, at least Elisabeth isn't some villain mother who hates her daughter and tortures her like I imagined.

So Anastasia has always been like this?

No, I refuse to believe someone could be this cold and emotionless for no reason at all.

There has to be something.

After a while, we had to leave in order to start making lunch which we did and also had ours.

Anastasia was nowhere to be seen, even when it was dinner time she didn't come back.

" I'll be leaving the house to go see my mate. See you later, Liam." Said Claire as she took her apron off and left.

I took mine off as well and went back to my room.

We finished making dinner which means our shift today is done.

" Where are you?" I internally wondered in worry, she didn't have lunch or dinner, is she going to be okay?

I sighed and walked out of the house, heading to the garden, to the same place Claire and I were in earlier.

I'm stupid because I should have asked Claire if Anastasia always comes back home late.

I stood there breathing in the clear air, feeling a cold breeze on my back.

The moon is almost full, I stared at it silently " I don't understand why me? Out of millions of wolves I had to come out to be this."

I spoke with a frown of disgust on my face while staring at my hands.

I can feel my wolves getting hurt each time I express how much I hate myself because of what I am but I can't keep it inside without taking that hatred out sometimes.

My nostrils quivered a bit, catching my mate's scent as I instantly raised my head to look at the source of the scent.

There she is.

My mate walked in from the gate with her escorts whom she dismissed immediately.

My brows furrowed in worry when I noticed how she held onto the gate in an attempt to support her body.

She looks like she's about to pass out.

I could not hold myself back as I instantly ran toward her " A-alpha, are you okay?"

The tips of her fingers turned white due to how tightly she gripped the gate.

I can't see her face because she is lowering it and she looks like she's barely standing.

What's happening?

I'm going to cry right now, I'm worried sick about her and I can't do anything other than standing here.

" My room. I need to go to my room." She barely was able to talk.

Anastasia seems to be having a battle with something and I have no idea what's going on.

I nodded and hesitantly extended my hand to support her, if it was up to me I would have just carried her in my arms but I know I would get in trouble if I did so.

The second I touched her shoulder, she yanked her body away as if tased her.

I was startled because I thought I hurt her for a moment.

Her eyes flashed bloody red as she glared at me, scowling in bitterness, she's standing in front of me straight as if she was not the same person who looked like she was about to pass out just seconds ago and said what made my heart drop " Why do you smell like an omega?"