
Liam's POV:

I froze.

When I heard her asking why I smelled like an omega, I froze in my spot as I stared into her glowy furious eyes in fear which I tried to conceal.

My body automatically stepped backward, but I tried to hold myself together as I gulped, not taking my eyes off of hers " M-my mother is an omega. Maybe her scent got attached to me."

I don't know where I got this lie from but that's all I could think of to explain why I smelt like an omega for a slight second because I lost my concentration.

I mean how could I focus on suppressing and hiding my omega wolf when I am so worried about her?

One of the corners of her lips curved upwards in a smirk, her eyes still radiating nothing but outrage as she walked close to me, standing only a few inches away from me, and hissed " Do you think I'm stupid?"

I gulped, I was both terrified and pleased to have her close to me " No, Why would I think you are stupid, alpha?"

" Show me your eyes." The second I heard her command, I felt sweat run down my forehead. " Alpha, please you are tired just let me help you go to your room."

That seems to piss her off.

Of course, she'll be pissed, she's the head alpha here and nobody refuses her orders nor do they try to tell her what to do and here I am refusing to show her my eyes and suggesting something else.

My chest is bouncing up and down so fast because of how nervous I am right now.

"Show me your eyes." I felt my knees weakening the second I heard her using her alpha voice at me.

She's the head alpha of the pack and a true blood, nobody can disagree when she uses her alpha voice except one person in the entire world.

That person is me.

Her fated mate.

I can say no, and my body won't just automatically do as she says even when she uses her alpha voice.

Every alpha has that voice, most of them use their voice on weaker ranks because it won't work on other alphas, and just like me, their voice also doesn't work on their fated mates.

If I were someone else my eyes would have instantly glowed obediently to her command even if I didn't want to.

I of course can still avoid glowing my eyes but that will expose who I really am.

She will know I'm her mate if I don't comply and show her my eyes.

So I have a choice, either show her my eyes and let her know about my rank or not show her my eyes and let her know I'm her mate, and either way she will know my rank.

This is why I chose the first option.

I blinked as my eyes glowed in purple only to stare back at her reds.

Anastasia seemed to be taken aback by the color of my eyes.

I can tell she expected herself to either be right and my eyes would turn blue to prove her point that I am an omega and the scent is coming from me or to be wrong and my eyes would turn red and prove I am actually an alpha.

" What are you?" She asked in both irritation and confusion, both of our eyes shifted back to their normal color as we stood there together.

I lowered my head, feeling ashamed of what I was.

She did not like how I avoided answering her question " I asked you a question. What rank are you? Why are your eyes purple?"

I took a deep breath and lifted my head up to look at her " I'm an omegarian-alpha."

Her eyes narrowed, and she was confused.

Of course, she is confused.

" What's that?" Honestly, I don't even know what that is, I just made that name for myself to feel less anomalous, but I'm not going to say that " I have two inner wolves. I'm both an alpha and an omega."

The silence was all that could be heard around us.

I know she is going to kick me out or worse, Maybe I could get penalized badly for lying to that pretentious beta and everyone else in order to get this job.

" The only reason why I won't kick you out is because I liked your food, but I don't want to smell your omega pheromones even accidentally in this house. If I do, I won't hesitate to throw you out, Snow."

That was the last thing Anastasia uttered before storming inside the house.

Did she just admit that she liked my food?

Wait, did she just say my name?

She knows my name.

My mate knows my name and has just said it.

Blood rushed to my face, feeling flustered and delighted, completely ignoring the part when she said she would kick me out if she smelled my scent again in the house.

I need to try using moonflower spray more.


it's the next morning, my second day in the packhouse, and here I am again in the kitchen with Claire, cooking and talking about random topics before getting interrupted by a beta.

She seems to be 5'5 feet, has blond hair, bronze skin, blue eyes, and she is slim.

" Hey, Claire. Don't mind me, I'll just take something to boost my energy because I need it for my later activity." The beta girl spoke while peeling a banana and eating it with a sly smirk on her face after she winked at Claire who chuckled lowly " Where are the others, Regina?"

Claire's question seemed to piss off the beta girl whose name is Regina apparently " I don't know and I don't care. Did you have to mess up my mood, Claire? See you later. I need to get prepared."

She cried out angrily and left after she threw the banana peel at Claire who laughed at her and smoothly caught the peek in a blink of an eye and dumped it in the trash can like a professional basketball player " I hate this whore."

" Hey, don't say that. It's not very nice." I hate these words.

Most people use them against omegas and women for almost anything nowadays.

It's not even cool to humiliate other people with these terms.

Claire looked at me and patted my shoulder " I didn't say anything wrong. She really is a whore."

Then she went back to cooking and carried on talking " She is one of the head alpha's play toys. So I'm not trying to be mean or something, just stating the obvious. Offering your body to someone whom you know is just using you for their lust. It's giving hoe behavior."

Does Claire mean that Regina is one of the people my mate has slept with?

I know she meant that, but I didn't want to believe that I had just met someone who touched my mate intimately.

I gulped the lump in my throat, it stung in my chest.

" How many people had the alpha slept with?" I questioned, because I needed to know, even though I know I am just harming myself more.

Claire hummed while resting her back on the counter, remembering something " Honestly, I don't know, but since the alpha turned 23 years old, each time she gets her rut, she invites a group of three or four betas to get through it. Regina always comes to the packhouse and ends up getting kicked out by the head alpha unless she comes when the alpha is on her rut."

My eyes widened as I stared blankly at the wall, a group of betas? every time she gets her rut which means every month for the past two years.

" I know right? Like I don't know how the alpha can't be satisfied just by one person." She paused to gasp as she remembered something " Some of these betas get hospitalized after the alpha's rut is done."

Claire chuckled in the end " I mean she's strong in every way you could think of. Imagine being the reason why someone goes to the hospital because you fucked them so hard."

I just listen to Claire without saying anything.

It's not fun to know that your fated mate fucks a bunch of people every month for the past two years.

It's not fun at all.

" Whenever a beta passes out, she goes to another one until all her rut waves are over. True bloods are a different breed, buddy." Claire spoke, I can tell that she is quite impressed by how the alpha could fuck all these people at once.

I want to take my brain out of my head and delete everything I heard.

You know what's worst is the fact that I don't have the right to be upset because I am the one hiding from her.

" Is the alpha on her rut? Is that why that beta girl said she is getting prepared and needs an energy boost?" I asked, hoping and wishing and begging that the answer would be no.

Claire hummed, giving me the answer that I didn't want to hear " Yes."

So this is why Anastasia wasn't okay yesterday.

I could not smell her rut yesterday probably because she got it during her sleep or maybe this morning.

That makes sense.